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单词 过去分词
释义 〔ablation〕from Latin ablātus [past participle of] auferre [to carry away] 源自 拉丁语 ablātus auferre的过去分词 [带走] 〔pointillism〕from Latin pūnctum [from neuter past participle of] pungere [to prick] * see peuk- 源自 拉丁语 pūnctum 源自pungere的中性过去分词 [刺,戳] * 参见 peuk- 〔superlative〕lātus [past participle of] ferre [to carry] * see telə- lātus ferre的过去分词 [带] * 参见 telə- 〔genital〕from genitus [past participle of] gignere [to beget] * see genə- 源自 genitus gignere的过去分词 [引起,产生] * 参见 genə- 〔sustentation〕from sustentātus [past participle of] sustentāre [to support] * see sustentacular 源自 sustentātus sustentāre的过去分词 [支持] * 参见 sustentacular〔strait〕from Latin strictus [past participle of] stringere [to draw tight] * see streig- 源自 拉丁语 strictus stringere的过去分词 [使缩紧] * 参见 streig- 〔compost〕from Latin compositum [mixture] [from neuter past participle of] compōnere [to put together] * see component 源自 拉丁语 compositum [混合] 源自compōnere的中性过去分词 [归并] * 参见 component〔shodden〕A past participle of shoe shoe的过去分词〔passive〕from passus [past participle of] patī [to suffer] * see pē(i)- 源自 passus patī的过去分词 [遭受] * 参见 pē(i)- 〔eversion〕from ēversus [past participle of] ēvertere [to overturn] * see evert 源自 ēversus ēvertere的过去分词 [翻覆] * 参见 evert〔mat〕possibly from *maditus [past participle of] madēre [to be wet] 可能源自 *maditus madēre的过去分词 [成为湿的] 〔jury〕from Anglo-Norman juree [from feminine past participle of] jurer [to swear] 源自 英法语 juree 源自jurer的阴性过去分词 [宣誓] 〔rappee〕From French (tabac) râpé [grated (tobacco)] [past participle of] râper [to grate] 源自 法语 (tabac) râpé [捏出来的(烟草)] râper的过去分词 [捏,卷] 〔gite〕from Old French giste [from feminine past participle of] gesir [to lie] * see gist 源自 古法语 giste 源自gesir的阴性过去分词 [躺] * 参见 gist〔nondescript〕Latin dēscrīptus [past participle of] dēscrībere [to describe] * see describe 拉丁语 dēscrīptus dēscrībere的过去分词 [描写,描述] * 参见 describe〔alert〕erta [lookout] [from past participle of] ergere [to raise] from Latin ērigere * see erect erta [注意] 源自ergere的过去分词 [举起] 源自 拉丁语 ērigere * 参见 erect〔polite〕from Latin polītus [past participle of] polīre [to polish] * see polish 源自 拉丁语 polītus polīre的过去分词 [除去缺点,使完美] * 参见 polish〔circumduction〕from circumductus [past participle of] circumdūcere [to lead around] 源自 circumductus circumdūcere的过去分词 [导向环绕] 〔sprung〕A past tense and the past participle of spring spring的过去式和过去分词〔bespoken〕A past participle of bespeak bespeak的过去分词〔douche〕from ductus [past participle of] dūcere [to lead] * see deuk- 源自 ductus dūcere的过去分词 [引导] * 参见 deuk- 〔jetty〕from Old French jetee [from feminine past participle of] jeter [to project, throw] * see jet 2源自 古法语 jetee 源自jeter的阴性过去分词 [投掷,扔] * 参见 jet2〔surmise〕from Old French surmise [feminine past participle of] surmettre 源自 古法语 surmise surmettre的阴性过去分词 〔meritorious〕from meritus [past participle of] merēre [to earn] * see merit 源自 meritus merēre的过去分词 [挣得] * 参见 merit〔cassation〕from cassātus [past participle of] cassāre [to annul] * see quash 1源自 cassātus cassāre的过去分词 [废除] * 参见 quash1〔prolate〕Latin prōlātus [past participle of] prōferre [to stretch out] 拉丁语 prōlātus prōferre的过去分词 [伸展] 〔puncture〕from pūnctus [past participle of] pungere [to prick] * see peuk- 源自 pūnctus pungere的过去分词 [刺,扎] * 参见 peuk- 〔tinnitus〕Latin tinnītus [from past participle of] tinnīre [to ring] 拉丁语 tinnītus 源自tinnīre的过去分词 [鸣响] 〔digest〕N., from Latin dīgesta [neuter pl. of] dīgestus [past participle of] dīgerere [to separate] 名词,源自 拉丁语 dīgesta dīgestus的中性复数 dīgerere的过去分词 [分离] 〔emeritus〕Latin ēmeritus [past participle of] ēmerērī [to earn by service] 拉丁语 ēmeritus ēmerērī的过去分词 [用服务来挣得] 〔diktat〕from Latin dictātum [from neuter past participle of] dictāre [to dictate] * see dictate 源自 拉丁语 dictātum 源自dictāre的中性过去分词 [命令] * 参见 dictate〔confederate〕from Late Latin cōnfoederātus [past participle of] cōnfoederāre [to unite] 源自 后期拉丁语 cōnfoederātus cōnfoederāre的过去分词 [联合] 〔reran〕Past tense and past participle of rerun rerun的过去式和过去分词〔enterprise〕from Old French entreprise [from past participle of] entreprendre [to undertake] 源自 古法语 entreprise 源自entreprendre的过去分词 [承担] 〔course〕from Latin cursus [from past participle of] currere [to run] * see kers- 源自 拉丁语 cursus 源自currere的过去分词 [跑] * 参见 kers- 〔ambuscade〕Old Italian imboscata [from feminine past participle of] imboscare [to ambush] 古意大利语 imboscata 源自imboscare的阴性过去分词 [伏击] 〔monition〕from monitus [past participle of] monēre [to warn] * see men- 1源自 monitus monēre的过去分词 [警告] * 参见 men- 1〔stress〕and partly from Old French estrece [narrowness, oppression] from Vulgar Latin *strictia from Latin strictus [past participle of] stringere [to draw tight] * see strait 并且部分源自 古法语 estrece [狭窄,压迫] 源自 俗拉丁语 *strictia 源自 拉丁语 strictus stringere的过去分词 [拉紧] * 参见 strait〔taken〕Past participle of take take的过去分词〔festinate〕Latin festinātus [past participle of] festināre [to hasten] 拉丁语 festinātus festināre的过去分词 [赶快]




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