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单词 金牛座
释义 〔Perseus〕A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Andromeda and Auriga.英仙座:北半球的一个星座,临近仙后座和金牛座〔Hyades〕A cluster of stars in the constellation Taurus, the five brightest of which form a V, supposed by ancient astronomers to indicate rain when they rose with the sun.金牛座之五星群:金牛座的一组星,其中最亮的五颗呈V字形排列,古代天文学家认为,当它们同太阳一起升起时预示着要下雨〔Aldebaran〕A double star in the constellation Taurus, 68 light-years from Earth, and one of the brightest stars in the sky.毕宿五,金牛座α星:位于金牛座的一颗双星,离地球68光年,为天空中最亮的星之一〔Taurus〕A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Orion and Aries.金牛座:在北半球中靠近猎户座和白羊座的星座〔Orion〕A constellation in the celestial equator near Gemini and Taurus, containing the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel.猎户座:在天球赤道上靠近双子座和金牛座的星座,包括参宿四和参宿七




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