单词 | 辩论 |
释义 | 〔Chesterton〕British writer and critic known for his Roman Catholicism and his conservative political views. His works include essays, a series of detective novels featuring Father Brown, and volumes of criticism and polemics.切斯特顿,吉尔伯特·基思:(1874-1936) 英国作家和批评家,信仰罗马天主教,政治观点保守。他的著作包括散文,一系列以布朗神父为主角的侦探小说以及几卷评论及辩论文集〔impregnable〕an impregnable argument.无懈可击的辩论〔acrimonious〕an acrimonious on-air exchange between the candidate and the anchorperson.候选人与节目主持人通过无线电广播进行的言词尖刻的辩论〔agitate〕To arouse interest in (a cause, for example) by use of the written or spoken word; debate.热烈讨论,辩论:用书面或口头的话激起兴趣(如对于一项事业);争论〔controversy〕A dispute, especially a public one, between sides holding opposing views.See Synonyms at argument 争论,辩论:在持相反观点两方之间进行的(尤指公开的)争论或辩论 参见 argument〔peremptory〕Putting an end to all debate or action:断然中止:停止所有的辩论或活动:〔go〕The governor will go to the mat with the legislature over the controversial spending bill.总督将就有争议的开支法案同立法机关辩论到底〔go〕To fight or dispute until one side or another is victorious:不见输赢不罢手:战斗或辩论直至一方胜利为止:〔Ottawa〕A city of north-central Illinois southwest of Chicago. It was the site of the first Lincoln-Douglas debate (1858). Population, 17,451.渥太华:美国伊利诺斯州中北部城市,位于芝加哥西南,是林肯与道格拉斯第一次辩论的所在地(1858年)。人口17,451〔quodlibet〕A theological or philosophical issue presented for formal argument or disputation.微妙的争论点:被提出来供正式争论或辩论的神学或哲学命题〔joke〕In a sally at the end of the debate the candidate elicited much laughter from the audience.在辩论结束时候加入的一句俏皮话引起了听众的大笑。〔sophistry〕Plausible but fallacious argumentation.诡辩,似是而非的推论:貌似合理但实际错误的辩论〔polemic〕A controversial argument, especially one refuting or attacking a specific opinion or doctrine.辩论,激烈的争辩:一场争辨性的讨论,尤指用来驳倒或攻击某一特定观点或信条的争论〔Belonger〕"Resentment for what many Belongers consider Britain's parsimonious attitude has rekindled a 13-year-old debate in the islands"(Maclean's)“许多贝隆格人对英国的吝啬态度所怀有的不满重新引起了岛内一场十三年的辩论”(麦克莱恩)〔proof〕A statement or an argument used in such a validation.证词,证言:用于这种证实的陈述或辩论〔controversy〕The act or practice of engaging in such disputes:争辩:进行这种争论或辩论的行为或实践:〔prolepsis〕The anticipation and answering of an objection or argument before one's opponent has put it forward.预辩法:预料和应答对方可能提出的反对或辩论〔wrangle〕An angry, noisy argument or dispute.争吵:愤怒的、吵闹的争论或辩论〔debate〕To engage in a formal discussion or argument.See Synonyms at discuss 正式讨论:参与正式的讨论或辩论 参见 discuss〔debate〕To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.辩论(通过讨论对立的观点)〔labored〕a labored style of debating.矫揉造作的辩论风格〔debate〕A discussion involving opposing points; an argument.辩论:关于相反观点的讨论;争辩〔deliberative〕Assembled or organized for deliberation or debate:审议的:被聚集起来或组织起来进行商议的或辩论的:〔discuss〕The candidates agreed to debate the campaign issues face to face.候选人都同意就竞选问题进行面对面的辩论。〔opponent〕One that opposes another or others in a battle, contest, controversy, or debate.对手:在争论、辩论、战争、对抗或其它口头论战中反对对方或其他人的人〔discuss〕 contend is to strive in debate or controversy: Contend 指极力争论或辩论: 〔agon〕The part of an ancient Greek drama, especially a comedy, in which two characters engage in verbal dispute.辩论:古希腊戏剧的一部分,尤指喜剧中涉及两个人物的口头争辩〔dispute〕To engage in discussion or argument; debate.See Synonyms at discuss 辩论,争论:参加讨论或争论;辩论 参见 discuss〔polemics〕The practice of theological controversy to refute errors of doctrine.争辩学:运用神学上的辩论来驳倒谬信的做法〔disputation〕The act of disputing; debate.争论;辩论:争论的行为;讨论〔setup〕A contest prearranged to result in an easy or faked victory.假比赛:预先安排导致轻易或虚假取胜的辩论〔illusory〕"Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy"(Tom Wicker)“总统私下采取行动,给人这样一个虽诱人但却是虚幻的承诺:似乎总统可以避开冗长的辩论和公开表决这些繁复的民主成果,来达到外交政策的目的。”(汤姆·威克)〔volley〕The hailstones volleyed down. Charges and countercharges volleyed through the courtroom.冰雹纷纷而下。在法院里控方和反控方如连珠炮式的辩论〔polemicize〕To write or deliver an argument; engage in disputation or controversy.发表辩论文,参加辩论:写作或发表一篇辩论;从事争论或辩论〔sophist〕One skilled in elaborate and devious argumentation.诡辩者,诡辩家:擅长于精心策划的辩论或欺骗性辩论的人〔Douglas〕American politician who served as U.S. representative (1843-1847) and senator (1847-1861) from Illinois. He proposed legislation that allowed individual territories to determine whether they would allow slavery (1854) and in the senatorial campaign of 1858 engaged Abraham Lincoln in a famous series of debates.道格拉斯,斯蒂芬·阿诺德:(1813-1861) 美国政治家,曾任过来自伊利诺斯州的美国众议员(1843-1847年)和参议员(1847-1861年)。曾主张立法准许各州自主决定是否实行奴隶制(1854年),在1858年的上院论战中与亚伯拉罕·林肯进行了一系列著名的辩论〔sophist〕A professional philosopher and teacher, especially one belonging to a group of fifth-centuryb.c. Greek philosophers who specialized in dialectic, argumentation, and rhetoric and who were often known for their elaborate and specious arguments. 智者派,诡辩派:职业哲学家或教师,尤其指属于公元前 5世纪的一群专攻辩证法、辩论术以及修辞法的希腊哲学家,他们常以其精彩巧妙和似是而非的辩论而闻名 〔brief〕A document containing all the facts and points of law pertinent to a specific case, filed by an attorney before arguing the case in court.诉讼要点,案情摘要:包含与案件有关的所有证据、论点的文件,由律师出庭辩论时提出〔eristic〕The art or practice of disputation and polemics.辩论术:争论和辩论的艺术与技能〔argue〕To put forth reasons for or against; debate:争论:为…提出理由或提出理由反对;辩论: |
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