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单词 阐明
释义 〔expound〕To give a detailed statement of; set forth:详述:详细叙述;阐明〔construction〕The interpretation or explanation given to an expression or a statement:诠释:对一个措辞或陈述所作出的阐明或解释:〔project〕An extensive task undertaken by a student or group of students to apply, illustrate, or supplement classroom lessons.研究计划:一个学生或一组学生执行以使用、阐明或补遗课堂作业的大量任务〔hermeneutic〕from hermēneuein [to interpret] 源自 hermēneuein [阐明] 〔tarnation〕The noun and interjectiontarnation illustrate suffixation, the addition of a suffix to a word.Tarnation and darnation (the latter probably having come first) are both euphemistic forms ofdamnation. Tarnationseems to have been influenced by tarnal, another mild oath derived from (e ) ternal! TheOxford English Dictionary cites late-18th-century examples of tarnation from New England, indicating that it has been part of American speech since colonial days.既是名词又是感叹词的tarnation 阐明了加后缀的构词法, 即将一个后缀加到一个词的末尾。Tarnation 和 darnation (后者可能先出现) 都是damnstion这个词的委婉形式。 Tarnation看来是受了 tarnal 一词的影响, 后者是从(e ) ternal 派生出来的一个较温和的诅咒语。 牛津英语辞典 援引了18世纪后期新英格兰地区居民使用 tarnation 一词的例子, 以此说明自殖民地时期起它就是美国语言的一部分〔expose〕of Latin expōnere [to set forth] * see expound 拉丁语 expōnere的变化 [提出,阐明] * 参见 expound〔Zoroastrianism〕The religious system founded in Persia by Zoroaster and set forth in the Zend-Avesta, teaching the worship of Ormazd in the context of a universal struggle between the forces of light and of darkness.波斯教,琐罗亚斯德教,袄教:在波斯,由琐罗亚斯德创立的宗教派别,在阿维斯陀圣经中阐明其教义,在宇宙中光明与黑暗势力的斗争中,教导人们崇拜光明神奥尔穆兹德〔expound〕expounded the intricacies of the new tax law.阐明新税法的复杂性〔elucidate〕To make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify.阐明:使清楚或容易,尤指通过解释;使明晰〔interpretive〕Relating to or marked by interpretation; explanatory.阐明的:属于或以解释为标志的;解释的〔prospectus〕A document describing the chief features of something, such as a business, an educational program, or especially a stock offering or mutual fund, for prospective buyers, investors, or participants.简介:对某事,比如公司、教学计划,尤指对入股投资的主要特点进行阐明的文件。此文件是为潜在的顾客、投资者或参加者而备〔Avenzoar〕Spanish-Arab physician and writer whosePractical Manual of Treatments and Diet showed an advanced understanding of the human body based on science rather than speculation. 阿文祖尔:具有西班牙和阿拉伯血统的医生和作家,他的《实用治疗与饮食手册》 阐明了他对人体基于科学而不是臆测的先进的理解 〔epigraph〕A motto or quotation, as at the beginning of a literary composition, setting forth a theme.引语,格言:在一部文学作品开头的引言,警句,阐明主题〔develop〕developed her thesis in a series of articles.用一系列文章逐渐阐明她的论文〔drive〕drove home his point.精辟地阐明他的观点〔explicate〕Latin explicāre explicāt- [to unfold, explain] 拉丁语 explicāre explicāt- [阐明,解释] 〔explicit〕Latin explicitus [past participle of] explicāre [to unfold] * see explicate 拉丁语 explicitus explicāre的过去分词 [阐明] * 参见 explicate〔explicate〕To make clear the meaning of; explain.See Synonyms at explain 阐明,说明:使…的意思清楚;解释 参见 explain〔illumination〕Clarification; elucidation.解释清楚;阐明〔Kamasutra〕A Sanskrit treatise setting forth rules for sensuous and sensual pleasure, love, and marriage in accordance with Hindu law.爱经:一本梵语专著,根据印度法律阐明了感官和性快感,爱情和婚姻〔exploit〕from Latin explicitum [neuter past participle of] explicāre [to unfold] * see explicate 源自 拉丁语 explicitum explicāre的中性过去分词 [阐明] * 参见 explicate〔purport〕Middle English purporten [to set forth] 中古英语 purporten [陈述,阐明] 〔represent〕To describe or present in words; set forth.描述,表现:用言语描述或显示;陈述,阐明〔elucidate〕To give an explanation that serves to clarify.See Synonyms at explain 阐明:提供说明以使清晰 参见 explain〔Eddy〕American religious leader who founded Christian Science (1879), the tenets of which she explained inScience and Health (1875). She also founded the Christian Science Monitor (1908), a daily newspaper. 艾迪,玛丽(莫尔斯)·贝克:(1821-1910) 美国宗教领袖,她在1879年创立“基督教科学教会”,她的教义在《科学与健康》 中得以阐明(1875年)。她还创建了一种日报 《基督教科学箴言报》 (1908年)




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