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单词 门窗
释义 〔tight〕Tight is used as an adverb following verbs that denote a process of closure or constriction, assqueeze, shut, close, tie, and hold. In this useit is subtly distinct from the adverbtightly. Tight denotes the state resulting from the process,whereastightly denotes the manner of its application. As such,tight is more appropriate when the focus is on a state that endures for some time after the activity has ended. The sentenceShe closed up the house tight suggests preparation for an impending blizzard. By the same token, it is more natural to sayThe windows were frozen tight than The windows were frozen tightly, since in this case the tightness of the seal is not likely to be the result of the manner in which the windows were frozen.With a few verbstight is used idiomatically as an intensive and is the only possible form: sleep tight; sit tight. Tight can be used only following the verb:The house was tightly (not tight ) shut. Tight 作副词用在表示关闭或压迫过程的动词后, 如squeeze,shut,close,tie 和 hold 。 在这种用法中,它与副词tightly有细微的差别。 Tight 表示过程导致的状态,而tightly 表示使用这些动作的方式。 因此,当焦点放在动作结束后仍然能持续一段时间的状态时,用tight 更为恰当。 句子她把房子的门窗紧紧地关起来 中表示准备迎接即将来到的暴风雪。 同样,我们说The windows were frozen tight 比 The windows were frozen tightly 更为自然, 因为这里的密封不大可能是窗子被冻上的结果。tight 还与几个动词结合惯用为加强语气的成分,且是唯一可能的形式: sleep tight; sit tight。 Tight 只能用于动词后:房子紧紧地 (而非 tight ) 关闭着 。 〔stile〕A vertical member of a panel or frame, as in a door or window sash.门梃,窗梃:框架或饰板(如门窗)中的竖直构件〔pane〕The glass used in such a division.门窗上一整块的玻璃〔areaway〕A small, sunken area allowing access or light and air to basement doors or windows.采光井:允许出入或光线和空气进入地下室门窗的凹陷的小区域〔glazier〕One that cuts and fits glass, as for doors and windows.装玻璃工:分割和安装玻璃的人,如给门窗镶玻璃的人〔frontispiece〕A small ornamental pediment, as on top of a door or window.(门窗上)三角饰:小的或带装饰的三角楣,一般在门或窗顶部〔bead〕A strip of material, usually wood, with one molded edge placed flush against the inner part of a door or window frame.密封条:一片材料(常为木料),磨制过的一边严密地置于门框、窗框内,使门窗打不开〔lintel〕The horizontal beam that forms the upper member of a window or door frame and supports the structure above it.门楣,过梁:构成门窗上部框架的平行梁木,并支持上面的构架




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