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单词 远征
释义 〔Hall〕American explorer who led three expeditions to the Arctic (1860-1862, 1864-1869, and 1871).霍尔,查尔斯·弗朗西斯:(1821-1871) 美国探险家,曾三次远征北极(1860-1862,1864-1869和1871年)〔expeditionary〕Sent on or designed for military operations abroad:远征的:为在国外的军事行动而谋划或派遣的:〔anabasis〕A large-scale military advance, specifically the Greek mercenary expedition across Asia Minor in 401b.c. led by Cyrus the Younger of Persia, as described by Xenophon. It was unsuccessful, and the Greeks, led by Xenophon, retreated to the Black Sea. 长征:大规模军事进军,特别指《远征记》中色诺芬所描述的公元前 401年波斯的小居鲁士率领希腊佣兵穿过小亚细亚的远征远征很不成功,色诺芬率领的希腊人撤到了黑海 〔furnish〕Outfit suggests comprehensive provision of necessary items for a larger purpose, as for an expedition: Outfit 指为更大目标,如远征探险提供所有必需品: 〔Napier〕British general, civil engineer, and colonial administrator in India who also led military expeditions into Ethiopia and China.纳皮尔,罗伯特·科尔内利斯:(1810-1890) 英国将军、土木工程师和印度殖民总督。曾指挥军队远征埃塞俄比亚和中国〔raid〕The members of an army traveling on a particularroad to carry out a raid probably would not draw a connection between the two words.However,raid and road descend from the same Old English word rād. Theai in raid represents the standard development in the northern dialects of Old English long a, while theoa in road represents the standard development of Old English long a in the rest of the English dialects. Old Englishrād meant "the act of riding" and "the act of riding with a hostile intent; that is, a raid,”senses that no longer exist for our wordroad. It was left to Sir Walter Scott to revive the Scots formraid with the sense "a military expedition on horseback.”The Scots weren't making all the raids, however.Others seem to have returned the favor,for we find these words in the Middle EnglishCoventry Leet Book : "aftur a Rode . . . made uppon the Scottes at thende of this last somer.”The "Rode" was led by the non-Scottish Duke of Gloucester, who was later crowned as Richard III, and Henry Percy, Duke of Northumberland.一支部队的士兵在某条road (路)上行进以发动一场 raid (袭击), 这大概不会使这两个词之间产生什么联系。然而raid 和 road 这两个词源于古英语中的同一个词 rad 。 Raid 中的 ai 代表了古英语中北部发言中长 a 的标准发展, 而road 中的 oa 代表了其它地区古英语方言中长 a 的发展。 古英语中rad 的意思是“骑马的行动和出于敌意而骑马的行动; 也就是说,一次奇袭,”词意中不再有路 这个意思。 沃尔特·斯科特爵士又恢复了raid 这个词的苏格兰语形式, 其意思是“马上的远征”。然而,奇袭并不只是由苏格兰人发动。别人似乎也保留了对这个词的偏好,因为我们在中世纪英语的考文垂史料 中发现了这段话: “在去年夏末对苏格兰发动的奇袭之后…”。该“奇袭”是由后来被冠以查理三世的格洛斯特的非苏格兰公爵和诺森柏兰的亨利·珀西公爵领导的〔crusade〕Often Crusade Any of the military expeditions undertaken by European Christians in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Moslems. 常作 Crusade 十字军远征:在11、12或13世纪欧洲的基督教徒为了从穆斯林手中收复圣地而发动的军事远征〔Barents〕Dutch Arctic explorer who led several expeditions (1594-1597) in search of the Northeast Passage.巴伦支,威廉:(1550?-1597) 荷兰的北极探险者,为寻找东北航道曾率领过多次远征(1594-1597年)〔Henson〕American explorer who accompanied Peary on seven Arctic expeditions, including the 1909 expedition that claimed to have first reached the North Pole.汉森,马修·亚历山大:美国探险家,他曾经随皮尔里参加过七次极地远征探险,包括1909年宣称首度到达北极的探险〔hunt〕Those taking part in such an expedition or outing.参加狩猎旅行的人:参加这种远征或郊游的人〔Hudson〕English navigator and explorer who discovered (1609) the Hudson River on an expedition for the East India Company.哈得孙,亨利:(卒于 1611) 英国航海家和探险家,1609年在为东印度公司进行的远征中发现了哈得孙河〔crusade〕To engage in a crusade.参加十字军远征〔Braddock〕British general in America during the French and Indian War. He was mortally wounded during his unsuccessful expedition against Fort Duquesne (now Pittsburgh).布拉道克,爱德华:(1695-1755) 法印战争时期在美国服役的英国将军。在一次对杜奎森堡(今匹兹堡)失败的远征中他受了重伤〔Magellan〕Portuguese navigator. While trying to find a western route to the Moluccas (1519), Magellan and his expedition were blown by storms into the strait that now bears his name (1520). He named and sailed across the Pacific Ocean, reaching the Marianas and the Philippines (1521), where he was killed fighting for a friendly native king. One of his ships returned to Spain (1522), thereby completing the first circumnavigation of the globe.麦哲伦,费迪南德:(1480?-1521) 葡萄牙航海家。在试图找到一条向西通向摩鹿加群岛的航线时(1519年),麦哲伦和他的远征船队被风暴吹到了现在以他的名字命名的海峡(1520年)。他给太平洋命了名并且穿越了太平洋,到达马里亚纳群岛和菲律宾群岛(1521年),在那里在替一位友好的土著国王作战时被杀害。他船队中只有一条船回到了西班牙(1522年),从而完成了第一次环球航行〔Abbey〕American artist who illustrated editions of Herrick and Shakespeare and painted the muralQuest of the Holy Grail (1890-1902). 艾比,艾德温·奥斯丁:(1852-1911) 美国艺术家,为赫里克和莎士比亚的作品作插图,画了《圣杯的远征》 的壁画(1890-1902年) 〔hunt〕A hunting expedition or outing, usually with horses and hounds.狩猎旅行:远征或郊游狩猎,通常骑着马、带着猎犬〔Raleigh〕English courtier, navigator, colonizer, and writer. A favorite of Elizabeth I, he campaigned in Ireland and Cádiz, explored Guiana, colonized Virginia, and introduced tobacco and the potato to Europe. Convicted of treason by James I, he was released for another expedition to Guiana and executed after its failure. His literary works include poetry, memoirs, and a world history.罗利,沃尔特:(1552?-1618) 英国大臣,航海家,殖民者,作家。他是伊丽莎白一世的宠臣,曾在爱尔兰和卡迪兹活动,考察了圭亚那,在弗吉尼亚州移民,把烟草和马铃薯传入欧洲。詹姆斯一世时被判为叛国罪,获释后又到圭亚那进行了一次远征远征失败而被处死。他的文学著作包括诗歌、回忆录和世界历史〔Xenophon〕Greek soldier and writer. A disciple of Socrates, he joined Cyrus the Younger in an attack on Persia. After the death of Cyrus, Xenophon led the Greek troops to the Black Sea, an ordeal he recounted inAnabasis. 色芬尼:希腊士兵和作家。苏格拉底的门徒,在进攻波斯的战役中加入居鲁士二世的军队。居鲁士死后,色芬尼率领着希腊军队到了黑海,这次严峻的经历成了他《远征记》 的素材 〔Franklin〕British explorer who led a search for the Northwest Passage (1845-1847) on which he and his 129-man crew perished. A record of the expedition's discovery of the passage was found in 1857.富兰克林,约翰:(1786-1847) 英国探险家,1845-1847年率队探寻西北航道时他与其他129名船员全部遇难。关于远征时发现航道的记录在1857年被找到〔Polynices〕A son of Oedipus for whom an expedition against Thebes was raised.波吕尼刻斯:俄狄浦斯的一个儿子,他曾对底比斯发起远征〔Cunaxa〕An ancient town of Babylonia northwest of Babylon. It was the site of a battle (401b.c. ) in which Artaxerxes II of Persia defeated his brother Cyrus the Younger, leading to the Retreat of the Ten Thousand described by Xenophon in his Anabasis. 库那克萨:巴比伦王国的一个古城镇,位于巴比伦西北部。在这里发生的一场战争(公元前 401年)中波斯的阿尔塔薛西斯二世打败了他的兄弟小居鲁士,导致了色诺芬在他的 《远征记》 一书中描述的万人大撤退的发生 〔Cabot〕Italian-born explorer and cartographer who led an English expedition in search of the Northwest Passage (1509) and a Spanish expedition to South America (1525-1528). He published a map of the world in 1544.卡伯特,塞巴斯蒂昂:(1476?-1557) 意大利裔的探险家和地图绘制员,1509年率领英国远征探险队寻找西北航道,1525年到1528年他率领西班牙远征探险队到达南美洲。1544年出版了一幅世界地图〔Cyrus〕Persian prince who led a mammoth force of Greeks against his brother Artaxerxes II. The retreat that followed his defeat and death are described in Xenophon'sAnabasis. 小居鲁士:波斯王子,曾领导希腊庞大的军队进攻其兄阿尔塔薛西斯二世。在色诺芬尼所著的《远征记》 中描述了其战败和死亡之后的撤退




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