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单词 镜头
释义 〔upstage〕To divert attention or praise from; force out of the spotlight:抢镜头:从…分散注意力或赞扬;抢…镜头〔border〕a crack in the rim of the lens.位于镜头边缘的裂缝。〔shot〕A single cinematic view or take.一个电影镜头或一次电影摄影〔Land〕American inventor who developed (1932) the light-polarizing plastic film called Polaroid and incorporated it into lenses for cameras and sunglasses. He also invented the one-step photographic process (1947).兰德,埃德温·赫伯特:(1909-1991) 美国发明家,他于(1932年)改进了被称为偏振片的光偏振塑料胶片,并把它应用于照相机的镜头和太阳镜。他还发明了一步法摄影程序(1947年)〔shutter〕A mechanical device of a camera that controls the duration of a photographic exposure, as by opening and closing to allow light coming through the lens to expose a plate or film.遮光器:照相机上用来控制摄影曝光时间的一种机械装置,通过开与闭让光线从镜头透过使底片或胶卷曝光〔footage〕A shot or series of shots of a specified nature or subject:连续镜头:一个特别性质或题目的一个镜头或一系列镜头〔cut〕An abrupt change of image or sound, as between shots in a film.切换:图象或声音的突然转换,如电影中的两个镜头之间的切换〔telephoto〕Of or relating to a photographic lens or lens system used to produce a large image of a distant object.摄远镜头的:属于或关于用来制作远处物体的大像的摄影镜头镜头系统的〔setup〕A camera position, as for a particular shot in a scene being filmed.摄影机位置:摄影机位置,如为正在拍摄的场景的某一镜头所设置〔colorization〕A computer-assisted process by which color is imparted to previously black-and-white film. The original film is first transferred to videotape, to which numerically coded colors are assigned, frame by frame, area by area. A graphics computer then applies the assigned colors to the appropriate areas of the images on each frame within a scene. The process continues until the entire film has been tinted.色化处理:一个借助计算机对黑白电影胶片着色的过程。先将胶片分镜头分区转换成用数字编码色彩预设的录影带,然后用图形电脑将预设的色彩施于一个场景不同的镜头中,整个过程于每个胶片被着色完毕时终止〔aperture〕A usually adjustable opening in an optical instrument, such as a camera or a telescope, that limits the amount of light passing through a lens or onto a mirror.光圈:光学仪器上的一个可调开口,如照相机或望远镜,它控制穿过镜头的或到镜面的光的数量〔stop〕The effective aperture of a lens, controlled by a diaphragm.光圈快门:由光圈控制的镜头的有效进光口〔trimetrogon〕Metrogon [a kind of camera lens] Metrogon [一种照相机镜头] 〔cut〕To stop filming (a movie scene).停拍:停止拍摄(某一电影镜头〔sequence〕A series of single film shots so edited as to constitute an aesthetic or dramatic unit; an episode.片断插曲:一组单独或连续的电影镜头编辑组成一个美学的或戏剧性的单元;插曲〔infinity〕A range in relation to an optical system, such as a camera lens, representing distances great enough that light rays reflected from objects within the range may be regarded as parallel.(聚焦区)无限远:与光学系统(如照像镜头)有关的一个范围,表示距离是如此之远,以至于从在这一距离的物体上反射回来的光可以视为平行光线〔stop〕To reduce (the aperture) of a lens.缩小(镜头的)光圈〔apochromatic〕Corrected for both chromatic and spherical aberration, as a lens.复消色差的:矫正色相差和球面像差的,如镜头〔delicacy〕scenes that might offend a viewer's delicacy.可能会触犯过分敏感的观众的镜头〔snapshoot〕To take a snapshot of.快照:快速拍镜头〔upstage〕a vice president who repeatedly tried to upstage the president.屡次欲抢总统镜头的副总统〔outtake〕A section or scene, as of a movie, that is filmed but not used in the final version.(影片的)剪余片:(如电影的)被拍摄但在最后的改写本里末被采用的片断或镜头〔preview〕An advance viewing or exhibition, especially the presentation of several scenes advertising a forthcoming movie; a trailer.预(试)演,预(试)映,预(试)展预告片:预先观看或展览,尤指放映即将公映的影片中的几个镜头以作宣传;(电影,电视等)的预告片〔scene〕A shot or series of shots in a movie constituting a unit of continuous related action.(电影中的)一景:在电影中以连续相关的动作为构成单位的一个镜头或一系列镜头〔viewfinder〕A device on a camera that indicates, either optically or electronically, what will appear in the field of view of the lens.取景器:照相机上的光学或者电子设备,用以显示出现在镜头里的东西〔trimetrogon〕A system of aerial photography in which one vertical and two oblique photographs are simultaneously taken for use in topographic mapping.三镜头航空测绘系统:一种航空测绘系统,用于地形绘图中,可同时拍摄一张竖直的和两张倾斜的照片〔montage〕A rapid succession of different images or shots in a movie.蒙太奇:电影中不同影像或镜头的快速连接〔paparazzo〕A freelance photographer who doggedly pursues celebrities to take candid pictures for sale to magazines and newspapers.猎奇摄影者:为了偷拍镜头卖给杂志和报纸的顽强地追踪某些庆祝活动的自由摄影者〔intercut〕To insert or alternate (scenes or camera shots) in a film sequence to achieve dramatic contrast or follow two or more actions taking place simultaneously.使镜头交切:在连续的电影镜头中插入或交替出现(场景或镜头)以达到戏剧性的对比,或跟随同时发生的两个或两个以上的活动〔videogenic〕Appearing to advantage on television; telegenic.适宜拍摄电视的;适宜上电视镜头




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