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单词 过失
释义 〔blame〕The student failed the examination, but not through any fault of his teacher.这个学生考试不及格,但不是由于老师的过失〔unreproved〕Not rebuked for a fault or misdeed.受包庇的:未因一个过失或不端的行为受到批评的〔forgive〕To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon.原谅:容许失误或过失;原谅〔tort〕Damage, injury, or a wrongful act done willfully, negligently, or in circumstances involving strict liability, but not involving breach of contract, for which a civil suit can be brought.侵权行为:故意或过失进行造成损害、伤害或非法的行为,或虽未违反协议,但涉及严重责任,它可以引起民事诉讼〔penance〕An act of self-mortification or devotion performed voluntarily to show sorrow for a sin or other wrongdoing.苦行,苦修:一种自我禁欲或虔诚的行为,用来表示悔罪或对过失的赎罪〔purify〕To free from sin, guilt, or other defilement.给…赎罪,使纯洁:从罪恶、过失或其它玷污中解脱〔breach〕"The children shall not be punished for the father's transgression" (Daniel Defoe).As it refers to the breaking of a statute, “孩子们不应由于父亲的过失而受惩罚” (丹尼尔·笛福)。该词指破坏法令,〔pardon〕Exemption of a convicted person from the penalties of an offense or a crime by the power of the executor of the laws.赦免:由执法人员对已判有罪的犯人所做的对过失或罪行惩罚的免除〔pardon〕Allowance or forgiveness for an offense or a discourtesy:原谅,宽恕:对过失或鲁莽的宽容或原谅:〔give〕To attribute (blame, for example) to someone; assign.指派:把(如过失)归咎于某人;指派〔excuse〕To explain (a fault or an offense) in the hope of being forgiven or understood:辩解,托词:希望被原谅或理解而解释(过失或冒犯):〔blame〕The state of being responsible for a fault or an error; culpability.责备,谴责:对过失或错误的责任的状态;应受谴责的行为〔derogate〕an error that will derogate from your reputation.将有损你名誉的过失〔wrong〕The condition of being in error or at fault:错误,过失:处于错误或过失的状态:〔deviation〕regretted the aberrations of her early life;为她早年生活的过失感到懊悔;〔guardhouse〕A jail for the detention of military personnel guilty of minor offenses or awaiting court-martial.军人禁闭室:军队中拘禁犯有轻微过失的军人或等候军事宣判的军人的监牢〔accusation〕A charge of wrongdoing that is made against a person or other party.控告,指控:指控某人或其他诉讼当事人的过失〔debt〕An offense requiring forgiveness or reparation; a trespass.罪,过失:要求原谅或补偿的罪过;过失〔correction〕Something offered or substituted for a mistake or fault:改正物:为错误或过失提供的或代替错误或过失的东西:〔want〕A defect of character; a fault.缺点:人格上的缺点;过失〔perverse〕Obstinately persisting in an error or a fault; wrongly self-willed or stubborn.执拗的,刚愎的:顽固地坚持错误和过失的;错误地自以为是的或倔强的〔vindictive〕"He seemed to take a vindictive pleasure in punishing the least shortcomings" (Mark Twain). “对于最微小的过失的处罚,他似乎从中得到一种报复性的快感” (马克·吐温)。 〔demerit〕A mark made against one's record for a fault or for misconduct.记过:因某人的过失或行为不检点而在其档案中作的标记〔indictable〕an indictable offense.可能招致指控的过失〔pure〕Having no faults; sinless:无罪的,无邪的:没有过失的;无罪的:〔frailty〕A fault, especially weakness of resolution, arising from the imperfections of human nature.See Synonyms at fault 弱点:源于人性的缺点或过失,尤指意志不坚定 参见 fault〔sin〕Something regarded as being shameful, deplorable, or utterly wrong.See Synonyms at offense 过失:被认为可耻的、可悲的或完全错误的行为 参见 offense〔correct〕 Correct refers to eliminating faults, errors, or defects: Correct 指消除过失、错误或缺点: 〔blame〕Guilt applies to serious, willful breaches of conduct and stresses moral culpability: Guilt 适用于情节严重、故意的不良行为并强调道德上的过失〔nod〕To be careless or momentarily inattentive as if sleepy; lapse:过失:不小心或好象困了一时疏忽;失误:〔shake〕“[He] so shook Hollywood's tree that . . . all manner of . . . people called me unsolicited to itemize his mistakes or praise his courage" (Tina Brown)“[他] 是如此震动了好莱坞,以至于各界人士都主动打电话给我,数落他的过失或褒奖他的勇气” (蒂娜·布朗)〔wite〕Blame; fault.责备;过失,过错〔forgive〕"God may pardon you, but I never can" (Elizabeth I).Toexcuse is to pass over a mistake or fault without demanding punishment or redress: “上帝可能饶恕你,但我不能” (伊丽莎白一世)。Excuse 指的是容许错误或过失而不惩罚或弥补: 〔guilt〕The fact of being responsible for the commission of an offense.See Synonyms at blame 有罪:为犯下某一过失负有责任的事实 参见 blame〔demerit〕A quality or characteristic deserving of blame or censure; a fault.错处,过失:应受谴责或批评的品质或性格;过失




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