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单词 迁移
释义 〔Seminole〕A Native American people made up of various primarily Creek groups who moved into northern Florida during the 18th and 19th centuries, later inhabiting the Everglades region as well, with present-day populations in Oklahoma and southern Florida. The Seminole Wars ended in the removal of the majority of the Seminoles to Indian Territory.西米诺尔:由各个早期的克里克部落组成的北美印第安人,从18到19世纪迁入佛罗里达州北部,后来也居住在埃弗格莱兹地区,现在居住在俄克拉荷马州和佛罗里达州南部。西米诺尔战争结束后大部分西米诺尔人迁移到印第安准州〔oriental〕"Oriental immigration"(S.I. Hayakawa)“向东方国家迁移”(S.I.早川一会)〔Oklahoma〕A state of the south-central United States. It was admitted as the 46th state in 1907. First explored by the Spanish, it was opened to settlement in 1889. The western part was organized in 1890 as the Oklahoma Territory, which was merged with the adjoining Indian Territory to form the present state boundaries. The Dust Bowl of the 1930's forced many farmers to move west as migrant laborers. Oklahoma City is the capital and the largest city. Population, 3,157,604.俄克拉荷马州:美国中南部的一个州。它于1907年被接纳为美国的第46个州。西班牙人首先探察了这一地区,在1889年它对外开放,允许外来人居住。1890年,其西部地区组成俄克拉荷马地区,它与印第安地区合并构成了现在的俄克拉荷马州。20世纪30年代的干旱尘暴迫使许多农民向西迁移成为流动劳工。俄克拉荷马城是其首府和最大的城市。人口3,157,604〔remove〕To transfer or convey from one place to another:迁移:从一个地方转移到另一个地方:〔migrant〕One that moves from one region to another by chance, instinct, or plan.移民,移居者:偶然地、本能地或有计划地从一个地区迁移到另一个地区的人〔migrate〕To move from one country or region and settle in another.移居,迁徙:从一个国家或地区迁移到另一个国家或地区定居〔eloign〕To take (oneself) to a distance.迁移:把(自己)迁往远处〔Scot〕A member of the ancient Gaelic tribe that migrated to the northern part of Britain from Ireland in about the sixth centurya.d. See Usage Note at Scottish 盖尔人:古代盖尔人部落的成员,大约在公元6世纪左右从爱尔兰迁移到英国的北部地区 参见 Scottish〔passage〕A movement from one place to another, as by going by, through, over, or across; transit or migration.通过:从一处到另一处的移动,如经过、穿过、越过或横穿;转移或迁移〔Creek〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern Alabama, southwest Georgia, and northwest Florida and now located in central Oklahoma and southern Alabama. The Creek were removed to Indian Territory in the 1830's.克里克族:一个早先居住在美国亚拉巴马州东部、乔治亚州西南部及佛罗里达州西北部的印第安族,现分布于俄克拉荷马州中部和阿拉巴马州的南部。克里克族在19世纪30年代被迁移至印第安保护区〔contract〕Many once prosperous northern mill towns have shrunk as industry has moved to the South.因为工业迁移到了南方,许多一度繁荣的北方磨坊小镇都减小了规模。〔migrant〕Latin migrāns migrant- [present participle of] migrāre [to migrate] * see migrate 拉丁语 migrāns migrant- migrāre的现在分词 [迁移] * 参见 migrate〔interregional〕interregional migration; interregional banking.地区间的迁移;跨地区银行业〔migrant〕An itinerant worker who travels from one area to another in search of work.流动工人:不断从一地迁移到另一地寻找工作的流动工人〔Gypsy〕A person who moves from place to place as required for employment, especially:尤指出于工作原因,而到处迁移的人〔migration〕The act or an instance of migrating.迁移,移居:迁移的行为或实例〔migrate〕To change location periodically, especially by moving seasonally from one region to another.迁移,移栖:定期变换所在地,尤指季节性地从一地迁移到另一地〔relocate〕relocated the business; plan to relocate in the suburbs.重新安置商业活动;计划迁移到郊区〔Cheyenne〕A Native American people, divided after 1832 into the Northern and Southern Cheyenne, inhabiting respectively southeast Montana and southern Colorado, with present-day populations in Montana and Oklahoma. The Cheyenne became nomadic buffalo hunters after migrating to the Great Plains in the 18th century and figured prominently in the resistance by Plains Indians to white encroachment.夏延部落:一支美洲土著部落,1832年之后分裂为北夏延部落和南夏延部落,分别居住在蒙大拿州东南部和科罗拉多州南部,现在主要分布在蒙大纳州和俄克拉荷马州。在18世纪夏延部落迁移到大平原地区之后成了捕猎水牛的游牧部落,在平原印第安人抵抗白人入侵的斗争中异常勇猛〔migrate〕Migrate, which is used of people and animals, sometimes implies a lack of permanent settlement,especially as a result of seasonal or periodic movement.Emigrate and immigrate are used only of people and imply a permanent move,generally across a political boundary.Emigrate describes the move relative to the point of departure: Migrate 用于人和动物, 有时含有缺乏永久的居住地之意,尤指出于季节性或定期迁移这两个原因。Emigrate 和 immigrate 仅用来指人, 意味着永久性的迁移,一般指越过政治意义上的疆界。Emigrate 的含义与离开有关: 〔transhumance〕from transhumer [to move livestock seasonally] 源自 transhumer [季节性地迁移牲畜] 〔Delaware〕A group of closely related Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the Delaware and Hudson river valleys and the area between, with present-day populations in Oklahoma, Kansas, Wisconsin, and Ontario. The Delaware formed a variety of political alliances in their westward migration after losing their lands to white settlement in the 17th and 18th centuries.特拉华人:一群与早期居住在特拉华河河谷和哈得孙河河谷及其之间的地区的美国印第安人有亲缘关系的人。现今人口分布在俄克拉荷马州、堪萨斯州、威斯康星州和安大略州。17和18世纪期间,特拉华人在土地被白人殖民者夺走后向西迁移,在此过程中他们结成了各种政治联盟〔move〕To change the place or position of:迁移:使改变位置或地位:〔removal〕Relocation, as of a residence or business.迁移:重新安置,如住宅或生意的搬迁〔remove〕removed the family to the West Coast.把家迁移到西海岸〔trek〕Fans ofStar Trek and others may be interested to know that the wordtrek originally had to do with a slow journey by a very different mode of transportation, a wagon drawn by oxen. Trek was borrowed into English in South Africa, where the word was used by speakers of Afrikaans for a journey by ox wagon.The British, who at the turn of the century were to seize control of South Africa from the descendants of the original Dutch settlers,borrowed the wordtrek during the 19th century. Trek is recorded earliest in 1822 in the compound trektow, "a rope joining the wagon pole and the yoke to which oxen were fastened.”Trek in this compound is either the noun or the stem of the corresponding verb in Afrikaans, trekken. The earliest recorded use of the noun by itself is found in 1849,where it means "a stage in a journey by ox wagon.”The word has long since migrated from South African into general English—and into space travel.电影星际旅行 的影迷们和其他人可能很有趣知道: trek 这个词原来与一种非常与众不同的运输方式,即用牛拉马车所进行的一种很慢的旅行有关。 Trek 这个词在南非被借入英语, 在南非讲南非荷兰语的人用来指用牛车所进行的旅行。英国人在19世纪和20世纪之交从荷兰拓居者的后裔那里夺取了对南非的控制权,他们在19世纪借用了trek 这个词。 Trek 的最早记录在1822年出现于复合词 trektow 中, 其意指“连接车辕和系牛车轭的绳子”。Trek 在这个复合词中既作名词又作为其在南非荷兰语的对应动词 trekken 的词干。 这个词最早作为名词使用的记载是在1849年,那时这个词的意思是“一段用牛车进行的旅程”。这个词很早就从南非迁移到了一般的英语中,并且进入了星际旅行之中〔electrophoresis〕The migration of charged colloidal particles or molecules through a solution under the influence of an applied electric field usually provided by immersed electrodes. Also called cataphoresis 电泳:在通常由浸没电极提供的电场的作用下,带电胶粒或分子在流体中的迁移 也作 cataphoresis〔migratory〕Characterized by migration; undergoing periodic migration:移居的,迁移的:以迁移为特征的;定期迁移的:〔Aswan〕A city of southern Egypt at the First Cataract of the Nile River near theAswan High Dam. Construction of the dam, dedicated in 1971, required the relocation of some 90,000 people and numerous archaeological treasures. The city's population is 182,700. 阿斯旺:埃及南部一城市,位于尼罗河第一瀑布,阿斯旺水坝附近。 于1971年举行的水坝落成式,需迁移90,000人及大量考古学珍藏。该城人口182,700 〔greasy〕In the Southern states the adjectivegreasy and the verb grease are pronounced with a (z) rather than with an (s) sound. This pronunciation is so stable and so characteristic of Southern dialectsthat dialect scholars use it to trace the migration of Southern speakers into other dialect areas,such as southern Indiana.在美国南部各州,形容词greasy 和动词 grease 都按(z)发音而不是(s)。 这一发音是如此稳定和具备南方特色,以至于方言学家用其来追踪讲南方方言者到其它方言区,如南印第安纳的迁移〔move〕Going from one place to another:迁移不定的:从一个地方到另一处的:〔transplant〕To transfer from one place or residence to another; resettle or relocate.迁移:从一个地方或住所移到另一个地方或住所;重新安居或安置〔transferee〕One who is transferred.被调动或迁移的人或物〔migration〕A group migrating together.移民群,移栖群,洄游鱼群:一起迁移的几个群体〔phenology〕The scientific study of periodic biological phenomena, such as flowering, breeding, and migration, in relation to climatic conditions.物候学,物候现象:研究与气候条件有关的周期性生物现象的科学,如开花、繁殖和迁移〔ferninst〕Ferninst, meaning "opposite, next to, against,” has been attributed to Irish English, brought over during the peak years of Irish immigration to the United States in the mid-19th century. However, other, earlier citations with various spellings date further back: "I walked with them to a room nearly fornent the old state-house" (Davy Crockett). These variant forms are traceable to the American colonial period, when the source of ferninst was probably Scotland or other parts of the British Isles. The term is now dying out; Craig M. Carver, in his book American Regional Dialects, reports that "only nine [ DARE ] informants, all well over sixty-five years of age, used this term.” A derived noun ferninster, meaning "someone who is deliberately contrary,” is also used: "The trouble with the Republican leaders in Congress . . . is that they are just ferninsters" (William Allen White). Ferninst 的意思是“在…对面、附近或旁边,”该词曾被认为属于爱尔兰英语,是19世纪中期爱尔兰人迁移到美国的高峰期带来的。然而,其它或更早的不同拼写的引证可追溯到更远: “我和他们走到几乎正对着那个旧客舱的一个屋子里” (戴维克·罗克特)。这些不同的形式可追溯到美国殖民时期, ferninst 的起源可能是苏格兰或英国小岛的其他部分。这个词条现在消失了;克瑞格·M·卡文,在他的书 美国地区方言 中记述了“仅九个[ 美国方言 资料提供者,年纪都已过了六十五岁,用这个词条”。派生的名词 ferninster, 意思是“故意相反的人,”也用于: 共和党领导在议会中的麻烦…是因为他们只是些自相矛盾的人 (威廉·艾伦·怀特) 〔exosmosis〕The passage of a fluid through a semipermeable membrane toward a solution of lower concentration, especially the passage of water through a cell membrane into the surrounding medium.外渗,浸出:液体通过半透膜向低浓度区的迁移,尤指水通过细胞膜进入周围生活环境〔Crow〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting an area of the northern Great Plains between the Platte and Yellowstone rivers, now located in southeast Montana. The Crow became nomadic buffalo hunters after migrating west from the Missouri River in North Dakota in the 18th century.克劳族:一个原先居住于大平原北部普拉特河和黄石河之间某个地区的印第安民族,现分布在美国蒙大纳州的东南部。克劳族在18世纪由北达科他州的密苏里河向西迁移以后,成为一个猎捕野牛的游牧民族〔swarm〕A group of bees with a queen bee in migration to establish a new colony.See Synonyms at flock 1蜂群:由蜂王带领迁移到别处建立一新据点的一群蜜蜂 参见 flock1〔Diaspora〕diaspora A dispersion of an originally homogeneous people. diaspora 移居:原本同一种族人群的迁移




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