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单词 退休
释义 〔Shoemaker〕American jockey who before his retirement in 1990 won more races than any other rider in horseracing history.舒梅克,威廉·李:(生于 1931) 美国职业赛马骑师,在他1990年退休以前,他赢得的比赛次数比赛马史上任何人都要多〔RRB〕Railroad Retirement Board.铁路职工退休管理委员会〔retire〕Despite the upbeat books written about retiringand the fact that it is a well-earned time of relaxation from the daily rigors of work,many people do not find it a particularly pleasant prospect.Perhaps the etymology ofretire may hint at why. The ultimate source of our word is the Old French wordretirer, made up of the prefixre-, meaning in this case "back,” and the verb tirer, "to draw,” together meaning "to take back or withdraw.” The first use of the English wordretire is recorded in 1533 in reference to a military force that withdraws.It is not until 1667 that we find the word used to mean "to withdraw from a position for more leisure.”In regard to the sting in all thiswe need to look at the source oftirer, "to draw, draw out, endure,”which ultimately may be from Old Frenchmartir, "a martyr,” probably reflecting the fact that martyrs had to endure the torture of being stretched up to and beyond the point of dislocating their bones.尽管有关于退休的乐观书籍,以及退休是从日常工作的严酷中解放出来的极好时光的事实,许多人并没有发现它特别令人愉悦的地方。也许retire 的语源学暗示了原因。 这个词最早的来源是古法语单词retirer , 由在此意指“向后”的前缀re- 及意为“拉”的动词 tiver 合在一起组成,意为“撤回或退回”。 英语单词retire 的使用则最早记录于1553年, 指撤退的军队。直到1667年我们才发现该词用于表达“为得到更多的闲暇而退出职位。”考虑到所有这些词的负面含义,我们有必要看看tirer 的词源, 其意为“拉,拉出,容忍,”它可能最初源于意为“殉道者”的古法语martir , 这可能反映了一个事实,即殉者不得不忍受四肢被拉直至骨肉脱离的酷刑〔impend〕Her retirement is impending.她马上要退休〔superannuated〕Retired or ineffective because of advanced age:退休的或无能的:因年华而退休的或无能的:〔outgoing〕Retiring from or relinquishing a place, a position, or an office:即将离职的:从某一地位、职位、官职退休的或放弃的:〔buoy〕"buoyed up by the team spirit and the pride of the older generation back at home"(Judith Martin)“被退休在家的老一辈队员的荣誉所激励”(朱迪思·马丁)〔emerita〕Retired but retaining an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement. Used of a woman:荣誉退休的:退休但仍在荣誉上保持有退休前所拥有的职位。用于指妇女:〔retirement〕Withdrawal from one's occupation, business, or office.退休,退职:从某人的职业、事业或公职中的退出〔pension〕"Some French farmers suggest that the Government pension off the older and less efficient farmers"(E.J. Dionne, Jr.)“一些法国农夫向政府建议让那些年长的或工作效率低下的农夫领取退休金或补助金而退休”(小E.J.迪翁)〔superannuate〕To allow to retire on a pension because of age or infirmity.使领养老金退休:因年老或体弱允许某人领养老金退休〔retirement〕The act of retiring.退休:退出的行为〔belligerent〕A retired litigator misses the challenge to her pugnacious intellect.一位退休的诉讼人怀念对其好斗才智的挑战。〔retirement〕Often used to modify another noun:退休:常用于修饰另一名词:〔retired〕Withdrawn from one's occupation, business, or office; having finished one's active working life.退休的:某人从职业、事业或公职中退出的;已完成了某人现行工作生涯的〔Levittown〕An unincorporated community of southeast New York on western Long Island east-southeast of Mineola. It was founded in 1947 as a low-cost housing development for World War II veterans. Population 53,286.莱维敦:美国纽约州东南部的一个非社团的社区,位于米尼奥拉东南偏东长岛西部。始建于1947年,当时是为第二次世界大战的退休军人提供低价住房。人口53,286〔elderly〕 Superannuated applies to one who has reached the age of retirement and has been pensioned (a superannuated civil servant ); the term can also refer to one too old for use, work, or service: Superannuated 指到了退休年龄并领取养老金的人(退休的公务员 ); 这个词也用于指太老了而不能用、不能工作或服务: 〔eligible〕eligible to run for office; eligible for retirement.有资格竞选职务的;有资格退休〔emerita〕A woman who is retired but retains an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement.荣誉退休妇女:退休但仍荣誉保持有退休前所拥有的职位的妇女〔predecessor〕Latin dēcessor [a retiring magistrate] from dēcessus [past participle of] dēcēdere [to depart] dē- [away] * see de- cēdere [to go] * see ked- 拉丁语 dēcessor [退休的行政司法长官] 源自 dēcessus dēcēdere的过去分词 [离开] dē- [离开] * 参见 de- cēdere [走] * 参见 ked- 〔force〕a retired senator who is still a force in national politics.已退休但仍在国家政治事务中举足轻重的议员〔inactive〕retired but not inactive;虽退休但并不闲散的;〔retreat〕To fall or draw back; withdraw or retire.See Synonyms at recede 后退或缩回;撤退或退休 参见 recede〔gather〕They gradually accumulated enough capital to be financially secure after retirement.他们逐渐聚集了足够的资金,以确保退休之后有经济上的保证。〔retirement〕The state of being retired.退休:退出的状态〔retire〕retired all executives at 55.所有的行政人员在55岁退休〔laureate〕"The nation's pediatrician laureate is preparing to lay down his black bag"(James Traub)“全国最杰出的小儿科医生准备退休了”(詹姆斯·特劳布)〔pension〕A sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit or by way of patronage.退休金,抚恤金:一笔作为退休或受资助而定期领取的钱〔emeritus〕Retired but retaining an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement:荣誉退休的:退休但仍荣誉保持有退休前所拥有的职位:〔sufficient〕has sufficient income for a comfortable retirement;有足够的收入保证了舒适的退休生活;〔emeritus〕One who is retired but retains an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement.荣誉退休者:退休但仍荣誉保持有退休前所拥有的职位的人〔Hollywood〕A city of southeast Florida on the Atlantic Ocean north of Miami Beach. It is a resort and retirement community with varied light industries. Population, 121,697.好莱坞:美国佛罗里达州东南部一城市,临近大西洋,位于迈阿密海滩北部。是旅游胜地和老年退休人员的社区,有各种轻工业。人口121,697〔volunteer〕Many retirees volunteer in community service and day care centers.许多退休人员在社区服务或育婴中心做义务工作〔inactive〕Retired from duty or service.退休的:从某种职务或服务中退休〔attrition〕A gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel, as through retirement, resignation, or death.人员耗损,减缩人员:指逐渐的、正常的成员或人员的减少,如退休、辞职或死亡〔sign〕"Retired politicians often sign on with top-dollar law firms"(New York Times)“退休的政客经常受雇于一些有钱的法律事务所”(纽约时报)〔annuitant〕An officially retired U.S. intelligence officer who is actually still on the government's payroll and is available for assignments.享有特权者:仍领取政府工资并可指派任务的退休美国情报部门官员〔vesting〕The granting to an employee of credits toward a pension even if separated from the job before retirement. 既定享受退休权利:雇员在末达退体年龄离职后仍应享有的既定退休权利〔turf〕"a bureaucracy like any other, chiefly concerned with turf, promotions, the budget, and protecting the retirement system"(Harper's)“一个和其他人一样的官僚,只关心势力大小、升迁、预算及保护退休制度”(哈珀)




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