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单词 那样
释义 〔prophesy〕To speak as a prophet.受神启示:象预言家那样说话〔gauzy〕Resembling gauze in thinness or transparency.See Synonyms at airy 薄纱似的:象药纱那样单薄且透明的 参见 airy〔antiquated〕"The antiquated Earth, as one might say,/Beat like the heart of Man"(William Wordsworth)“正如有人说的那样,古老的地球,象人类的心脏在跳动”(威廉·华兹华斯)〔hateful〕"I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution" (Ulysses S. Grant).“我没有办法能象他们那样有效地撤销坏的或令人讨厌的法律的指控” (尤利西斯·S·格兰特)。〔bombast〕"He sometimes . . . in his rants, talked with Norman haughtiness of the Celtic barbarians" (Macaulay). “他有时夸夸其谈,象诺曼人那样目空一切地大讲凯尔特人的未开化” (马可勒)。〔envy〕"as thorough an Englishman as ever coveted his neighbor's goods" (Charles Kingsley).“象一个英国人一贯所做的那样垂涎邻居的财物” (查理斯·金斯利)〔pave〕To cover uniformly, as if with pavement.作铺设…之用:象路面那样覆盖着〔shipshape〕Short for obsolete shipshapen [arranged as a ship should be] 废语 shipshapen的简写 [如一艘船那样安排的] 〔clout〕"All the evidence showed that Russia does not have that kind of clout in the Far East any more"(Joseph Kraft)“所有证据都表明在远东地区俄罗斯不再具有那样的影响”(约瑟夫·克拉夫特)〔faubourg〕The close political ties between Scotland and France during the 15th through 17th centuries were reflected in linguistic borrowing from French to Scots,as in the case offaubourg, a synonym for suburb. In Englandfaubourg seems to have lost the competition with the more popular suburb. However, in contemporary American English the word still exists,although it is virtually confined to the city of New Orleans, where,in fact,faubourg remains in use because of the city's French background. Even there it is used not as a common noun likesuburb but in combination in the names of various quarters of the city,for example,Faubourg Sainte Marie. These city districts, like their counterparts in Paris,such asFaubourg Saint-Germain and Faubourg Saint-Antoine, originally lay outside the city limits, hence the designationfaubourg, originally from Old French fors, "outside,” and borc, "town.” As the population grew outward,these former suburbs became part of the city proper.在苏格兰语对法语语言上的借用反应了15世纪到17世纪之间苏格兰与法国紧密的政治纽带,例如faubourg, 是 suburb 的同义词。 在英国,faubourg 看起来已丧失了与更流行的 suburb 的竞争力。 然而,在当代美国英语中,这个词仍然存在,尽管实际上它限于新奥尔良城。事实上,faubourg 保持在新奥尔良的使用是因为这个城市的法语背景。 它甚至不是像suburb 那样作为一个普通名词使用, 而是与城市的不同区的名字连在一起,例如圣玛丽亚区 。 这些城区,就像它们在巴黎的对应地区,如圣格梅茵区 和 圣安东尼区 一样,一般位于城区的外围, 因此名称faubourg 源自于古法语 fors ,“外面”,和 borc, “城镇”。 随着人口的向外增长,这些前郊区成了城区的一部分〔vegetate〕To grow or sprout as a plant does.象植物那样生长或发育〔proud〕"We hardly know an instance of the strength and weakness of human nature so striking and so grotesque as the character of this haughty, vigilant, resolute, sagacious blue-stocking [Frederick the Great] ” (Macaulay).“我们几乎找不到一个人性的力量和弱点象这个高傲、机警、坚定、智慧的女学者的性格那样如此醒目和怪异的例子 ” (麦考莱)。〔quarantine〕To isolate in or as if in quarantine.隔离:在检疫期或象在检疫期那样进行隔离〔documentary〕Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.客观的:客观地而不是象电影或书本那样编辑或插入虚构事件的〔lunate〕Latin lūnātus [past participle of] lūnāre [to bend like a crescent] 拉丁语 lūnātus lūnāre的过去分词 [象一弯新月那样弯着] 〔sync〕"an effect like that of stereo speakers slightly out of sync"(Time)“象立体扩音器几乎同时发声那样的效果”(时代)〔diphthongize〕To pronounce as or become a diphthong.使双元音化:如发双元音那样发音〔erode〕To cause to diminish, deteriorate, or disappear as if by eating into or wearing away:侵蚀掉,腐蚀掉:象磨蚀、侵蚀那样使…减少、减弱或消失:〔all〕I am all the better for that experience.我对那样的经验很老道〔conceptualize〕"Efforts to conceptualize the history and structure of the universe were already running into trouble because . . . the universe was not as uniform as had been assumed"(John Noble Wilford)“试图把宇宙的历史与结构概念化的努力已陷入困境…因为宇宙并非如人们所设想的那样一成不变”(约翰·诺贝尔·威尔福特)〔shambles〕The original sense ofshambles to denote a meat market is by now so obscurein American usage that it must be counted the height of pedantry to insist,as a few critics continue to do,that the word should be used metaphorically only to refer to a scene of carnage.作为指肉市的单词shambles 的原始意义, 现在已很模糊,以致在美语用法中认为这个词只能隐喻地指屠杀情景,若还象一些批评家继续做的那样,准会被看作是极度迂腐的做法〔acquaintance〕Knowledge of a person acquired by a relationship less intimate than friendship.认识,相识,了解:对一个不象朋友那样亲密的人的了解〔jingle〕To have the catchy sound of a simple, repetitious rhyme or doggerel.有韵律:具有简单的、重复的四韵诗或打油诗那样朗朗上口的音韵〔fix〕Fixing to ranks with y'all as one of the best known markers of Southern dialects, although it seems to be making its way into the informal speech and writing of non-Southerners. Fixing to means "to be on the verge of or in preparation for (doing a given thing),” but like the modal auxiliaries, it has only a single invariant form and is not fully inflected like other verbs. Its form is always the present participle followed by the infinitive marker to : They were fixing to leave without me. Semantically, fixing to can refer only to events that immediately follow the speaker's point of reference. One cannot say, "We're fixing to have a baby in a couple of years.” Fixing to 与 y'all 齐名,都是南方方言的典型代表,但它开始也在非南方人不正式的讲话和写作中运用。 Fixing to 意指“向…报仇或准备好(做交给的事情)”,但它与情态动词一样,只有一种变形形式,不象其它动词那样有完整的一套词尾变形。它常用带动词不定式的符号 to 加现在分词的形式: 他们正准备不等我就离开。 从语义上来看, fixing to 仅用于紧跟在说话者观点后的事情。不能说,“我们准备在近几年内要个孩子” 〔check〕The wordscheck , chess , and shah are all related. Shah, as one might think, is a borrowing into English of the Persian title for the monarch of that country.The Persian wordshāh was also a term used in chess, a game played in Persia long before it was introduced to Europe.One saidshāh as a warning when the opponent's king was under attack. The Persian word in this sense,after passing through Arabic,probably Old Spanish, and then Old French,came into Middle English aschek about seven hundred years ago. Chess itself comes from a plural form of the Old French word that gave us the word check. Checkmate, the next stage after check, goes back to the Arabic phraseshāh māt, meaning "the king is stymied.”Through a complex development having to do with senses that evolved from the notion of checking the king,check came to mean something used to ensure accuracy or authenticity. One such means was a counterfoil, a part of a check, for example,retained by the issuer as documentation of a transaction.Check first meant "counterfoil" and then came to mean anything,such as a bill or bank draft, with a counterfoil—or eventually even without one.单词check , chess 和 shah 是互相关联的。 Shah 就象有人可能想象的那样, 是英语里的外来词,原指波斯国王的称号。波斯词语shah 也是国际象棋中的术语, 国际象棋在被引进欧洲之前早就在波斯流传。当对手的“国王”受到攻击时我们说shah 作为一种警告。 这个意义的波斯单词,通过阿拉伯语,可能还有古西班牙语和后来的古法语,大约在七百年前被收入中世纪英语中chek 。 Chess 本身来自于古法语 check 的复数形式。 Checkmate ,是 check 的下一步, 来自于阿拉伯短语shah mat, 意思是“国王进退两难”。从对“国王”将军这个概念演化而来,check 的含义经历了复杂的发展过程,它后来指用以确保准确性或真实性的某种东西。 例如,其中一个含义是指作为支票的一部分的存根,由签发支票的人保留作为交易的单据。Check 最初是指“存根”, 后来指任何有存根的东西,如帐单或银行汇票等,最后甚至指没有存根的东西〔stupid〕The woman kept signaling that it was time to leave, but her escort was so dense that he just kept sitting there. 那女人不停地暗示该离开了,但他的护送者却是那样迟钝以致于一直坐在那儿不动 〔tire〕"nothing so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task" (William James).Toexhaust is to wear out completely; the term connotes total draining of physical or emotional strength: “没有什么东西象一份萦绕在你心头的没有完成的工作那样累人” (威廉·詹姆士)。Exhaust 指筋疲力尽, 这个词表示体力或情感力量的完全耗尽: 〔go〕well behaved, as big dogs go.做得不错,像个大人那样〔jelly〕Something, such as a petroleum ointment, having the consistency of a soft, semisolid food substance.冻子:象凡士林软膏一样,有着柔软的半固体食物那样稠度的东西〔cribriform〕Perforated like a sieve.筛状的:象筛子那样穿有小孔的〔identify〕In the sense "to associate or affiliate (oneself) closely with a person or group,”identify has developed two distinct subsenses. In one, the verb suggests a psychological empathy with the feelings or experiences of another person,as inMost young readers readily identify (or identify themselves ) with Holden Caulfield. This usage derives originally from psychoanalytic writing,where it has a specific technical sense,but like other terms from that field,it was widely regarded as jargon when introduced into the wider discourse.In particular,critics seized on the fact that in this sense the verb was often used intransitively,with no reflexive pronoun.As Wilson Follett wrote in 1966,"The critic . . . could help restore the true notion in these words if he would give upidentifying at large and resume identifying himself with Ivan Karamazov, Don Quixote, Mary Poppins, or whomever.” In recent years, however, this use ofidentify with without the reflexive has become a standard locution. Eighty-two percent of the Usage Panel accepts the sentenceI find it hard to identify with any of his characters; whereas only 63 percent now accepts this same usage when the reflexive pronoun is used,as inI find it hard to identify myself with any of his characters. · Omission of the reflexive with this use ofidentify serves among other things to distinguish it from use of the verb to mean "to associate (oneself) with the goals, interests, or principles of a group.” This use of the verb can be traced back to the 18th century,but it is now somewhat less acceptable to the Panel than the first sense under discussion:58 percent of the Panel accepts the sentenceShe identified herself with the campaign against drug abuse, and only 40 percent acceptsShe identified with the campaign against drug abuse, where no reflexive pronoun is used. 在“使(自己)密切联系或依附于别人”这一意思中的。identify 一词又有两种不同的含义。 第一,这个动词表现了对其他人的感情或经历在心理上的认同,例如大多数青年读者很快认同了 (或 identify themselves ) 霍尔顿·科尔菲德。 这种用法来源于有关心理分析的著作,在这些著作中,这个词具有特殊的科技含义,不过就象从该领域引入的其它词语一样,这个词在日常生活使用中还带有专业术语的痕迹。特别指出的是,批评家们在发现这个词常常作为不及物动词来用,后面不带反身代词。正如威尔逊·福勒特1966年写到的,“如果评论家们很早就全面放弃identifying 而重新使用 identifying himself with 伊万·卡拉玛佐夫、堂吉诃德、玛丽·波普斯等人物,那就会有助于探询出这些词的真实含意。” 不过,近年来使用identify with 中间不加反身代词已成为一种标准搭配。 用法专题小组中82%的成员认为我觉得很难认同于他小说中的人物 一句是正确的; 而现在只有63%的成员接受使用反身代词来表达同一意思的句子,即I find it hard to identify myself with any of his characters。 省略反身代词以及其它一些方法,使identify 这种用法区别于它作为动词在“与某个集团的目标、利益或原则相联系”一句中的意思。 它作为动词的用法可追溯到18世纪,不过对于用法专题小组来说它没有第一种解释那样被易于接受:58%的小组成员接受她支持反对滥用药物的运动 这一说法, 只有40%的成员接受不要反身代词的She identified with the campaign against drug abuse 这一说法 〔what〕That which; the thing that:…那样的事,…那样的一个:〔fanatic〕"It is unfortunate, considering that enthusiasm moves the world, that so few enthusiasts can be trusted to speak the truth" (A.J. Balfour).More commonly, however, it merely implies strong interest in something, such as a hobby, and lacks the unfavorable connotations of the other terms: “不幸的是,宗教狂热驱动着世界,几乎没有哪一个狂热分子会坚持真理” (A.J鲍尔弗)。然而更为普通的,它仅指对某事有强烈兴趣的人,比如某一爱好,不像其它词那样具有不好的含义: 〔shy〕Despite her fame she remained the modest, unassuming person she had been as a student.尽管有名,她仍然是一个廉逊,不摆架子的人,就象她以前当学生时那样〔tail〕To lie or swing with the stern in a named direction, as when riding at anchor or on a mooring.船尾朝某一方向停泊:船尾朝向指定方向停泊或摇摆,如船只抛锚停泊或系泊时那样〔vegetable〕From Middle English [living and growing as plants do] 源自 中古英语 [象植物那样生活和生长的] 〔cut〕"Boy, has he cut a fat hog, as they say down home"(Hughes Rudd)“好家伙,他象他们所说的南方人那样吃不消了吗?”(休斯·鲁德)〔pickle〕Trade with the Low Countries across the North Sea was important to England in the later Middle Ages,and it is perhaps because of this tradethat we have the wordpickle. Middle Englishpikel, the ancestor of our word,is first recorded around 1400with the meaning "a spicy sauce or gravy served with meat or fowl.”This is a different sense from the one the word brings to mind now,but it is related somewhat in sense to its possible Middle Dutch sourcepekel, a solution, such as spiced brine, for preserving and flavoring food.After coming into Englishthe wordpickle expanded its sense range in several ways. It was applied, as it had been in Middle Dutch, to a pickling solution.Laterpickle was used to refer to something so treated, such as a cucumber. The word also took on a figurative sense,"a troublesome situation,”perhaps under the influence of a similar Dutch usage in the phrasein de pekel zitten, "sit in the pickle,” and iemand in de pekel laten zitten, "let someone sit in the pickle.” 在中世纪末,穿过北海与低地国家的贸易对英格兰来说非常重要,也许就是因为这种贸易,便有了pickle 这个词。 中世纪英语中的pikel , 也就是我们这词的祖先,大约在1400年第一次被记录,意思是“加有肉或禽肉的多香料的调味汁或肉汁。”这与现在我们所想到的意思有所不同,但从其可能的中世纪荷兰语词源pekle 的意义上讲又有些关联, 该词指如加香料的卤水等用来腌制或保存食物的溶液。进入英语后,pickle 这个词的词义在很多方面扩大了其含义。 象在中世纪荷兰语那样,它被用来指一种腌制食物的溶液。后来pickle 又用来指如此腌制的东西,如腌黄瓜。 从而这个词也有了比喻意义,即“麻烦的境地,”这大概是因为受了荷兰语中有短语坐在卤水中 和 让某人坐在卤水中 的类似用法的影响 〔volley〕To move rapidly, forcefully, or loudly like missiles:连声发出:象枪弹那样快速、有力或大声地运动:〔opinion〕"Our belief in any particular natural law cannot have a safer basis than our unsuccessful critical attempts to refute it" (Karl Popper).“我们对于任何自然规律的坚信都不能象我们怀着不可能的愿望去推翻它那样有一个坚实的基础” (卡尔·波尔)。




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