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单词 近些年来
释义 〔go〕Go has long been used to describe the production of nonlinguistic noises, as inThe train went "toot.” The cow goes "moo.” In recent years, however,younger speakers have extended this use ofgo to the report of speech, as inThen he goes, "You think you're real smart, don't you.” For speakers young enough to get away with it,this usage serves a useful purpose in informal spoken narrative as an explicit indicator of a direct quotation, particularly when the speaker wishes to mimic the accent or intonation of the original spoken source.Largely restricted to the "narrative present" used in vivid description,it is highly inappropriate in formal speech or writing.Go 很久以来用来描述非语言学上的发声, 如在火车发出“突突”声, 牛“哞哞”地叫。 然而,近些年来,年轻的演讲者把go 的这一用法运用到演讲报告中去了, 如在接着他说道,“你认为你 的确 聪明,是吗?” 。 由于年轻人太年轻了而被人们忽视了这一误用,这一用法在非正式口语中作为直接引语的明显的指示词起到十分有益的作用,尤其在说话者想模仿原口语材料的重音或语调时,这一作用更明显。主要用于生动形象的“描述”里,限于陈述句现在时中,在正式的演讲或书面语中十分不适用〔wean〕In recent yearsweaned on has come to be widely used in the sense "raised on,” as inMoviegoers weaned on the Star Trek TV series will doubtless find the film to their liking. A few critics have objected to this usage on the grounds thatwean refers literally to a detachment from a source of nourishment. But the process of weaning involves a substitution of some other form of nourishment for mother's milk;thus it is sometimes said that a child isweaned onto or on sugar water. Hence a sentence likePaul was weaned on Dixieland may suggest metaphorically that Paul's exposure to Dixieland began from the time he stopped nursing, that is, from a very early age. 近些年来weaned on 已经被广泛地用于“被…养大”的意义, 如此句看着 特莱克明星 电视连续剧长大的影迷会毫无疑问地发现这部电影对他们的胃口。 一些批评家反对这种用法的理由在于wean 原指脱离营养之源。 但是断奶的过程包含了以别种形式营养代替母乳;于是有时候我们说一个孩子断奶水 或 糖水。 因此句子如保罗是听着迪克西爵士乐长大的 可能暗喻地表示保罗从停奶的时候,也就是很早以前就听过迪克西爵士乐了 〔dialogue〕In recent yearsthe verb sense ofdialogue meaning "to engage in an informal exchange of views" has been revived, particularly with reference to communication between parties in institutional or political contexts.Although Shakespeare, Coleridge, and Carlyle used it,this usage today is widely regarded as jargon or bureaucratese.For example, 98 percent of the Usage Panel rejects the sentence 近些年来,dialogue 的“进行非正式的意见交换”的动词含意已经被修改了, 特别在指关于机构或政治方面党派之间的交往时。尽管莎士比亚,科尔里奇,卡莱尔用过它,但是今天这种用法普通被认为难懂或者是一种官腔。例如:百分之九十八的用法专题使用小组的成员拒绝这种句子 〔parameter〕In recent yearsparameter has become the archetype for the borrowing of scientific terms into general usage and as such has occasioned a good deal of skeptical comment.Some of its new uses can be justified as useful extensions of the technical senses of the word.For example, the provisions of a zoning ordinance that limit the height or density of new construction can be reasonably likened to mathematical parameters that establish the limits of other variables.Therefore one can properly sayThe zoning commission announced new planning parameters for the historic Lamping district of the city. But other uses suggest that the writer has not understood the technical senseand has chosen it primarily as a way of injecting an aura of scientific precision into what would otherwise be a pedestrian communication.Thus there is no semantic justification for usingparameter as a general substitute for characteristic, as inThe Judeo-Christian ethic is one of the important parameters of Western culture, an example found unacceptable by 80 percent of the Usage Panel. ·Some of the difficulties with nontechnical use ofparameter appear to arise from its resemblance to the word perimeter, with which it shares the sense "limit,” though the two words differ in their precise meaning.This confusion doubtless explains the use ofparameter in a sentence such as U.S. forces report that the parameters of the mine area in the Gulf are fairly well established, where the wordperimeter would have expressed the intended sense more exactly. This example of a use ofparameter was unacceptable to 61 percent of the Usage Panel. 近些年来,parameter 已成为一个从科技术语借用到普通用法的原形, 同时也引起了大量的怀疑批评。它的某些新用法可被看作是该词科技含义的有益扩展。例如,某一区域性法规中关于新建筑高度或密度的条文能被合理地与制定其它变量限度的数学参量进行比较。因而,人们当然可以说地区委员会公布了历史上该城有名的灯区新计划方案 。 但其它的一些用法说明说话人还没有理解它的科技含义,并且选用了这个词主要作为给将是普通交流的东西注入一些精确的科学气息的途径。因此,用parameter 作为 characteristic 的一般等价词毫无语义上的合理性, 如在犹太教与基督教的道德规范是西方文化中重要的限制因素 , 是80%的用法小组成员不接受的例子。Parameter 的非科技运用中的一些难点是由于它与 perimeter 都有“限制”的含义造成的, 尽管两个词的确切含义是不相同的。这种混淆无疑解释了parameter 在例如 美军报告说,海湾地雷区的环形防线设置得相当不错 的句子中的运用, 这里perimeter 可能会更确切地表达这种引申含义。 61%的用法小组成员不接受这个运用parameter 的例子 〔escape〕Traditionally,escape is used with from when it means "break loose" and with a direct object when it means "avoid.”Thus we might sayThe forger escaped from prison by hiding in a laundry truck, butThe forger escaped prison when he turned in his accomplices in order to get a suspended sentence. In recent years, however,escape has been used with a direct object in the sense "break free of": 按传统的惯例,escape 与 from 连用意指“脱逃、自由”, 当加直接宾语时意思为“逃避”。因此我们可以说那个伪造者通过藏在厨房的运货车中逃离了监狱, 但却不能说那个伪造者为了得到缓刑供出了他的同伙,因此他没有进监狱。 然而近些年来,escape 与直接宾语连用, 意为“逃脱自由”: 〔legend〕The wordslegend and legendary have come to be used in recent years to refer to any person or achievement whose fame promises to be particularly enduring, even if its renown is created more by the media than by oral tradition.Strictly speaking,there is nothinglegendary about the accomplishments of a major-league baseball star or the voice of a famous opera singer, since their accomplishments are documented in an extensive public record.But this new usage is common journalistic hyperboleand in such contexts is acceptable to 55 percent of the Usage Panel.近些年来,legend 和 legendary 这两个词已逐渐被用来指有希望成为享有持久名声的人物或成就, 即使它的名声是通过大众传媒炒作而不是人们口碑而取得的。从严格意义上说,对于棒球联合总会的棒球明星所取得的成绩或者一位著名的歌剧歌唱家的声音来说,根本就没有什么事情可以说是“传奇的” , 因为他们的成就广为人知。但是,这种新用法是一种很常见的新闻夸张手法。用法委员会中55%的人认为可以在这种上下文中使用〔methodology〕Methodology can properly refer to the theoretical analysis of the methods appropriate to a field of study or to the body of methods and principles particular to a branch of knowledge.In this sense,one may speak ofobjections to the methodology of a geographic survey (i.e., objections dealing with the appropriateness of the methods used) or of themethodology of modern cognitive psychology (i.e., the principles and practices that underlie research in the field). In recent years, however,methodology has been increasingly used as a pretentious substitute for method in scientific and technical contexts, as inThe oil company has not yet decided on a methodology for restoring the beaches. This usage may have been fostered in part by the tendency to use the adjectivemethodological to mean "pertaining to methods,” in as much as the regularly formed adjectivemethodical has been preempted to mean "orderly, systematic.” But the misuse ofmethodology obscures an important conceptual distinction between the tools of scientific investigation (properly methods ) and the principles that determine how such tools are deployed and interpreted—a distinction that the scientific and scholarly communities, if not the wider public,should be expected to maintain.Methodology 可指对一个学科的研究方法进行的理论分析, 也可指一个学科特有的一整套方法与步骤。在这种意义上,人们可以说对于一个地理调查所用方法提出的异议 (即,关于所用方法是否适当所提的异议), 也可以说现代认知心理学的研究方法 (即,形成一门学科的研究基础的原则和方法)。 然而,近些年来,在科学、技术语境中,methodology 越来越多地被用做颇带炫耀夸张色彩的 method 的替换词, 如说石油公司尚未决定恢复海滩环境的方法。 这种用法可能部分地起因于用形容词methodological 来表示“与方法有关的”意思的倾向, 因为用常规方法构成的形容词methodical 已先行意味着“有序的,有系统的”。 但是methodology 的这种错误用法模糊了一个重要的概念区分,那就是科学研究的方法(正确的说法应是 methods )和决定这些方法如何运用和阐释的原则之间的区分——这个区分, 如果不为更多的大众所认识,至少应为科学和学者圈子所坚持




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