单词 | 辩解 |
释义 | 〔plea〕An allegation offered in pleading a case.请愿:为案件辩护时提出的辩解〔apology〕The central meaning shared by these nouns is "a statement that justifies or defends something, such as a past action or a policy": 这些名词共有的中心意思是“为某事物,如过去的行为、政策辩解或辩护而作的声明”: 〔consensus〕Many grammarians have maintained that the expressionconsensus of opinion is redundant, inasmuch asconsensus itself denotes a judgment about which there is general agreement. Consensus of opinion has often been used by reputable writers, however, and has sometimes been defended on the grounds that a consensus may involve attitudes other than opinions;thus, one may speak of aconsensus of beliefs, or a consensus of usage. Nonetheless, the qualifying phrase can usually be omitted with no loss of clarity.The sentenceIt was the consensus of opinion among the sportswriters that the game should not have been played says nothing that is not said by 许多语法学家都认为短语consensus of opinion 这个说法是罗唆的, 因为consensus 本身就表示一种得到大多数同意的意见。 然而consensus of opinion 仍常常被知名作家所使用, 并且有时人们会辩解说它除了意见上的一致外可能还包括态度上的一致;因此,我们可以说consensus of beliefs(信仰一致) 或 consensus of usage(用法一致)。 尽管这样,限定性短语通常可以被省略而不会使表达不清楚。如体育新闻记者们的一致意见是这场比赛本不应该进行的 这个句子并不比 〔take〕To put forth or adopt as a point of argument, defense, or discussion.提出,采纳:提出或采纳…作为争论、辩解或讨论的一个论点〔command〕The governor directed the attorney general to investigate allegations of police corruption.州长指示总检察长调查警察腐败的辩解之词。〔apologize〕To make a formal defense or justification in speech or writing.辩解,辩护:以口头或书面形式作的正式辩解或辩护〔apology〕offered a defense based on ignorance of the circumstances;以对情况一无所知为由而作的辩解;〔excuse〕To explain (a fault or an offense) in the hope of being forgiven or understood:辩解,托词:希望被原谅或理解而解释(过失或冒犯):〔counterplea〕A plaintiff's reply to a defendant's plea or counterclaim; an answering plea.答辩:告对于被告的辩解或反控诉的回答;答辩〔excuse〕She excused herself for being late.她为她的迟到辩解〔apologetic〕Justifying or defending in speech or writing.书面辩解,口头辩护:书面或口头辩解或辩护的〔plead〕To make or answer an allegation in a legal proceeding.抗辩,答辩:在法律程序中作出或进行辩解〔apologist〕A person who argues in defense or justification of something, such as a doctrine, a policy, or an institution.辩解者,辩护士:为某事物,如教义、政策或制度而辩解或辩护的人〔explain〕tried to explain himself. Toelucidate is to throw light on something complex: 试图为他自己辩解。 Elucidate 意思是解释说明复杂的事物: 〔explanation〕That was supposedly the explanation for their misdeeds.那可能是为他们的罪行进行的辩解〔alibi〕Alibi (noun) in its nonlegal sense of "an excuse" is acceptable in written usage to almost half of the Usage Panel.As an intransitive verb (they never alibi ), it is unacceptable in written usage to a large majority of the Panel.Alibi (名词)作为没有法律意义的“借口”解释时, 差不多半数以上的用法使用小组成员认为其书面用法是可以接受的。而作为不及物动词(they never alibi(他们从不为自己辩解) ), 用法使用小组中的大多数人不接受其书面用法〔excuse〕He arrived late and excused his tardiness in a flimsy manner.他来晚了,而且还以薄弱的借口来辩解他的迟到〔inexcusable〕Impossible to excuse or justify; unpardonable:不可原谅的:不能宽恕或不能找借口辩解的;不可宽恕的:〔estoppel〕A bar preventing one from making an allegation or a denial that contradicts what one has previously stated as the truth.禁止反言,禁止翻供:陪审团禁止某人为他以前已经陈述的事实进行否定或辩解〔break〕They couldn't break my alibi.他们不能证明我案发时不在现场的辩解不实〔explain〕To offer reasons for or a cause of; justify:辩解:为…提供原因或理由;为…辩护:〔pleading〕pleadings The consecutive statements, allegations, and counterallegations made in turn by plaintiff and defendant, or prosecutor and accused, in a legal proceeding. pleadings 起诉状,答辩状:在法律程序中,分别由原告、被告或检举人和被检举人所做的连续的供述、辩解和反辩解〔plead〕To assert as defense, vindication, or excuse; claim as a plea:以…为辩解,以…为理由:作为辩护、答辩或理由提出;作为答辩声明:〔hard〕Under the circumstances, he was hard put to explain himself.在这种情况下,他很难为自己辩解〔justification〕The act of justifying.辩解,辩明,辩护:证明为正当的行为〔alibi〕To make an excuse for oneself.辩解:为自己找的借口〔allege〕To assert without or before proof:辩解,声称:在没有证据或得到证据之前宣称:〔apology〕a version of the story that is an apologia for malfeasance;为渎职辩解的小说译本; |
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