单词 | 逝世 |
释义 | 〔Wotton〕English diplomat and writer. Most of his poetry and prose works are contained inReliquiae Wottonianae, published posthumously in 1651. 沃顿,亨利:(1568-1639) 英国外交家及诗人。他的大部分诗和散文作品被收集在《沃顿遗著》 中,在他逝世后于1651年发表 〔Capet〕A dynasty of French kings (987-1328), includingHugh Capet (940?-996), who was elected king in 987, thereby permanently removing the Carolingians from power, and ruled until his death. The expansion of territory and centralization of power under the Capets began the movement toward a unified France. 卡佩王朝:法兰西的一个王朝(987-1328年),其中有雨果·卡佩 (940?-996年),他于987年被推选为国王并因此永久地使加洛林王室丧失了权力。他一直统治到逝世时为止。卡佩王朝期间的领土扩张和中央集权开始了统一法兰西的运动 〔monody〕A poem in which the poet or speaker mourns another's death.挽诗:诗人或演讲人哀悼某人逝世的诗歌〔canonize〕To declare (a deceased person) to be a saint and entitled to be fully honored as such.宣布为圣徒:宣布(一位已逝世的人)为圣者并使其能够享有圣者的全部荣耀〔Renner〕Austrian politician who was chancellor of the Austrian Republic (1918-1920) and president of Austria from 1945 until his death.雷纳,卡尔:(1870-1950) 奥地利政治家,曾任奥地利共和国的总理(1918-1920年),并从1945年起担任奥地利的总统直至逝世〔departed〕Dead.See Synonyms at dead 逝世的 参见 dead〔departed〕A dead person, especially one who has died recently:死人,尤指刚逝世的人:〔Aubrey〕English antiquarian and writer whoseBrief Lives, published posthumously, contains character sketches of his notable friends, including Thomas Hobbes, John Milton, and Francis Bacon. 奥布里,约翰:(1626-1697) 英国古董收藏家及作家,其作品《短暂的生命》 于逝世后发表,包括对其著名朋友的性格刻划,包括托马斯·霍布斯,约翰·密尔顿,及弗朗西斯·培根 〔Kamenev〕Russian Communist leader who ruled with Stalin and Zinoviev after the death of Lenin (1924) but was expelled as a Trotskyite (1927) and was later imprisoned (1934) and executed.加米涅夫,莱夫·伯利索维奇:(1883-1936) 苏联共产党领导人,列宁逝世后(1924年),与斯大林和季诺维也夫共同掌权,1927年作为托洛茨基分子遭到清除,1934年被监禁,后被处决〔Seymour〕Queen of England (1536-1537) as the third wife of Henry VIII. She died after giving birth to Henry's heir, Edward VI.西摩尔,简:(1509?-1537) 亨利八世的第三个妻子,英格兰王后(1536-1537年)。在生了亨利继承人爱德华六世后逝世 |
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