单词 | 迅速地 |
释义 | 〔assent〕They readily assented to our suggestion.他们迅速地同意了我们的建议。〔short〕Abruptly; quickly:突然地;迅速地:〔fast〕In a rapid manner; quickly.快速地;迅速地〔gobble〕To eat greedily or rapidly.贪食:贪婪或迅速地吃〔vanish〕To pass out of sight, especially quickly; disappear.See Synonyms at disappear 消失,突然不见:从视线中消失,尤指迅速地消失;消失 参见 disappear〔abscond〕To leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid arrest or prosecution.潜逃,逃亡:秘密而迅速地离开且隐藏自己,常为躲避逮捕或迫害〔haste〕left the room in haste;迅速地离开房间;〔readily〕In a prompt, timely manner; promptly.敏捷地:以一种快速及时的方式地;迅速地〔summary〕Performed speedily and without ceremony:即刻的,立即的,简单化的:迅速地进行且没有过多的仪式的:〔flit〕To move quickly from one condition or location to another.See Synonyms at flutter 突然换位:迅速地从某一种状态或位置转入到另一状态或位置 参见 flutter〔jackrabbit〕To move or begin to move rapidly or suddenly:迅速移动:突然迅速地移动或开始移动:〔skitter〕To move rapidly along a surface, usually with frequent light contacts or changes of direction; skip or glide quickly:飞掠,滑行:沿着一个表面迅速地移动,通常带有频繁的轻轻接触或方向的改变;飞快地跳跃或滑过:〔snip〕To cut, clip, or separate (something) with short, quick strokes.剪:短的,迅速地砍、裁或(将某物)分开〔speed〕To go, move, or proceed quickly:急行,赶快去:迅速地离开、移动或前进:〔polish〕To finish or dispose of quickly and easily.迅速地完成:很快且轻易地做完或抛掉〔slip〕To put on or remove (clothing) easily or quickly:轻易的穿脱(衣物):容易地或迅速地穿上或脱下(衣服):〔overrun〕To spread swiftly throughout:流行于:迅速地遍布:〔sound〕To dive swiftly downward. Used of a whale or fish.突然迅速地潜入深水用于指鲸鱼或其他鱼〔gridlock〕"the political gridlock that prevented . . . the President and Congress from moving expeditiously to cut the budget"(Robert D. Hormats)“目前政局的僵持局面使总统和国会都不能迅速地采取行动以削减预算”(罗伯特D.霍马茨)〔fleet〕To move or pass swiftly.急驰:迅速地移动或经过〔allegro〕In a quick, lively tempo, usually considered to be faster than allegretto but slower than presto. Used chiefly as a direction.愉快地(的)、迅速地(的):以快而活泼的速度,通常被认为比小快板快但比急板慢。主要用作演奏演唱指示〔flash〕"On the French coast, the light/Gleams, and is gone; the cliffs of England stand,/ Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay" (Matthew Arnold). Totwinkle is to shine with quick, intermittent flashes or gleams: “在法国海滩上,光微弱地闪动着,然后消失了;英国的山崖耸立在宁静的海湾边,微微闪光,巨大无比” (马修·阿诺尔德)。Twinkle 就是迅速地、间歇地发光或闪亮: 〔lash〕To beat or swing rapidly:迅速摇动:迅速地击打或摇晃:〔Yokohama〕A city of southeast Honshu, Japan, on the western shore of Tokyo Bay. It was a small fishing village when Matthew Perry visited it in 1854 but was chosen as a site for foreign settlement in 1859 and grew rapidly thereafter. Almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake and fire in 1923, it was quickly rebuilt and modernized. The city is now a leading port and an industrial center. Population, 2,992,644.横滨:日本本州东南一城市,位于东京湾西岸。1854年马修·派瑞访问该地时还是一个小渔村,但在1859年被选为外国人的定居点,此后迅速地发展起来。1923年在一场地震和大火中几乎全部被毁,但很快重建并现代化,现在是一个重要的港口和工业中心。人口2,992,644〔pitch〕To succeed in choosing or achieving, usually quickly:选出,决定,选定:成功且常是迅速地选定或实现:〔snip〕To cut or clip with short, quick strokes.剪:短的,迅速地过行砍、裁〔zip〕To act or proceed swiftly and energetically:迅速地做:迅速而有力地行动或进行:〔break〕To make a sudden, quick advance, as through obstruction or opposition.突破,穿过:冲破障碍突然、迅速地前进〔unhesitating〕Prompt to act, move, or express oneself; ready:不犹豫的;及时的:迅速地行动、活动或表示自己;准备好的:〔skitter〕Probably frequentative of dialectal skite [to run rapidly] 可能为 方言 skite的重复 [迅速地跑] 〔lash〕The alligator lashed its tail in the water.鳄鱼在水中迅速地摆动着尾巴〔jump〕To move discontinuously or change after a short period:迅速地转换:不连贯地移动或短时间内的转变:〔put〕To state so as to be understood clearly or accepted readily:使被理解:陈述以使被清楚地理解或迅速地接受:〔hotfoot〕In haste.急忙地,迅速地〔sweep〕To wipe out at a single stroke. Often used withaway : 迅速地毁灭。常与away 连用: 〔dispatch〕To complete, transact, or dispose of promptly.迅速处理:迅速地完成、处理或分配〔lash〕To move swiftly or violently; thrash:迅速甩动:迅速地或剧烈地运动;猛烈摆动:〔snatch〕To grasp or seize hastily, eagerly, or suddenly.抢夺:迅速地、急切地或突然地握住或夺走〔jab〕To punch with short blows.击,打:迅速地快击〔zap〕To move swiftly; zoom.快速移动:迅速地移动;急遽上升 |
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