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单词 超常
释义 〔can〕since it requires the pupil to distinguish explicitly between what is possible and what is allowed,a difference not always apparent to younger children.And even in later life,observance of the distinction is often advisable in the interests of clarity.Thus, the sentenceStudents can take no more than three courses allows the possibility that a student who is unusually capable may take more, whereasStudents may take no more than three courses does not. · The use ofcan to express permission is better tolerated in negative questions, as inCan't I have the car tonight? probably because the alternative contractionmayn't is felt to be awkward. 由于这要求学生清楚地区分可能的和得到许可的两者之间的差异,而这对小孩子们常常是不太明显的。并且在其今后的生活中,为明确起见,体会这种差异常常是很可取的。因此,句子学生们可以选修不超过三门的课程 给能力超常的学生学更多的课程提供了可能性, 然而学生们只能选修不超过三门的课程 则不能提供这种可能性。 can 的用法更可用于否定疑问句中表示许可, 如 我今晚不能使用这车吗? , 或许是由于可替代的缩写mayn't 感觉起来有些笨拙的缘故 〔mixture〕Creative genius is a compound made up of exceptional intellect and superior imagination. Acomposite usually lacks the unity of a compound since the components may not wholly lose their identities: 创造性的天才是超常的智力和出众想象力的结合。 Composite 通常缺乏一个合成物的整体, 因为其成分可能不会全部失去他们的性质: 〔glaucoma〕Any of a group of eye diseases characterized by abnormally high intraocular fluid pressure, damaged optic disk, hardening of the eyeball, and partial to complete loss of vision.青光眼:一种眼疾,症状是眼内液体压力超常的高,眼膜受损,眼球硬化,部分以至完全丧失视力〔artist〕A person whose work shows exceptional creative ability or skill:高手,能手:一个工作展示超常创造力或技巧的人:〔genius〕A person of extraordinary intellect and talent:天才:有超常智力和能力的人:〔paranormal〕Beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation:超政党的,超常的,超自然的:超出自然规律和科学可解释的范围的:〔supernormal〕Paranormal.超出一般的:超常〔overcorrect〕To correct something to an excessive or unusual degree.纠正过度:对某事的纠正达到了过度或超常的程度〔reach〕To make an excessive effort, as in drawing a conclusion or making a joke; overreach.操之过急,骤下结论:例如为得出答案或编一个笑话等而付出超常的努力;做力不能及之事〔flight〕An exuberant or transcendent effort or display:飞跃,奔放:极度的或超常的努力或显示:〔genius〕Extraordinary intellectual and creative power.高智力:超常的智力和创造力〔rank〕from Old English [strong, overbearing] * see reg- 源自 古英语 [强烈的,超常的] * 参见 reg- 〔superhuman〕Beyond ordinary or normal human ability, power, or experience:超常的:超乎正常人或正常人的能力、力量或经验的:〔loopy〕"the loopy energy of Harpo Marx"(Michael Wood)“汉普·马克思超常的精力”(迈克尔·伍德)〔supernormal〕Greatly exceeding the normal or average but still obeying natural laws.超常的:超出一般但仍遵循自然法则的〔rank〕Yielding a profuse, often excessive crop; highly fertile:极度肥沃的:生长出茂密乃至超常植物的;极其肥沃的:〔psychic〕Capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception and mental telepathy.通灵的:能够进行超常心理活动的,比如超感知觉和心灵感应〔strange〕from Old French estrange [extraordinary, foreign] 源自 古法语 estrange [超常的,外来的] 〔bonus〕 Bonus usually applies to money in excess of what is normally received or strictly due,given especially in recognition of superior effort or achievement or as a share in profits: Bonus 通常用来指在正常所得或严格规定之外多出的钱,特别是作为对超常的努力或成就的一种认可或利润的分享: 〔honor〕Special recognition for unusual academic achievement:优等成绩奖:对超常学术成绩的特别承认:




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