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释义 〔lattice〕An open framework made of strips of metal, wood, or similar material overlapped or overlaid in a regular, usually crisscross pattern.格构:开放式格架,由金属片。木片或相类似原料搭叠成格状,通常用交叉方式构成〔headline〕The title or caption of a newspaper article, usually set in large type.大字标题:通常用大号铅字排印的新闻报道的标题或题目〔marble〕A small hard ball, usually of glass, used in children's games.弹子:小孩子游戏中通常用玻璃制成的小硬球〔margarita〕A cocktail made with tequila, an orange-flavored liqueur, and lemon or lime juice, often served with salt encrusted on the rim of the glass.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒:一种用龙舌兰酒、桔香酒和柠檬或莱母汁混合而制成的鸡尾酒,通常用杯沿涂有盐末的玻璃杯饮用〔corset〕A close-fitting undergarment, often reinforced by stays, worn to support and shape the waistline, hips, and breasts.紧身内衣:一种紧身内衣,通常用绳索加固,穿来支撑和使腰线、臀部和胸部成形〔parkway〕A broad landscaped highway, often divided by a planted median strip.风景区干道,园道,公园大道:一条通常用栽种了树木的中间地带隔开的美化的宽阔公路〔alcohol〕Theal- in alcohol may alert some readers to the fact that this is a word of Arabic descent, as is the case withalgebra and alkali—al being the Arabic definite article corresponding to the in English. The origin of-cohol is less obvious, however. Its Arabic ancestor waskuḥl, a fine powder most often made from antimony and used by women to darken their eyelids;in fact,kuḥl has given us the word kohl for such a preparation. Arabic chemists came to useal-kuḥl to mean "any fine powder produced in a number of ways, including the process of heating a substance to a gaseous state and then recooling it.” The English wordalcohol, derived through Medieval Latin from Arabic, is first recorded in 1543 in this sense. Arabic chemists also usedal-kuḥl to refer to other substances such as essences that were obtained by distillation, a sense first found for Englishalcohol in 1672. One of these distilled essences, known as "alcohol of wine,” is the constituent of fermented liquors that causes intoxication.This essence took over the termalcohol for itself, whence it has come to refer to the liquor that contains this essence as well as to a class of chemical compounds such as 包含于 alcohol 中的用法可能会使读者注意到这个词来源于阿拉伯语, 就如同algerbra 和 alkali--al 作为与英语中 the 相对应的阿拉伯语定冠词。 不过-cohol 的词源就不那么明显了。 它在阿拉伯语中写作kuhl, 是一种通常用锑精研而成的粉末,妇女们用它来涂黑眼睑;实际上我们由kuhl 这个词已可以得出作为备用的 kohl 一词。 阿拉伯的化学家们开始把al-kuhl 一词用来指“通过一系列方法而得到的细粉末, 这些方法包括将一种物质加热至气化状态再使之冷却的过程。”英语中的alcohol 这个词,是由该阿拉伯词汇入中世纪拉丁语之后发展而来的,用作这个意义的记录最早出现于1543年。 阿拉伯化学家也用al-kuhl 这个词指如通过蒸馏而得到的精华的其它物质, 英语词汇alcohol 的这一含义最早出现于1672年。 其中有一种被称为“酒精”的蒸馏产物是可以醉人的发酵液体的组成部分。alchohol 成了专指这一物质的词汇, 从此以后它也指包含该物质的液体及甲醇等化合物〔anemia〕A pathological deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood, measured in unit volume concentrations of hemoglobin, red blood cell volume, or red blood cell number.贫血:血液中含氧成分的病理性缺失,通常用单位容量的血红蛋白、红血球浓度或红血球数量来计量〔latrine〕A communal toilet of a type often used in a camp or barracks.公共厕所:通常用在帐篷或营房里的一种公共厕所〔farina〕Fine meal prepared from cereal grain and various other plant products and often used as a cooked cereal or in puddings.谷粉:由谷物颗粒和各种其它植物果实精制的细粉,通常用以加工谷类食品和布丁〔tiki〕A Maori figurine representing an ancestor, often intricately carved from greenstone and worn about the neck as a talisman.毛利人的一种通常用绿岩精细雕成的代表一个祖先的小雕像,戴在脖子上作为护身符〔conk〕To straighten (tightly curled hair) usually by chemical means.拉直:通常用化学方法把(卷曲头发)拉直〔monger〕A person promoting something undesirable or discreditable. Often used in combination:贩子:促成某一令人不快或不光彩的事发展的人。通常用作复合词:〔genital〕A reproductive organ, especially one of the external sex organs. Often used in the plural.生殖器官,尤指外生殖器之一。通常用复数形式〔slicker〕A long water-repellant coat usually made of oilskin.油布雨衣:一种防水外衣,通常用油布制成〔ketchup〕A condiment consisting of a thick, smooth-textured, spicy sauce usually made from tomatoes.调味番茄酱:含有粘稠且质地平滑的辛辣酱的调味品,通常用番茄制成〔daphnia〕Any of various water fleas of the genusDaphnia, some species of which are commonly used as food for aquarium fish. 水蚤:水蚤科中的一种水蚤属 水生跳蚤,其中的一些种类通常用作水族馆鱼类的食物 〔billiards〕One of several similar games, sometimes using a table with pockets, as in pool.台球戏,桌球戏:通常用带有落袋的桌子的一种相似的游戏,如赌博游戏〔wigwam〕A Native American dwelling commonly having an arched or conical framework overlaid with bark, hides, or mats. 棚屋:美洲土著人的通常用树枝、兽皮或草席覆盖的拱形或圆锥形框架的住所〔rigadoon〕Music for this dance, usually in rapid duple meter.利戈顿舞曲:为这种舞配的音乐,通常用快速的4/4拍〔adenoid〕A lymphoid tissue growth located at the back of the nose in the upper part of the throat that when swollen may obstruct normal breathing and make speech difficult. Often used in the plural.腺样增殖体:位于咽喉上部的鼻后淋巴组织增长体,吞咽时可能堵塞正常的呼吸及使言语困难。通常用复数形式〔bloodworm〕Any of various red, segmented marine worms of the generaPolycirrus and Enoplobranchus that have bright red bodies and are often used for bait. 血虫:一种多纤毛 属和 Enoplobyanchus 属的红色环节海生蠕虫,具有明亮的红色身体且通常用作鱼饵 〔cord〕A slender length of flexible material usually made of twisted strands or fibers and used to bind, tie, connect, or support.绳,索:通常用数条搓成的线或纤维制成的一种细长灵活的材料,用于系物、捆扎、联结或支撑〔pastrami〕A highly seasoned smoked cut of beef, usually taken from the shoulder.浓味熏牛肉:通常用肩胛肉、重味料熏制的牛肉〔castanet〕A rhythm instrument consisting of a pair of slightly concave shells of ivory or hardwood, held in the palm of the hand by a connecting cord over the thumb and clapped together with the fingers. Often used in the plural.响板:一对由象牙或硬木制成的有轻微凹形的板子组成的一种节奏乐器,通过一段连在拇指上并和其余手指结合的线绳握在手掌中。通常用作复数〔pantaloon〕Men's wide breeches extending from waist to ankle, worn especially in England in the late 17th century. Often used in the plural.男用马裤:男人穿的一种从腰到脚踝的宽大的马裤,盛行于17世纪晚期的英格兰。通常用作复数〔wire〕Fencing made of usually barbed wire.金属栅栏:通常用装有倒钩的金属线做成的篱笆〔cryosurgery〕The selective exposure of tissues to extreme cold, often by applying a probe containing liquid nitrogen, to bring about the destruction or elimination of abnormal cells.冷冻手术:有选择地将组织暴露在极度寒冷中,通常用含有液化氮的冷冻探针,来损坏或去除发生病变的细胞〔candy〕A rich, sweet confection made with sugar and often flavored or combined with fruits or nuts.糖果:一种用糖制造的味浓而甜的糖果,通常用水果或坚果调味或与之混合〔health〕A wish for someone's good health, often expressed as a toast.通常用祝酒祝愿某人健康〔mouthing〕A bombastic or empty phrase or speech. Often used in the plural:夸夸其谈:空话或言过其实的话语或词组,通常用作复数:〔slipdress〕A sleeveless dress with narrow shoulder straps, usually made from thin silky material.细带连衣裙:窄肩带的无袖连衣裙,通常用丝绸制成〔tightrope〕A tightly stretched rope, usually of wire, on which acrobats perform high above the ground.绷索:通常用金属丝制成的拉得很紧的绳索,杂技演员高高地离开地面在其上表演〔metaphor〕Abbr. met.,metaph.A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in"a sea of troubles" or 缩写 met.,metaph.隐喻:一种语言表达手法,通常用指某物的词或词组来指代他物,从而暗示它们之间的相似之处,如“忧愁之海” 或 〔substantial〕An essential. Often used in the plural.(通常用复数)实质性的东西〔spanakopita〕A Greek spinach pie, typically served as an appetizer and made with layers of buttered filo pastry and a filling of sautéed chopped spinach, onions and scallions, feta cheese, spices, and sometimes eggs.菠菜馅饼:一种希腊的菠菜馅饼,通常用作开胃菜食用。该馅饼由几层黄油酥面和碎炒菠菜、洋葱、韭葱、羊奶干酪和调味品作为填料组成,有时也夹有鸡蛋〔ottoman〕A heavy silk or rayon fabric with a corded texture, usually used for coats and trimmings.粗横棱纹织物:厚重有棱的丝或人造丝织物,通常用和制作外套和装饰品〔mistletoe〕A sprig of mistletoe, often used as a Christmas decoration.槲寄生枝:槲寄生树枝,通常用作圣诞节装饰物〔feta〕A white semisoft Greek cheese made usually of goat's or ewe's milk and preserved in brine.羊奶干酪:通常用山羊或牝羊奶制成并存放在盐水中的白色的半软希腊奶酪〔shallow〕A part of a body of water of little depth; a shoal. Often used in the plural:浅水域:具有很浅深度的水体的一部分;浅滩。通常用作复数:




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