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单词 身体
释义 〔attention〕A military posture, with the body erect, eyes to the front, arms at the sides, and heels together.立正姿势:一种军人的姿势,身体直立,目视前方,手臂置于身体两侧,脚跟并拢〔caudad〕Toward the tail or posterior end of the body; caudally.向后地:向尾部或身体后端;尾部地〔head〕The uppermost or forwardmost part of the body of a vertebrate, containing the brain and the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and jaws.头部:脊椎动物身体的最高部或最前部,包括大脑、眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴和下颌〔arm〕At such a distance that physical or social contact is discouraged:保持距离:以这样一个距离不鼓励身体的或社交的接触:〔psychogenesis〕Development of a physical disorder or illness resulting from psychic, rather than physiological, factors.精神起因:一种由心理因素而不是生理因素引起的身体机能失调或疾病〔puppet〕A figure having jointed parts animated from above by strings or wires; a marionette.木偶:由身体各部分相连接组成的用线或绳子操纵的形象;牵线木偶〔middle〕The middle part of the human body; the waist.身体的中部;腰部〔worm〕Any of various invertebrates, as those of the phyla Annelida, Nematoda, Nemertea, or Platyhelminthes, having a long, flexible, rounded or flattened body, often without obvious appendages.虫:几种无脊椎动物中的一种,如环节动物门、线虫类、纽形动物或扁形动物门,有长的、柔软的、圆的或扁平的身体,经常没有明显的附属肢体〔carry〕To hold and move (the body or a part of it) in a particular way:举动:以一种特殊的方式支持和移动(身体身体的一部分):〔attitude〕A position of the body or manner of carrying oneself:姿势,姿态:身体或行为的姿态:〔stroke〕A single completed movement of the limbs and body, as in swimming or rowing.一划:关节和身体的一次完整运动,如游泳或划船中〔louse〕pl. lice[līs] Any of numerous small, flat-bodied, wingless biting or sucking insects of the orders Mallophaga or Anoplura, many of which are external parasites on various animals, including human beings.【复数】 lice[līs] 虱,寄生虫:无数小的,身体扁平,没翼的咬人吸血昆虫,其中许多是多种动物的外部寄生物〔position〕The arrangement of body parts; posture:姿势:身体各部位的位置安排;姿势:〔separate〕"His head was nearly severed from his body" (H.G. Wells). “他的头几乎从他的身体脱离” (H·G·韦尔斯)。 〔disseminated〕Spread over a large area of a body, a tissue, or an organ.散布的,播散的:散布到身体、组织或器官的大片区域〔wolverine〕A solitary, burrowing carnivorous mammal(Gulo gulo) of northern forest regions, related to the weasel and having a heavyset body, short legs, and dark fur with a bushy tail. Also called carcajou ,glutton ,skunk bear 貂熊,狼獾:北部森林地区一种单独生活的穴居食肉哺乳动物(月轮鼬 獾属) ,跟黄鼠狼有关,具有健壮的身体、短腿和带有浓密尾巴的黑毛皮 也作 carcajou,glutton,skunk bear〔huddle〕To draw or curl one's limbs close to one's body; crouch.缩在一起,蹲:把四肢收拢或抱紧身体;蜷曲〔midline〕A medial line, especially the medial line or plane of the body.中线:中央的线,尤指身体的中线或中央的平面〔epithelium〕Membranous tissue composed of one or more layers of cells separated by very little intercellular substance and forming the covering of most internal and external surfaces of the body and its organs.上皮:由一层或几层被极少细胞间质分隔的细胞构成的膜状组织,包着身体和器官的内外表面〔asana〕Any of various bodily positions assumed in yogic excercise.打坐:瑜伽功各种身体姿势之一〔discus〕A small, brilliantly colored South American freshwater fish(Symphysodon discus) that has a disk-shaped body and is popular in home aquariums. 七彩神仙鱼:产于南美的一种色彩艳丽的小型淡水鱼(七彩神仙鱼) ,身体呈圆盘状,而且是一种很受欢迎的家养观赏鱼 〔cerebellum〕The trilobed structure of the brain, lying posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata and inferior to the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, that is responsible for the regulation and coordination of complex voluntary muscular movement as well as the maintenance of posture and balance.小脑:脑的三裂叶状组织,位于脑桥和延髓之后脑半球的枕叶下面,负责调节和协调复杂的自发肌肉运动,同时负责保持身体姿势的平衡〔oarfish〕A widely distributed marine fish(Regalecus glesne) having a slender, silvery body up to 11 meters (36 feet) in length, a bright red dorsal fin along its entire length, and an undulating motion in swimming resembling that of a snake. 皇带鱼:一种广为分布的海鱼,(皇带鱼 皇带鱼属) 有银色的纤细身体,不超过11米(36英尺)长,亮红色的背鳍和整个身体一样长,其游水起伏的动作象蛇一样 〔yellowbird〕Any of various yellow or mostly yellow birds, such as the goldfinch or the yellow warbler.黄鸟:一种身体为黄色或大部分呈黄色的鸟,如金翅雀或黄莺〔sensual〕Of, relating to, given to, or providing gratification of the physical and especially the sexual appetites.See Synonyms at sensuous 肉感的:属于、关于、给予、或提供身体而且尤其是性欲的满足 参见 sensuous〔set〕The carriage or bearing of a part of the body.支撑:身体某部的支撑或承载〔bodily〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the body.肉体的:身体的,与身体相关的或属于身体〔metastasis〕A secondary cancerous growth formed by transmission of cancerous cells from a primary growth located elsewhere in the body.转移瘤:继发性癌肿,由从生长在身体别处的初期癌肿转移来的癌细胞形成〔form〕The body or outward appearance of a person or an animal considered separately from the face or head; figure.形体,身材:动物或人除脸或头外的身体或外貌;身材〔obturator〕An organic structure, such as the soft palate, that closes an opening in the body.闭孔肌:器官性构造,如软腭,用以关闭身体开口〔chin〕To pull (oneself) up with the arms while grasping an overhead horizontal bar until the chin is level with the bar.做单杠:抓住高过头顶的水平杠用手臂将(身体)拉上直到下巴与杠水平〔contour〕The outline of a figure, body, or mass.轮廓:形体、身体或大块物体的轮廓〔twinge〕A sharp, sudden physical pain.See Synonyms at pain 剧痛:剧烈、突然的身体疼痛 参见 pain〔animism〕The belief in the existence of spiritual beings that are separable or separate from bodies.精神存在论:对可脱离或脱离身体的精神存在的信仰〔gesture〕A motion of the limbs or body made to express or help express thought or to emphasize speech.手势,姿势:身体或四肢的动作,以表达或帮助表达想法或强调所说的话〔octopus〕Any of numerous carnivorous marine mollusks of the genusOctopus or related genera, found worldwide. The octopus has a rounded soft body, eight tentacles with each bearing two rows of suckers, a large distinct head, and a strong beaklike mouth. Also called devilfish 章鱼:像章鱼 这一类或相关种类的食肉海洋软体动物,在世界各地都有发现。章鱼有圆形的柔软身体,八个触脚,每个触脚带有两排吸盘,巨大而分明的头,强大的鸟形嘴 也作 devilfish〔fire〕A fever or bodily inflammation.发烧或身体发炎〔sleep〕A natural, periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost, so that there is a decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimuli. During sleep the brain in human beings and other mammals undergoes a characteristic cycle of brain-wave activity that includes intervals of dreaming.睡眠:意识和身体的自然的、周期性的休息状态,在这种状态中,眼睛通常闭上,意识全部或部分地丧失,身体活动减少,对外界刺激的反应减少。人类和其它哺乳动物在睡眠期内大脑经历一种特有的脑电波活动循环,其中有做梦时的间歇〔razorback〕A semiwild hog of the southeast United States, having a narrow body with a ridged back.尖背半野猪:一种产于美国东南部的半野猪,身体瘦小,脊背突出〔pygidium〕The posterior body region or caudal segment of certain insects and other invertebrates.尾节,尾板:特定昆虫以及其他无脊椎动物的后部的身体或尾部




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