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单词 轻松
释义 〔riddance〕"Compeyson took it easy as a good riddance for both sides"(Charles Dickens)“康姆派森轻松地认为,它对双方都是一个很好的解脱”(查尔斯·狄更斯)〔talkative〕 Glib refers to fluent, easy, and smooth speechthat often suggests shallowness, lack of sincerity, or questionable motives: Glib 指流利、轻松和平滑的谈话,这种谈话常常暗示着浅薄、缺乏诚意或值得怀疑的动机: 〔while〕To spend (time) idly or pleasantly:消磨:闲散或轻松地消磨时间:〔ease〕Readiness or dexterity in performance; facility:灵巧,方便:轻松或灵巧的表演;简易之事:〔comfortable〕Cozy evokes the image of a warm room in winterand suggests homey and reassuring ease: Cozy 唤起冬天温暖居室的印象,并使人联想起家庭似的安心轻松〔bronchodilator〕A drug that widens the air passages of the lungs and eases breathing by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle.支气管扩张剂:一种可加宽肺里空气通道的药物,并通过放松支气管的平滑肌来使呼吸轻松〔life〕An easy life.轻松舒适的生活〔XML〕A metalanguage written in SGML that allows one to design a markup language, used to allow for the easy interchange of documents on the World Wide Web.XML语言,延伸标记语言:采用SGML语言(标准通用标记语言)格式并可设计标记语言的定义语言,藉此可在万维网上轻松交换文件〔remainder〕will spend the remainder (or rest ) of the day relaxing. 要轻松地度过一天中剩下的时光(或者 rest ) 。 〔disport〕To amuse oneself in a light, frolicsome manner.自娱,嬉戏:以轻松、快乐的方式自娱〔gravy〕Money, profit, or benefit easily or illicitly gained.非法获得的金钱:轻松获得或非法获得的金钱,利润或好处〔leaven〕To pervade with a lightening, enlivening, or modifying influence.充斥影响力:用轻松、活泼或变更的影响力来充斥〔mellow〕Slightly and pleasantly intoxicated.微醉的:因微醉而感到轻松和愉快的〔flow〕To proceed steadily and easily:顺畅:稳健而轻松地进行:〔badinage〕Light, playful banter.戏谑:轻松逗弄的玩笑〔slip〕To cause to move in a smooth, easy, or sliding motion:使顺利滑动:使…以平稳、轻松或滑行的动作移动:〔rose〕Directing this play has been all roses since the new producer took over.自从新制作人接手后,导演这部戏剧变得很轻松〔comfortable〕These words mean affording ease of mind or body.这些单词意味着给身心提供轻松〔easy〕took the easy way out of her problems; wasn't satisfied with easy answers.轻松地解决了她的问题;不满足于轻易可取的答案〔comfort〕A condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being, and contentment.愉快:快乐轻松、安宁和满意的条件或感觉〔respire〕To breathe easily again, as after a period of exertion or trouble.松口气:重新轻松地呼吸,如经历了一个费力或困难的阶段后〔lightness〕Ease or quickness of movement; agility.动作的轻松或迅速;敏捷〔freedom〕Ease or facility of movement:行动自如:轻松并熟练的动作:〔easily〕In an easy manner; with ease.轻松地:以一种轻松的方式;轻松自如地〔ease〕The condition of being comfortable or relieved.舒适,轻松:安适或放松的状态〔Hydra〕A persistent or multifaceted problem that cannot be eradicated by a single effort.难以根绝的祸患:难以轻松解决的、头绪多的、复杂的问题〔cool〕To calm down; relax.冷静下来;轻松〔casual〕a casual evening with friends.与朋友的轻松聚会〔zingy〕"The times are good. The living is easy. The vibes are zingy"(Saturday Review)“时代很好。生活轻松。感情上的共鸣令人愉快而激动”(星期六评论)〔adagio〕agio [ease] from Old Provençal aize agio [轻松] 源自 古普罗旺斯语 aize 〔jog〕"while his life was thus jogging easily along"(Duff Cooper)“他的生活就这样轻松闲散地度过”(达夫·库珀)〔comfortable〕not comfortable about the interview.对于会见并不感到轻松〔home〕Free of tension or stress, usually after expending considerable effort:轻松:摆脱紧张和压力,尤指竭尽全力后:〔banter〕Good-humored, playful conversation.轻松、幽默的谈话〔comfort〕To ease physically; relieve.放松:身体轻松;解除(忧愁)〔chew〕To talk together in a friendly, leisurely way; chat at length.聊天:友好轻松地一起交谈;很长时间地聊天〔cool〕on the contrary, his demeanor is easy and nonchalant.相反,他的举止轻松而无动于衷。〔intelligent〕Bright implies quickness or ease in learning: Bright 指学习迅速或轻松〔pregnancy〕Her second pregnancy was easy.她第二次怀孕很轻松〔persiflage〕Light good-natured talk; banter.嘲弄,说笑:轻松和善的谈话;开玩笑




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