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单词 足以
释义 〔speak〕To speak loud enough to be audible.清楚响亮地说:用足以被听见的声音说〔speaking〕Friendly enough to exchange superficial remarks:泛泛之交:足以进行肤浅的交流而结成的友谊:〔range〕A stove with spaces for cooking a number of things at the same time.火炉:一种足以同时煮很多东西的炉子〔walk〕The gait of a quadruped in which at least two feet are always touching the ground, especially the gait of a horse in which the feet touch the ground in the four-beat sequence of near hind foot, near forefoot, off hind foot, off forefoot.四足动物步法:至少两只脚总是接触地面,尤指马的步法,四足以四拍的方式踏地,顺序为左后脚,左前脚,右后脚,右前脚〔strong〕"It was enough to place horror upon the stoutest heart in the world" (Daniel Defoe).“世界上最有意志的人都足以感到害怕” (丹尼尔·笛福)。〔annoy〕Vex applies to an act capable of arousing anger or perplexity: Vex 指一种足以引起别人生气或困惑的行为: 〔ponderable〕Considerable enough to be weighed or assessed; appreciable:可衡量的,可估量的:足以被称或估价的;可估量的:〔effectual〕Producing or sufficient to produce a desired effect; fully adequate.See Synonyms at effective 有效的:能产生或足以产生预定效果的;完全充足的 参见 effective〔annoy〕Her behavior was enough to provoke an angel.她的行为足以让天使发怒。〔acceptable〕Adequate to satisfy a need, requirement, or standard; satisfactory.可接受的,合意的:足以满足需求、要求或标准的;令人满意的〔extraditable〕an extraditable crime.一个足以被引渡的罪行〔extraditable〕Making liable to extradition:足以被引渡的:〔independent〕a person of independent means.一个拥有足以过舒适生活的财产的人〔satisfy〕To conform to the requirements of (a standard or rule); be sufficient to (an end).符合要求:达到(标准或规则)的要求;足以达到(目标)〔privity〕A relation between parties that is held to be sufficiently close and direct to support a legal claim on behalf of or against another person with whom this relation exists.当事人的相互关系:当事人之间关系密切、直接到足以支持对代表或紧靠这种关系中另一方的法律要求的关系〔pavis〕A medieval shield large enough to protect the whole body.大盾,护身罩:中世纪时足以用来保护整个身体的护罩〔heavy〕Large enough to fire powerful shells:巨型的:大得足以发射威力巨大的炮弹的:〔Jewess〕Like the feminine forms of other ethnic terms, such asNegress, the wordJewess has come to be widely regarded as offensive, since it seems to imply that the conjunction of Jewishness and female sex is sufficient to establish a distinct racial or social category.Where reference to gender is relevant,the phraseJewish woman can be used: 象其它种族名词的阴性形式一样,如Negess , 单词Jewess 已被普遍地当作一种无礼的用法, 因为它看来似乎是犹太人和女性的结合就足以形成一个独特的种族和社会类别。为了表达与性别相关时,词组Jewish woman 可以这样用: 〔earsplitting〕Loud and shrill enough to hurt the ears.See Synonyms at loud 极响的:声音过于响亮刺耳足以伤及耳朵的 参见 loud〔independent〕Providing or being sufficient income to enable one to live without working:足以过温饱生活的:提供或具有足够的财产使某人无须劳动就可生活的:〔obstinate〕"two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder" (W.E.B. Du Bois).“两种相对立的理想在这黑人心里,单是他这种固执的力量就足以使它免于被分开” (W.E.B.杜·波依斯)。〔adequate〕Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need.See Synonyms at sufficient 足够的:足以满足要求或需求的 参见 sufficient〔enough〕Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate:充足的:足以满足需要或愿望的;充足的:〔rink〕A section of a bowling green large enough for holding a match.草地滚球场:面积巨大足以举行比赛的一块保龄球草场〔plus〕"At 70 plus,[he] is old enough to be metaphysical" (Anatole Broyard)“在七十岁的年龄,[他] 已经老得足以在那倚老卖老、谈弄玄虚了” (阿纳托尔·布鲁瓦亚尔)〔redeem〕The low price of the clothes dryer redeems its lack of special features.这种甩干机虽缺少某些功能,但其价格之低足以弥补其不足〔outlive〕To continue in use or existence long enough to survive (something else):度过…而存在:继续使用或存在到足以比(别的事物)长:〔care〕It is true that a close examination of the syntax of the phraseI could care less reveals that it ought by rights to mean something like "I care more than I might,” rather than "I don't care at all.” But while the illogicality of a phrase may be reason enough for excluding it from formal writing,this illogicality cannot be invoked as grounds for keeping it out of the colloquial language,particularly when the phrase is itself an expression of casual indifference.See Usage Note at cannot 对短语I could care less 的句法的仔细研究揭示,该短语按理应有类似“我极其在意,甚于我应该做的”的意思,而不表示“我一点儿也不介意”,这一点确凿无疑。 但是,尽管由于一个短语有不合逻辑性的含义,也许这一点足以使其不合逻辑的用法被排除在正式文体之外;这不合逻辑性却不能被援引作为把它排除在口语用法之外的根据,尤其是当该短语本身只是一个非正式的或随意的表达语时 参见 cannot〔competence〕Sufficient means for a comfortable existence.相当的收入:足以过舒适生活的收入〔dornick〕A stone small enough to throw from a field being cleared.小石头:从被清理的土地中足以扔出的小石头




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