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单词 边疆
释义 〔Gorky〕A city of western Russia on the Volga River west of Kazan. Founded as a frontier post in 1221, it was formerly famous for its trade fairs. Maksim Gorky was born here, and the city was renamed in his honor in 1932. Population, 1,399,000.高尔基,尼兹尼·诺夫戈罗德:俄罗斯西部一城市,在伏尔加河边,喀山的西边。作为一个边疆据点形成于1221年,以前曾以商业贸易而著名。马克西姆·高尔基就诞生在这儿,1932年为纪念他这座城市改名。人口1,399,000〔march〕The border or boundary of a country or an area of land; a frontier.边疆:一个国家或一片土地的边界或边境;边疆〔inviolable〕fortifications that made the frontier inviolable.边疆上牢不可破的防御工事〔Bingham〕American painter noted for his portraits and genre paintings of the American frontier.宾厄姆,乔治·迦勒:(1811-1879) 美国画家,以其肖像画和美国边疆风俗画而著称〔borderland〕Land located on or near a frontier.边疆,边境:位于或靠近边界的土地〔Cather〕American author who wrote about frontier life. Her novelOne of Ours (1922) won a Pulitzer Prize. 凯瑟,威拉·锡伯特:(1873-1947) 描写边疆开拓生活的美国作家。其小说《我们中的一员》 (1922年)获普利策文学奖 〔Carson〕American frontiersman who was the renowned guide of John C. Frémont's western expeditions in the 1840's, an agent for the Ute (1853-1861), and a Union general in the Civil War.卡森,克里斯托夫:(1809-1868) 美国边疆开拓者,1840年间约翰·C·弗来门的西部远征队的著名向导,犹特人的一个代理人(1853-1861年),内战期间担任联邦军队的将军〔Noricum〕An ancient country and province of the Roman Empire south of the Danube River in present-day Austria west of Vienna. It was incorporated into the Roman Empire in the first centuryb.c. and prospered as a frontier colony until it was overrun by Germanic peoples in the fifth century a.d. 诺里克姆:古代国家,罗马帝国的一个省,位于多瑙河南岸,即今天奥地利维也纳西部。公元前 1世纪被并入罗马帝国,作为一个边疆殖民地而繁荣,直到 公元 5世纪被德意志人侵占 〔Hickok〕American frontier scout and marshal whose law enforcement exploits against Western outlaws are the subject of folk legends.希科克,詹姆斯·巴特勒:(1837-1876) 美国边疆保安官、执法官,他执法如山,勇斗西部歹徒的事迹成为民间传奇的主题〔Miles〕American general who led frontier campaigns against Native Americans.迈尔斯,纳尔逊·阿普尔顿:(1839-1925) 美国将军,曾领导反对美洲土著人拓展边疆的战争〔Turner〕American historian who emphasized the importance of the frontier in American history.特纳,弗雷德里克·杰克逊:(1861-1932) 美国历史学家,曾强调边疆在美国历史的重要性




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