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单词 闪米特
释义 〔Hebrew〕A member or descendant of a northern Semitic people, claiming descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; an Israelite; a Jew.希伯来人,犹太人:北方闪米特民族的一员或后裔,自称是亚伯拉罕、以撒克和雅各的后代;古以色列人;犹太人〔lotus〕[perhaps of Semitic origin] [可能源于闪米特语] 〔Ammonite〕A member of an ancient Semitic people living east of the Jordan River, mentioned frequently in the Old Testament.亚扪人:住在约旦河以东的古闪米特族成员,在《旧约》圣经中多次被提到〔sycamine〕[of Semitic origin] [来源于闪米特语的] 〔chiton〕[of Semitic origin] ; akin to Hebrew kuttōnet [garment] [从闪米特语中来] ;类似于 希伯来语 kuttōnet [外衣] 〔Eblaite〕The Semitic language of ancient Ebla.埃卜拉语:古代埃卜拉的闪米特〔cherry〕[of Semitic origin] ; akin to Assyrian karšu [起源于闪米特语] ;类似于 亚述语 karšu 〔Amorite〕A member of one of several ancient Semitic peoples primarily inhabiting Canaan, where they preceded the Israelites, and Babylonia.亚摩利人:在以色列人和巴比伦人之前原居住在迦南的几个古闪米特族人的成员〔Semitics〕The study of the history, languages, and cultures of the Semitic peoples.闪米特学:对闪米特民族的历史,语言,和文化的研究〔hyssop〕[probably of Semitic origin] ; akin to Hebrew ’ēzôb [可能来自于闪米特] ;类似于 希伯来语 ’ēzôb 〔Sumerian〕A member of an ancient people, probably of non-Semitic origin, who established a nation of city-states in Sumer in the fourth millenniumb.c. that is one of the earliest known historic civilizations. 苏美尔人:一个古代民族的成员,很可能是非闪米特的起源在公元前 四千年期间在苏美尔建立了一个城邦国家,这是已知最早的具有重大历史意义的文明之一




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