单词 | 适当 |
释义 | 〔timely〕Occurring at a suitable or opportune time; well-timed.See Synonyms at opportune 及时的:在一个适当或适宜的时间发生的;适时的 参见 opportune〔trump〕A key resource to be used at an opportune moment.王牌:适当时刻所用的关键手段〔relevant〕 Apposite implies a striking appropriateness and pertinence: Apposite 暗示着惊人的适当性及相关性: 〔decorum〕Appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety.正派得体:行为或举止适宜,恰当;适当〔celebrate〕To observe an occasion with appropriate ceremony or festivity.庆祝:以适当的庆祝或节日纪念某一事件〔perform〕 perform is to carry out an action, an undertaking, or a procedure;the word often connotes observance of due form or the exercise of skill or care: Perform 是采取某行动、任务或步骤;此词通常暗含对适当形式的遵守或技艺或小心的执行: 〔overcorrect〕To correct beyond what is needed, appropriate, or usual, especially when resulting in a mistake.矫枉过正,纠正过度:尤指造成错误时进行的纠正,超过了必要、适当或正常的程度〔taskbar〕A row of buttons or graphical controls on a computer screen that represent open programs, among which the user can switch back and forth by clicking on the appropriate one.工作列,工具列:计算机屏幕上一排代表开启程序的控制按键或图标列,使用者只要按下适当按钮,就可以前后切换自如〔qualm〕 Scruple is an uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle about the decency, propriety, or appropriateness of a course of action: Scruple 是指由对行为过程的是非、得体或适当程度的道德或原则方面引起的一种心神不安的感觉: 〔place〕A suitable setting or occasion:适当的时刻,合适的场合:〔bad〕Not achieving an adequate standard; poor:劣质的:没有达到某种适当标准的;蹩脚的:〔weak〕Lacking the proper strength or amount of ingredients:成分稀少的:缺少适当力量或应有成分之数量的:〔fit〕the proper form of address for a cleric. What is 神职人员讲话的适当形式。。 〔true〕Proper alignment or adjustment:正,准,精确:适当调正或调整:〔underuse〕To use to a lesser degree than is normal or desirable.未充分利用,使用不当:低于正常或适当程度地使用〔inadvertent〕Not duly attentive.未留心的:未加适当注意的〔placement〕The finding of suitable accommodation or employment for applicants.职业介绍,工作安排:为申请者寻找适当住所或职业〔modesty〕Reserve or propriety in speech, dress, or behavior.不轻率,端庄:在讲话,衣着或行为方面谨慎而适当〔assort〕To supply with (an appropriate variety or assortment, as of goods).提供:提供(适当的种类或组别,如货物)〔belong〕To be proper, appropriate, or suitable:适当,适宜,适合:〔healthy〕If you exercise regularly and eat properly, you'll stay fit and healthy.如果你经常锻炼并适当饮食,你会保持健康的。〔moral〕 Ethical stresses conformity with idealistic standards of right and wrong,as those applicable to the practices of lawyers and doctors: Ethical 强调与理想中的是非标准保持一致,如律师和医生们遵循的适当准则: 〔overtax〕To tax in excess of what is considered appropriate or just.对…征税过重:税收超过了适当或合理的限度〔overabundance〕A going or being beyond what is needed, desired, or appropriate; an excess:过剩,过量:超过了所需、所渴望或适当之量;过度:〔official〕Authorized by a proper authority; authoritative:有权威的:由适当权力机构授于的:〔proportion〕the proper proportion between oil and vinegar in the dressing.做菜时油和醋的适当比例〔noise〕"The U.S. is making appropriately friendly noises to the new Socialist Government"(Flora Lewis)“美国正发表适当的言论以引起新的社会主义政府的注意”(弗洛拉·刘易斯)〔unaccredited〕Not having the proper credentials; unauthorized:未经认可的:没有适当证明的;不经授权的:〔go〕To be suitable or appropriate as an accessory or accompaniment:适合,相配:适合或适当作小配件或附属物:〔fit〕The state, quality, or way of being fitted:合适,适当:成为适当的状态、质量或方法:〔reclaim〕To bring into or return to a suitable condition for use, as cultivation or habitation:开拓:将……带入或返回到可以使用的适当境况,如开垦或居住:〔for〕Used to indicate appropriateness or suitability:用于表示适度或适当:〔relevant〕Germane implies close kinship and appropriateness: Germane 暗示着亲密的关系和适当性: 〔inordinate〕Exceeding reasonable limits; immoderate.See Synonyms at excessive 超过适当限度的;过度的 参见 excessive〔precise〕Conforming strictly to rule or proper form:正统的:严格合乎规则或适当形式的:〔fit〕the proper fit of means to ends.为达目的所使用的适当手段〔blithe〕Lacking or showing a lack of due concern; casual:轻率的:缺少或表现缺乏适当忧虑的;轻率的:〔heterodyne〕Having alternating currents of two different frequencies that are combined to produce two new frequencies, the sum and difference of the original frequencies, either of which may be used in radio or television receivers by proper tuning or filtering.外差的:由两股不同频率的交替电流联合产生两个新的频率的,原频率的总和及差拍均可通过适当调频或滤波用于无线电或电视接收〔decency〕The state or quality of being decent; propriety.适宜:得体的状态或特质;适当〔qualifier〕One that qualifies, especially one that has or fulfills all appropriate qualifications, as for a position, an office, or a task.合格者:合格的人,尤指具有或符合适当条件的人,如为了职位、职务或任务 |
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