单词 | 部分 |
释义 | 〔filose〕Having or ending in a threadlike part or process.有线状突起的:具有线状部分或过程的,以线状部分或过程结尾的〔Ossetia〕A region of the central Caucasus in southern European U.S.S.R. The area was annexed by Russia between 1801 and 1806 and is now split into an autonomous republic in the north and an autonomous oblast in the south.奥塞梯:苏联欧洲部分南部、高加索中部一地区。此地区于1801-1806年间被俄国兼并,现已分裂,在北方为一个自治共和国,在南方则为一个自治州〔myotome〕The segment of a somite in a vertebrate embryo that differentiates into skeletal muscle.肌节:在脊椎动物的胚胎中,分成骨胳肌的部分体节〔core〕The basic or most important part; the essence:核心:基础或最重要的部分;核心:〔shade〕Light diminished in intensity as a result of the interception of the rays; partial darkness.阴影:因光线被截断导致的光亮强度减弱;部分黑暗〔bulk〕The major portion or greater part:大量:主要部分或较大的部分:〔aisle〕A part of a church divided laterally from the nave by a row of pillars or columns.侧廊:用一排柱子将教堂的中殿从侧面隔开的部分〔primordium〕An organ or a part in its most rudimentary form or stage of development.原基,最初阶段:处于最基础的形态或发育阶段的器官或部分〔cuff〕The turned-up fold at the bottom of a trouser leg.翻边:裤脚底部向上折叠的部分〔part〕A component that can be separated from or attached to a system; a detachable piece:部件,零件:可以从一个系统上分离或组装上去的组成部分;可分离的部分:〔analects〕Selections from or parts of a literary work or group of works. Often used as a title.文选,论集:文学作品或一组作品的选集或部分,常用作标题〔auriculate〕Having ears, auricles, or earlobe-shaped parts or extensions.有耳状部分的:有着耳形、耳叶形、或耳廓形部分或附加物的〔forearm〕The corresponding part of the foreleg in certain quadrupeds, such as a horse.前足:某些四足动物前腿的相应部分,如马〔Vladimir〕A city of central European U.S.S.R. east of Moscow. Probably founded in the 10th century, it came under the control of Moscow during the 15th century. Population, 331,000.弗拉基米尔:苏联中欧部分一城市,位于莫斯科东部。可能成立于10世纪,在15世纪受控于莫斯科。人口331,000〔Bratsk〕A city of southern Siberian U.S.S.R. on the Angara River north-northwest of Irkutsk. It has hydroelectric power installations. Population, 240,000.勃拉茨克:苏联西伯利亚部分南部一城市,位于伊尔库次克西北偏北安加拉河上。建有水电站。人口240,000〔Vorkuta〕A city of extreme northeast European U.S.S.R. above the Arctic Circle. It was founded in 1932 to accommodate extensive penal-labor camps. The camps were reportedly closed after the death of Stalin in 1953. Population, 108,000.沃尔库塔:苏联欧洲部分东北端的一个城市,位于北极圈以内。建立于1932年以容纳大量的劳改犯营。据报告1953年斯大林死后这些营被关闭。人口108,000〔calf〕The fleshy, muscular back part of the human leg between the knee and ankle.腓,小腿肚:人腿部位于膝关节和踝关节之间的多肉的、腿后部的肌肉部分〔bridge〕The part of a pair of eyeglasses that rests against this ridge.眼镜的鼻梁架:眼镜架在鼻梁上的那部分〔ret〕To moisten or soak (flax, for example) in order to soften and separate the fibers by partial rotting.将…沤软:将(例如亚麻)弄湿或浸湿以使其变软并通过部分腐烂来分离纤维〔partition〕from pars part- [part] * see part 源自 pars part- [部分] * 参见 part〔campylotropous〕Having an ovule partially inverted and curved such that the micropyle nearly meets the funiculus.弯生胚珠的:具有部分地反向生长并变弯曲以致卵孔几乎碰到珠柄的胚珠的〔coconut〕The large, brown, hard-shelled seed of the coconut, containing white flesh surrounding a partially fluid-filled central cavity.椰子:椰子树的褐色硬外壳的大种子,包括围绕有部分液体充填的中央果穴的白果肉〔trail〕The part of a gun carriage that rests or slides on the ground.底板:靠在地面或沿地面滑动的大炮轮架部分〔fourplex〕Composed of four parts; fourfold; quadruple.四分的,四倍的:由四个部分组成;四倍〔calk〕A pointed extension on the toe or heels of a horseshoe, designed to prevent slipping.马蹄铁刺:马掌后跟或足尖上的尖形加长部分,用于防滑〔groundnut〕The tuber or nutlike part of such a plant.此种植物的块茎或坚果状部分〔radial〕A radial part, such as a ray, spoke, or radius.放射部:辐射状的部分,如光线、轮辐或半径〔tegua〕An ankle-high moccasin worn in parts of Mexico and the Southwest.特利鞋:在墨西哥的部分地区和美国西南部地区穿的一种高踝部鹿皮鞋〔extractive〕The insoluble portion of an extract.提取物中不溶解的部分〔unfashionable〕an unfashionable part of town.城镇中社会没有通过的部分〔ultraviolet〕Ultraviolet light or the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.紫外光,紫外线的:紫外光或光谱的紫外线部分〔particular〕diminutive of pars part- [part] * see part pars的小后缀 part- [部分] * 参见 part〔stock〕A main upright part, especially a supporting structure or block.支撑架:主要的直立部分,尤指支撑结构或构架〔export〕To cause the spread of (an idea, for example) in another part of the world; transmit.输出:使(如一种思想)传播到世界的另一 个部分;传播〔thumb〕The part of a glove or mitten that covers the thumb.(手套的)拇指部分:手套或连指手套覆盖拇指的部分〔Tashkent〕A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. west-southwest of Alma-Ata. One of the oldest cities of central Asia, it was ruled by Arabs and then Turks until 1865, when it was annexed by Russia. Population, 2,030,000.塔什干:原苏联中亚部分南部一城市,位于阿拉木图西南偏西方。它是中亚地区最古老的城市之一,曾被阿拉伯人统治过,后又被突厥人统治至1865年,同年俄国将其并入自己的版图。人口2,030,000〔patagium〕A thin membrane extending between the body and a limb to form a wing or winglike extension, as in bats and flying squirrels. Also called parachute 翼膜:肢体和躯干间的一种薄膜,形成一翼或似翼的伸展部分,如蝙蝠和飞行松鼠的皮肤褶 也作 parachute〔cheek〕The fleshy part of either side of the face below the eye and between the nose and ear.颊:面的眼睛以下鼻子和耳朵之间两边有肉的部分〔stay〕A strip of bone, plastic, or metal, used to stiffen a garment or part, such as a corset or shirt collar.紧身胸衣架:用于固定外套或部分如胸或衬领的骨制、塑料或金属制的窄条〔seventeenth〕One of 17 equal parts.十七分之一:17个相等部分中的一份 |
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