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单词 选手
释义 〔upset〕[ŭpʹsĕt'] To defeat unexpectedly (an opponent favored to win).[ŭpʹsĕt'] 意外地击败(呼声很高的选手〔Tomba〕Italian alpine skier who won five medals in three Olympic games. He was the first to win consecutive gold medals in the giant slalom event, in 1988 and 1992.托姆巴,阿尔伯特:意大利高山滑雪选手,在三次奥运会中共获五枚奖牌。他是第一位连续获得大回转项目金牌的高山滑雪选手(1988年和1992年)〔featherweight〕A contestant in various other sports in a similar weight class.轻量级运动员:其它各种运动中相似重量级的选手〔few〕fewer than four players), 少于四个选手), 〔through〕That swimmer is through as an athlete.这个游泳选手已不能再当运动员了〔Richard〕Canadian hockey player. A right wing for the Montreal Canadiens (1942-1960), he led his team to eight Stanley Cup championships and was the first player to score 50 goals in a season.理查德,约瑟·亨利·莫里斯:加拿大曲棍球选手。蒙特利尔加拿大人队的右外野(1942-1960年),他带领球队赢得8次斯坦利杯冠军,也是第一个在单赛季中得到50分的选手〔nod〕The contestant got the nod from the judges.选手从裁判那获得了同意的信号〔minimumweight〕A boxer competing in this weight division.轻量级选手:以此重量级距比赛的拳击手〔axel〕After Axel Paulsen, 19th-century Norwegian figure skater 源自 阿克塞尔 保尔森,19世纪挪威花样溜冰选手 〔limber〕players limbering up before the game.比赛之前选手的身体变得柔软灵活起来〔Connolly〕American tennis player who was the first to win the grand slam of U.S., British, French, and Australian women's championships (1953).康诺利,莫林·凯瑟琳:(1934-1969) 美国网球手,1953年她成为第一个赢得美国、英国、法国、澳大利亚女子网球冠军大满贯的选手〔start〕To put (a player) into the initial lineup of a game.使初赛:使(选手)进入项目的初始队列〔favorite〕A contestant or competitor regarded as most likely to win.最有希望获胜的选手或竞争者〔pick〕The best swimmer was picked.See Synonyms at choose 最佳游泳选手被选出来了 参见 choose〔single〕Often singles A tennis or badminton match between two players. 常作 singles 单打:在两名选手间进行的网球或羽毛球比赛〔Kasparov〕Azerbaijani chess player who became the youngest world champion ever in 1985 after defeating Anatoly Karpov. He beat the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue 4 games to 2 in 1996, but lost a rematch in 1997.卡斯珀洛夫,盖瑞:阿塞拜疆共和国国际西洋棋选手,1985年击败安纳托利·卡波夫后成为最年轻的国际西洋棋世界冠军。1996年卡斯珀洛夫以4:2战胜美国商业机械公司(IBM)的超级计算机"深蓝",但1997年再度交锋时落败〔Trevino〕American golfer who won the U.S. Open (1968 and 1971), the British Open (1971 and 1972), and the Professional Golfers' Association title (1974 and 1984).特里维诺,李:(生于 1939) 美国高尔夫球选手,曾获得美国公开赛(1968年和1971年)、英国公开赛(1971年和1972年)和职业高尔夫协会冠军(1974年和1984年)〔bisque〕An advantage allowed an inferior player in certain games, such as a free point in tennis, an extra turn in croquet, or an additional stroke in golf.让分:某些比赛中允许对较弱选手的一种有利条件,如网球中的让分,槌球游戏中的外加局或高尔夫球中的追加击球〔edge〕The downhill racer edged her opponent out on the middle stretch.下坡滑雪赛的选手将她的对手慢慢挤出中央跑道〔egg〕The racing fans egged their favorites on. My friends just egged me to drive faster.赛马迷给他们看好的选手加油。我的朋友们怂恿我开得再快点〔sink〕The exhausted runner sank to the ground.精疲力竭的选手倒在运动场上〔field〕All the contestants or participants in an event, especially all the contestants except the favorite or the winner in a contest of more than two.竞赛者全体:参加比赛的所有竞争者或选手,尤其是在超过两人的竞争中除热门人物或赢家外的所有竞争者〔play〕To employ (a player) in a game or position:任用选手担任:在某场比赛或某一位置雇佣(某名选手):〔Merckx〕Belgian cyclist. He is one of four people to have won the Tour de France five times (1969-1972, 1974).马克,爱迪:比利时脚踏车手,他是赢得法国巡回赛五次(1969至1972年、1974年)的四个选手之一〔Halas〕American professional football player (1922-1929) and coach (intermittently between 1922 and 1967) who revolutionized the sport with his innovative backfield formations.哈拉斯,乔治·斯坦利:(1895-1983) 美国职业橄榄球选手(1922-1929年),并于1922年到1967年期间不时地出任教练,他以创新的守卫阵形使这项运动发生了巨大变革〔Hagler〕American prizefighter who held the world middleweight title from 1980 to 1987.韩格勒,玛维勒斯·玛文:美国职业拳击手,自1980年至1987年一直拥有世界中量级选手头衔〔Zurbriggen〕Swiss alpine skier who won 40 World Cup races in 10 years and was the overall World Cup champion four times. He earned two medals at the 1988 Olympic winter games.祖尔布里根,皮尔明:瑞士高山滑雪选手,在10年内赢得40次世界杯赛并4次囊括世界杯所有金牌。1988年在奥林匹克冬季运动会中他获得两枚奖牌〔play〕After a time-out, play resumed. The golf tournament featured expert play.暂停之后,比赛继续进行高尔夫球比赛以专业选手比赛为特色〔Olympian〕A contestant in either the ancient or the modern Olympic games.古代或现代奥林匹克运动会选手〔Killy〕French alpine skier who won three gold medals at the 1968 Olympic games. Skiing with the skis further apart to increase stability was a style introduced to downhill by Killy.基利,简-克劳德:法国高山滑雪选手,在1968年奥运会上独得三枚金牌。为增加稳定性而将滑雪板同滑雪运动进一步分离的方式被基利用于下坡速滑〔outsider〕A contestant given little chance of winning; a long shot.获胜机会很少者:不大可能获胜的选手;获胜可能性非常微小地参加者〔Nurmi〕Finnish runner. One of the greatest middle-distance runners in history, he won a total of nine Olympic gold medals (1920, 1924, and 1928) and set numerous world records.帕佛·诺米:芬兰长跑选手。历史上最伟大的中长跑选手之一,他共获得九枚奥运会金牌(1920年、1924年和1928年)并创造了多项世界记录〔Waitz〕Norwegian distance runner who won the New York Marathon nine times (1978-1980, 1982-1986, and 1988) and won a silver medal in the first Olympic marathon for women (1984).华兹,格瑞塔:挪威长跑选手,她九次获得纽约马拉松赛冠军(1978年-1980年、1982年-1986年、1988年)并在奥运会首届女子马拉松赛中赢得银牌(1984年)〔Devers〕American athlete. A sprinter and hurdler, she won gold medals in the 100 meters in the 1992 and 1996 Olympics.戴佛丝,婕儿:美国运动员。作为短跑选手和跨栏选手,她于1992年和1996年的奥运会上赢得100米金牌〔racquetball〕A game played on a four-walled handball court by two or four players with short-handled rackets and a hollow rubber ball 2¼ inches (5.7 centimeters) in diameter.网拍墙球:在四面有墙的手球场内由两名或四名选手玩的一种游戏,使用一种短柄球拍和一个直径2¼英寸(5.7厘米)的空心橡皮球〔odd〕In Great Britain, a golfing handicap of one stroke given to a superior player or an advantage of one stroke taken away from an inferior player's score in order to equalize the chances of winning.让对手的一击:在英国,高尔夫球中为均等取胜机会,让优等选手进行障碍性击球或让低等选手击球数减一次的有利机会〔single〕A golf match between two players.双人高尔夫赛:在两名选手间进行的高尔夫球比赛〔shootout〕A means of resolving a tie after overtime in a soccer game, in which five players from each side alternately take individual shots on goal.点球决胜负:在足球比赛中,在决胜期以后决定胜负的一个方法,双方各派五个选手,分别射一次门〔flyweight〕A contestant in various other sports in the lightest weight class.蝇量级拳击选手:参加各种体育运动的最轻量级的选手〔Lemieux〕Canadian hockey player. A center for the Pittsburgh Penguins (1984-1997), he led his team to two consecutive Stanley Cup championships and was the National Hockey League's leading scorer four times.蓝缪克斯,马利奥:加拿大曲棍球选手。匹兹堡企鹅队的中锋(1984年-1997年),他带领该队两次蝉联斯坦利杯冠军并四次成为加拿大全国冰上曲棍球联盟的得分最多球员




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