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单词 辛辣
释义 〔forgetful〕Fortunately for the author, he was soon oblivious of the vitriolic criticism. Sometimes the term implies lack of awareness: 幸运的是,就作者而言,他很快就忘了这些辛辣的评论。 有时这个词含有缺少意识的含义: 〔radish〕The pungent root of this plant, eaten raw as an appetizer and in salads.萝卜:这种植物辛辣的根部,生食用作开胃品或拌色拉〔heat〕A burning sensation in the mouth produced by spicy flavoring in food.辛辣:由食物调味料产生的口中的伤灼感〔slashing〕Bitingly critical or satiric:不客气的:辛辣的批评或讽刺的:〔acrid〕Caustic in language or tone.言词刻薄的,辛辣〔Bierce〕American writer whose caustic wit and sense of realistic horror characterize his works, includingIn the Midst of Life (1891-1892) and The Devil's Dictionary (1906). 比尔斯,安布罗斯·格威纳特:(1842-1914?) 美国作家,其作品特色为辛辣诙谐,有现实色彩的恐怖惊险,包括《在生命中》 (1891-1892年)和 《魔鬼的字典》 (1906年) 〔ketchup〕A condiment consisting of a thick, smooth-textured, spicy sauce usually made from tomatoes.调味番茄酱:含有粘稠且质地平滑的辛辣酱的调味品,通常用番茄制成〔piquant〕Pleasantly pungent or tart in taste; spicy.辣味的,开胃的:尝起来辛辣但美味的;佐料多的〔Anaheim〕A cultivar of the tropical pepperCapsicum annuum having long, tapering, mildly pungent green or red fruit. 阿拉罕辣椒,长辣椒:热带辣椒的培育品种甜椒 ,具有渐细的、绿色至红色的长型果实,略带辛辣 〔capsicum〕The fruit of any of these plants, especially the dried pungent types used as a condiment and in medicine.辣椒:辣椒属植物的果实,尤指辛辣的干辣椒,用作调味品,也可作药用〔incisive〕an incisive and piquant style of writing;锋利、辛辣的写作风格;〔mole〕A spicy sauce of Mexican origin, made with unsweetened chocolate and a variety of chilies and spices and usually served with meat or poultry.墨西哥巧克力辣沙司:一种源自墨西哥的辛辣调味酱,是由未加甜味的巧克力和各种干辣椒及调味品制成,通常给肉或家禽等菜肴调味〔peppergrass〕Any of several plants of the genusLepidium, especially the North American species L. virginicum, having small white flowers and pungent foliage and seeds. Also called peppercress ,pepperwort 独行菜:一种植物,属十字花科 ,尤指北美洲的 独行莱属 ,有小白花和辛辣的簇叶与种子 也作 peppercress,pepperwort〔cubeb〕A tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine(Piper cubeba) having spicy, berrylike fruits, heart-shaped leaves, and small flowers in cylindrical spikes. 荜澄茄:一种产于东南亚的热带灌木状藤本植物(胡椒属 毕澄茄) ,结有辛辣的、浆果状的果实,生有心形的叶子并开柱形穗状小花序 〔bitter〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "unpleasantly sharp or pungent in taste or smell": 这些形容词共有的中心含义是“在味道上或味上令人不快的,辛辣的或刺激的”: 〔pepper〕The podlike fruit of any of these plants, varying in size, shape, and degree of pungency, with the milder types including the bell pepper and pimiento, and the more pungent types including the cherry pepper.豆荚状胡椒:任何一种有豆荚状果实的此类植物,大小、形状和辛辣程度不等,味道较温和的包括花椒和西班牙辣椒,较刺激的有樱桃椒〔crottin〕A pungent cheese made of goat's milk and formed into small disks.克罗汀乳酪:一种用山羊奶制成的小圆片状的辛辣乳酪〔kava〕Tongan [acrid, kava] 汤加语 [辛辣的,卡法酒] 〔sarcastic〕These adjectives mean having or marked by a feeling of bitterness and a biting or cutting quality.这些形容词表示带有辛辣的感觉和尖刻的或尖酸的意味,或是以这种感觉为特征的。〔diatribe〕A bitter, abusive denunciation.谩骂:一种辛辣的、谩骂性的斥责〔caper〕A pickled flower bud of this plant, used as a pungent condiment in sauces, relishes, and various other dishes.刺山果花蕾:这种植物带刺的花蕾,用作调味汁、调味剂和各种菜肴味道强烈的辛辣调味品〔pungent〕Penetrating, biting, or caustic:穿透性的、辛辣的或刻薄的:〔watercress〕A pungent perennial Eurasian herb(Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum) of the mustard family, growing in freshwater ponds and streams and used in salads and as a garnish. 水田芥,豆瓣菜:十字花科的一种辛辣多年生欧亚草本植物(豆瓣菜 豆瓣菜属) ,生长于淡水池塘和水流中,用在色拉中和作装饰物 〔diable〕from diable [devil] 源自 diable [加有辛辣调味品的菜肴] 〔answer〕To retort is to answer verbally in a quick, caustic, or witty manner: 词 retort 指用迅速、辛辣或机智的口头方式回答:〔mustard〕Any of various Eurasian plants of the genusBrassica, especially B. nigra and B. juncea, which are cultivated for their pungent seeds. 芥菜:欧亚大陆芸苔属 中的各种植物的一种,特别是 棕芥 和 芥菜 (因其辛辣的种子而被栽培) 〔racy〕Strong and sharp in flavor or odor; piquant or pungent.辛辣的:味道或气味强烈、刺鼻的;刺激的或刺鼻的〔mastic〕The aromatic resin of the mastic tree, used especially in varnishes, lacquers, adhesives, and condiments and as an astringent.乳香树脂:乳香黄连木的带芳香味的树脂,多用于作清漆、中国漆、粘合剂、辛辣调味品以及收敛剂〔peppery〕Of, containing, or resembling pepper; sharp or pungent in flavor.胡椒的,辛辣的:属于、包含或象胡椒的;味道辛辣〔agree〕Spicy food does not agree with me.辛辣食物不合我的胃口〔hot〕Causing a burning sensation, as in the mouth; spicy:辛辣的:引起火辣辣的感觉的,如在嘴里;辛辣刺激的:〔acrolein〕A colorless, flammable, poisonous liquid aldehyde, CH2CHCHO, having an acrid odor and vapors irritating to the eyes. 丙烯醛:一种无色、易燃、有毒的液体乙醛,CH2CHCHO,含有刺激眼睛的辛辣气体 〔hot〕hot peppers; a hot curry.辛辣的胡椒粉;辛辣的咖喱粉〔poignant〕Sharp or sour to the taste; piquant.辛辣的:味道辣或酸的;辛辣而刺激的〔poignant〕Sharp or pungent to the smell.浓烈的:气味辛辣或浓烈的〔keen〕Pungent; acrid:辛辣的;尖刻的:〔salty〕Witty; pungent:俏皮的;辛辣的:〔spicy〕Piquant; zesty:辛辣的;有滋味的:〔tart〕Having a sharp, pungent taste; sour.See Synonyms at sour 具有辛辣、强烈的味道;酸的 参见 sour〔acrid〕Unpleasantly sharp, pungent, or bitter to the taste or smell.See Synonyms at bitter 辣的,苦的,刺激的:令人不愉快的辛辣,苦的,尤指味道或气味 参见 bitter




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