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单词 防御工事
释义 〔Battery〕A park at the southern tip of Manhattan Island at the upper end of New York Bay in southeast New York. It is the site of early Dutch and English fortifications and of Castle Clinton, built in 1808 for the defense of the harbor.炮台公园:曼哈顿岛南端的公园,位于纽约东南部的纽约湾北端。1808年为保护港口而建,早期荷兰和英国的防御工事及克林顿城堡就在此地〔fraise〕A defensive barrier of pointed, inclined stakes or barbed wire.防御工事:筑有尖利的、倾斜的木桩或铁蒺藜的防御性的障碍物〔castellated〕Medieval Latin castellātus [past participle of] castellāre [to fortify as a castle] 中世纪拉丁语 castellātus castellāre的过去分词 [筑一个城堡作防御工事] 〔emplace〕emplace a fortification on the hilltop.在山顶修筑了防御工事〔bunker〕An underground defensive position with a fortified projection above ground level for gun emplacements.掩蔽壕,地堡:一个地下防御工事,有一个高干地面的,用来放枪的防御射击处〔magistral〕the magistral line of fortifications.防御工事的主线〔blockhouse〕A military fortification constructed of sturdy material, such as concrete, and designed with ports for defensive firing or observation.碉堡:用混凝土等坚固的物质构筑起的军事防御工事,而且设有用于防御时射击或观察的孔口〔barbican〕A tower or other fortification on the approach to a castle or town, especially one at a gate or drawbridge.望楼,碉楼:建在接近城堡或城镇处的塔楼或其他防御工事,尤指建于大门或吊桥附近者〔bulwark〕 Earthwork is a defensive construction of earth. A Earthwork 是土木做的防御工事〔redoubt〕A protected place of refuge or defense.保护性藏身处,防御工事〔outwork〕A minor fortification constructed beyond a main defensive position or fortification.简易外围工事:在主要防御位置或防御工事之外构筑的小防御工事〔perimeter〕A fortified strip or boundary usually protecting a military position.周界:筑有防御工事的地带或边界,常用以保护一军事地点〔bulwark〕 Parapet applies to any low fortification, typically a wall atop a rampart.Of these wordsbulwark, barricade, rampart, and bastion are the most frequently used to refer figuratively to something regarded as being a safeguard or a source of protection: Parapet 指低矮的防御工事,典型的是壁垒上的墙。Bulwark, barricade, rampart 和 bastion 这些词是最常用来指那些被认为是防御或保护物的东西的词: 〔fortify〕To strengthen and secure (a position) with fortifications.设防御工事,设防:以防御公事加强或防护(战略位置)〔gabion〕A cylindrical wicker basket filled with earth and stones, formerly used in building fortifications.篾筐:一种过去用于筑防御工事的装满泥土和石头的圆筒状柳条筐〔escarpment〕A steep slope in front of a fortification.壕沟内壁:防御工事前的陡峭的斜坡〔Leghorn〕A city of northwest Italy on the Ligurian Sea southeast of Genoa. A fortified town in the Middle Ages, Leghorn was developed into a flourishing community by the Medici. Population, 175,371.莱戈恩(即里窝那):意大利西北部一城市,临近利古里亚海,位于热那亚东南。中世纪时曾是筑有防御工事的城镇。美第奇将其发展成为一个繁荣的社区。人口175,371〔inviolable〕fortifications that made the frontier inviolable.边疆上牢不可破的防御工事〔dismantle〕Obsolete French desmanteler [to raze fortifications round a town] 已废法语 desmanteler [摧毁城镇周围的防御工事] 〔Robert〕American army engineer and parliamentary authority. He designed the defenses for Washington, D.C., during the Civil War and later wroteRobert's Rules of Order (1876). 罗伯特,亨利·马丁:(1837-1923) 美国军械师和议会掌权人,他在美国内战期间为华盛顿特区设计了防御工事,后来著有《罗伯特的治安条例》 (1876年)一书 〔palisade〕A fence of pales forming a defense barrier or fortification.栅栏:形成防御障碍或防御工事的栅栏围墙〔work〕A fortified structure, such as a trench or fortress.防御工事:防御结构,如壕沟或堡垒〔bulwark〕 bastion is a projecting section of a fortification from which defenders have a wide range of view and fire. Bastion 指防御工事上突出的部分,在此防御者可以有一个开阔的观察和射击范围。〔mine〕To dig a tunnel under the earth, especially under an enemy emplacement or fortification.挖掘坑道:在地下挖掘坑道,尤指在敌人的炮台或防御工事之下〔overextend〕overextended their defenses.过分扩展防御工事〔bulwark〕A wall or embankment raised as a defensive fortification; a rampart.堡垒,壁垒:用作防御工事的墙或土堤;壁垒〔breastwork〕A temporary, quickly constructed fortification, usually breast-high.See Synonyms at bulwark 胸墙:临时、迅速修建的防御工事,通常齐胸高 参见 bulwark〔redoubt〕A small, often temporary defensive fortification.小型防御工事:小型,常为暂时性的防御工事〔Natchez〕A city of southwest Mississippi on the Mississippi River south-southwest of Vicksburg. Founded as a fortified settlement in 1716, it was held successively by France, Great Britain, Spain, and the United States. Natchez prospered especially as the southern terminus of theNatchez Trace, an old road connecting the city with Nashville, Tennessee, that was commercially and strategically important in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Population, 19,460. 纳齐兹:美国密西西比州西南部的一个城市,在密西西比河畔,和维克斯堡的西南偏南端接壤。1716年,作为防御工事而建立,曾一度被法国,大英帝国,西班牙和美国成功地占有过。纳齐兹尤其作为纳齐兹公路 南部的终点而繁荣昌盛,纳齐兹公路是一条连结纳什维尔城和田纳西城的老路,在18世纪未期和19世纪早期占有商业和战略的重要地位。人口19,460 〔defilade〕To arrange (fortifications) in such a way as to give protection from enfilading and other fire.遮蔽:建筑(防御工事)使避开纵射和其它炮火〔fortification〕Something that serves to fortify, especially military works erected to fortify a position or place.防御工事:用于筑城的东西,尤指采取军事行动防御一个位置或地方〔mine〕A tunnel dug under an enemy emplacement to gain an avenue of attack or to lay explosives.地雷坑道:为了进攻或安放炸药而在敌人防御工事下挖掘的坑道〔landward〕sailing landward; the landward side of a coastal fortification.朝岸航行;沿海防御工事朝陆地的一面〔flank〕The right or left side of a bastion.两侧:防御工事的左侧或右侧〔Maginot〕French politician who as minister of war (1922-1924 and 1929-1932) proposed a line of fortification, called the Maginot Line, along France's border with Germany. Thought to be impregnable, the line was bypassed and later captured by the Germans (1940).马其诺,安德鲁:(1877-1932) 法国政治家,在担任陆军部长时(1922-1924以及1929-1932年)提议沿法国和德国边境设一条叫做马其诺防线的防御工事。马其诺防线曾被认为是牢不可破的,但是德国军从侧面包抄并在后来占领了这条防线(1940年)〔Altenburg〕A city of east-central Germany south of Leipzig. It was built on the site of early ninth-century Slavic fortifications. Population, 54,999.奥登堡:德国中东部莱比锡以南城市,在9世纪早期斯拉夫人作为防御工事的地点因而建立起来。人口54,999〔fortalice〕A defensive structure or position; a fortress.要塞:一防御工事或位置;一堡垒〔fastness〕A secure or fortified place; a stronghold.要塞:安全或设有防御工事的地方;堡垒〔escarp〕The inner wall of a ditch or trench dug around a fortification.壕沟内壁:在防御工事附近挖的战壕的内墙〔Jaipur〕A city of northwest India south-southwest of Delhi. The center of a former state established in the 12th century, Jaipur was founded in 1728 and is noted for its walls and fortifications and the pink color of many of its houses. Population, 977,165.斋浦尔:印度西北部城市,位于德里西南以南。建于1728年,曾是12世纪建立的古国的中心,并且以其城墙、防御工事和许多房屋呈粉红色而闻名。人口977,165




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