单词 | 追求 |
释义 | 〔venery〕Indulgence in or pursuit of sexual activity.纵欲;追求肉欲:对性行为的放纵或追求〔philosophy〕Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline.对智慧的热爱与追求:通过智力途径和道德上的自律来达到对智慧的热爱与追求〔fanatic〕"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject" (Winston S. Churchill). Azealot is immoderately devoted to a cause or goal and seeks to advance it with passionate fervor: “一个专心致志的人不会改变决心,也不会改变自己的追求” (温斯顿S·丘吉尔)。Zealot 指对事业或目标有献身精神的人,为促进事业而积极活动的人: 〔opportunist〕One who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve an end, often with no regard for principles or consequences.机会主义者:指常不顾原则和后果而抓住一切机会追求自己利益的人〔epicure〕A person devoted to sensuous pleasure and luxurious living.See Usage Note at gourmet 爱奢侈享受的人:一个追求快乐和奢侈生活的人 参见 gourmet〔demand〕The state of being sought after:追求:处于被追求、被追逐的境地:〔pleasure〕To go in search of pleasure or enjoyment.寻欢作乐:追求欢乐或享受〔pursue〕pursue lofty political goals.追求崇高的政治目标〔pursue〕To follow in an effort to overtake or capture; chase.为了赶上或捕获而努力追赶;追求〔individualism〕A doctrine advocating freedom from government regulation in the pursuit of a person's economic or social goals.自由放任主义:认为在追求个人经济或社会目标时可以不受政府规章制度的约束〔hedonism〕Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.享乐:对快乐,尤其是感官快感的追求和热爱〔decadence〕Often Decadence A literary movement especially of late 19th-century France and England characterized by refined aestheticism, artifice, and the quest for new sensations. 常作 Decadence 颓废派文艺:尤指19世纪末期法国和英国的一个文学运动,以文雅的美学、技巧和追求新感觉为特征〔fashionmonger〕One concerned with following, spreading, or setting the fashion.赶时髦的人:学习、模仿或追求时髦的人〔purchase〕Middle English purchasen [to pursue, purchase] 中古英语 purchasen [追求购买] 〔chase〕still chasing members of the opposite sex.一如既往地追求着异性〔allegorize〕allegorize the quest for the Holy Grail as an inner spiritual search.把寻求圣杯解释为内在的精神追求〔sycophant〕A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people.拍马者,谄媚者:一个奴颜婢膝的,追求个人私利的人,试图通过谄媚有影响的人物来获得好处〔snob〕Earlier snob [cobbler, lower-class person, person who aspires to social prominence] 较早期 snob [补鞋匠,低阶层人物,追求显著社会地位的人] 〔thusly〕Thusly was introduced in the 19th century as an alternative for thus in sentences such asHold it thus or He put it thus. The increasingly literary character of such uses ofthus may have facilitated coinage of the new adverbthusly, particularly by poorly educated speakers who were straining for a stylish effect.Early citations for the word indicate clear association with rustic or illiterate speech,and though the word has subsequently gained some currency in educated usage,it is still widely regarded as incorrect.In an earlier surveythe use of the word was judged unacceptable by a large majority of the Usage Panel.In formal writingthus can still be used as in the examples above; in other styles,expressions such asthis way and like this are more natural. Thusly 在19世纪时被作为 thus 的替代语使用, 如用在 Hold it thus 或 He put it thus 等句中。 thus 这些用法日益具有书面语的特点, 这可能促成了一个新的副词thusly 的产生, 这对那些受教育程度不高但又尽量追求文采的人尤其有用。这个词的早期引用清楚地表明了它与乡村或文盲语言的联系,尽管后来它在受教育的人中得以一定传播,但仍被普便认为是一种不正确的用法。早期进行的一次调查中,用法委员会小组绝大多数都认为这个词的使用是不能接受的。在正式的文字中,thus 这个词仍然能用于上面所举的例子; 在其它风格的作品中,this way 和 like this 等表达方式更为普遍 〔worldling〕One who is absorbed by worldly pursuits and pleasures.俗人,凡人:被世俗的追求和享乐吸引的人〔moderne〕Striving to be modern in appearance or style but lacking taste or refinement; pretentious.做作地追求现代的:力求具有现代样式或外观但不雅观或缺少品味的;自命不凡的〔pursue〕To court:献殷勤,追求:〔favorable〕"Nothing is more conducive to happiness than the free exercise of the mind in pursuits congenial to it" (Macaulay).“没有什么能比追求心灵相通的自由操练对快乐更有传导性了” (麦考雷)〔Barnard〕American educator who sought higher standards in public schools and was the first U.S. commissioner of education (1867-1870).巴纳德,亨利:(1811-1900) 美国教育家,追求公立学校的更高标准,是美国第一任教育局局长(1867-1870年)〔live〕To pursue a positive, satisfying existence; enjoy life:追求某种生活方式,享受人生:追求一种积极而满意的存在;享受生命:〔grail〕Grail A cup or plate that, according to medieval legend, was used by Jesus at the Last Supper and that later became the object of many chivalrous quests. Also called Holy Grail Grail 圣杯,圣盘:据中世纪传说为基督在最后的晚餐上用过的那个杯或盘子, 后来成为许多骑士追求的目标 也作 Holy Grail〔solitary〕a solitary evening; solitary pursuits such as reading and sewing.唯一的夜晚;独自的追求如阅读及缝制〔serve〕"Both major parties today seek to serve the national interest"(John F. Kennedy)“现在两个主要政党都在追求促进国家利益”(约翰F.肯尼迪)〔solicit〕To seek to obtain by persuasion, entreaty, or formal application:恳求:用劝说、恳求或正式的申请来追求或获得:〔amorist〕One dedicated to love, especially sexual love.谈情说爱的人:奉献于爱情的人,特别指追求性爱的人〔colorist〕a forceful colorist whose idiom was reminiscent of Cézanne.一个追求塞尚风格的优秀配色师〔court〕To pursue a courtship; woo.向…求爱;追求〔cause〕A goal or principle served with dedication and zeal:目标,理想:以献身精神和热情追求的目标和原则:〔recess〕A temporary cessation of the customary activities of an engagement, occupation, or pursuit.休息:某个活动、职业或追求的习惯性持续行为暂时停顿〔appreciate〕"In principle, the modern university values nothing more than the free exchange of ideas necessary for the pursuit of knowledge" (Eloise Salholz). “原则上,现代大学并不比追求知识所必需的概念的自由交换更有价值” (埃路易斯·萨尔荷斯)。〔use〕used their highly placed friends to gain access to the president; felt he was being used by seekers of favor.利用他们那些身居高位的朋友来接近总统;感到自己被那些追求恩宠者利用了〔cynic〕A cynic may be pardoned for thinking that this is a dog's life.The Greek wordkunikos, from which cynic comes, was originally an adjective meaning "doglike,” fromkuōn, "dog.” The word was most likely applied to the Cynic philosophers because of the nicknamekuōn given to Diogenes of Sinope, the prototypical Cynic. He is said to have performed such actions as barking in public, urinating on the leg of a table, and masturbating on the street.The first use of the word recorded in English, in a work published from 1547 to 1564, is in the plural for members of this philosophical sect.In 1596 we find the first instance ofcynic meaning "faultfinder,” a sense that was to develop into our modern sense.The meaning "faultfinder" came naturally from the behavior of countless Cynics who in their pursuit of virtue pointed out the flaws in others.Such faultfinding could lead quite naturally to the belief associated with cynics of today that selfishness determines human behavior.犬儒学派成员因认为这是狗的生命而可能被赦免。希腊词kunikos 是 cynic 的来源, 最初为形容词,意思是“似狗”,源自kuon “狗”,。 这个词最适用于犬儒派哲学家,因为给犬儒主义者的鼻祖的绰号是kuon 。 据说他曾经当众吼叫,在桌腿上小便,并且在街上手淫。这个词在一本1547到1564年出版的著作里首次用英语记录下来的用法是,用作复数来指代此哲学学派的成员。1596年,我们发现cynic 的第一个意思是吹毛求疵的人的例子, 也是发展成具有我们现代意义的含义。 “吹毛吹疵的人”这个意思是从无数个以追求指摘别人缺点为美德的犬儒主义者的行为而得来。这种指摘很自然地得出与现在的犬儒主义相联系的信仰,认为自私自利决定人类行为〔Ixion〕A king of Thessaly whom Zeus punished for his temerity in seeking Hera's love by having him bound to a perpetually revolving wheel in Hades.伊克西翁:拉庇泰王,他因莽撞地追求天后赫拉的爱,而被宙斯缚在地狱永不停转的车轮上受罚〔playgirl〕A woman devoted to the pursuit of pleasurable activities.花花小姐:专门追求欢乐活动的女子〔carpetbagger〕An outsider, especially a politician, who presumptuously seeks a position or success in a new locality.外来政客:外来者,尤指外来政客,在新地区自行其是地追求地位或成功 |
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