单词 | 防止 |
释义 | 〔crampon〕An iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping when walking on ice or climbing. Also called In this sense, also called climbing iron 尖铁钉:在冰上行走或爬山时防止滑倒而装在鞋上的铁钉 也作 在此意义上也可称作 climbing iron〔leave〕To refrain from disturbing or interfering.不打扰:防止打搅或干扰〔purchase〕A grip applied manually or mechanically to move something or prevent it from slipping.紧抓:用手工或机械装置移动某物或防止其打滑时所使用的牢靠的立足点〔nonproliferation〕a nonproliferation treaty.防止(核武器)扩散条约〔martingale〕The strap of a horse's harness that connects the girth to the noseband and is designed to prevent the horse from throwing back its head.马颔缰:一种马具,连接马的肚带和鼻羁的绳带,用以防止马向后甩头〔outrigger〕A long, thin float attached parallel to a seagoing canoe by projecting spars as a means of preventing it from capsizing.舷外浮材,舷外浮体:一种又长又细的浮标,通过突出的圆材平行地连在航行的小船上,用作防止船翻的工具〔bluing〕Any of various coloring agents used to counteract the yellowing of laundered fabrics.蓝色漂白剂:任一种用于防止衣物泛黄的有色漂白剂〔locknut〕A usually thin nut screwed down on another nut to prevent it from loosening.防松螺母:常指拧紧在另一个螺母上的防止其松动的细螺母〔restrain〕"a light to guide, a rod/To check the erring" (William Wordsworth).Tobridle is often to hold in or govern one's emotions or passions: “一束引路的光,一根/防止犯错误的棍” (威廉·华兹华斯)。Bridle 常指压抑或控制自己的感情或激情: 〔agaric〕The dried fruiting body of certain fungal species in the genusFomes, formerly used in medicine, especially to inhibit the production of sweat. 层孔菌:某些属于层孔菌属 的真菌属类的干的子实体,以前用作药物,特别用于防止出汗 〔leakproof〕So constructed or contrived as to prevent leaks or leakage.防漏的:为防止裂缝或泄露而制作或设计的〔deicer〕A device used on an aircraft to keep the wings and propeller free from ice or to remove ice after it has formed.防冰装置,去冰器:飞机上的一种装置,用来防止机翼和推进器上结冰,或者在结冰后除冰〔police〕The governmental department charged with the regulation and control of the affairs of a community, now chiefly the department established to maintain order, enforce the law, and prevent and detect crime.警察局:负责约束和管理一个社区事务的政府部门,现在被建立主要是用来维持秩序、执行法律和防止和侦破犯罪行为的部门〔preventive〕Carried out to deter expected aggression by hostile forces.防止的:实施以用来防止敌对势力有可能的进攻的〔pawl〕A hinged or pivoted device adapted to fit into a notch of a ratchet wheel to impart forward motion or prevent backward motion.掣爪,棘爪:一种枢轴或转轴器械,能与齿轮缺口或齿间吻合来前进或防止后移〔SPCC〕Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.防止虐待儿童协会〔stabilize〕To keep from fluctuating; fix the level of:防止…的波动;平抑:〔deter〕To prevent or discourage the occurrence of an action, as by means of fear or doubt:阻止,威慑:通过恐吓或怀疑防止某种行动的发生:〔fender〕A screen or metal framework placed in front of a fireplace to keep hot coals and debris from falling out.火炉围栏:火炉前面用于防止热碳和碳渣掉出的隔板或金属框架〔antirejection〕Preventing rejection of a transplanted tissue or organ.抗排斥的:防止移植组织或移植器官的排斥反应〔drip〕A projection on a cornice or sill that protects the area below from rainwater.滴水槽:飞檐或窗台上的突出部分,用于防止其下方受水淋湿〔shield〕A pad worn, as at the armpits, to protect a garment from perspiration.吸汗垫:一种防止衣服沾上汗渍的垫子,一般放在腋下〔lagging〕Insulation used to prevent heat diffusion, as from a steam pipe.绝热材料:用来防止热量散失的绝热材料,如从蒸汽输送管上〔mask〕An opaque border or pattern placed between a source of light and a photosensitive surface to prevent exposure of specified portions of the surface.遮光板:置于光源与感光性表面之间的、防止表面特定部分曝光的边或图形〔decay〕Dentists advise their patients to brush and floss regularly to prevent their teeth from decaying.牙医建议他们的病人定期刷牙并用洁牙线剔牙,防止蛀牙。〔prophylaxis〕Prevention of or protective treatment for disease.预防:对疾病的防止或保护性处理〔stake〕A vertical post secured in a socket at the edge of a platform, as on a truck bed, to help retain the load.平台的桩杆:在卡车上立于平台边上的桩杆,为了防止货物滑落〔Teflon〕A trademark used for a waxy, opaque material, polytetrafluoroethylene, employed as a coating on cooking utensils and in industrial applications to prevent sticking. This trademark often occurs in figurative contexts in print:特氟隆,铁氟龙:用作光滑不透明的材料的商标,聚四氟乙烯被用来作为烹饪用具的涂层,在工业上防止粘附。这一商标经常出现在印刷品有比喻意义的上下文中:〔tormentor〕A sound-absorbent screen used on a movie set, used to prevent echo.吸音幕:电影机边用来吸收声音的屏幕,用来防止回声〔watchdog〕One who serves as a guardian or protector against waste, loss, or illegal practices.监察者:防止浪费、丢失或不法行为的监察或防护者〔shut〕To prevent (an opponent) from scoring any runs or points.阻挡:防止(对手)持球跑动或得分〔contragestive〕Capable of preventing gestation, either by preventing implantation or by causing the uterine lining to shed after implantation.避孕的:通过防止胚胎植入或使子宫内膜在胚胎植入后脱落从而能够避免怀孕或妊娠的〔levee〕An embankment raised to prevent a river from overflowing.堤岸,防洪堤:防止河流泛滥而建造的堤岸〔windshield〕A shield placed to protect an object from the wind.风挡:为防止一个物体受风吹而安置的保护物〔seal〕A substance, especially an adhesive agent such as wax or putty, used to close or secure something or to prevent seepage of moisture or air.封口之物:一种物质,尤指似蜡或油灰的粘性剂,用来封闭、保存某物或防止潮气或空气的渗流〔mechitza〕A partition erected in the seating section of an Orthodox synagogue to prevent the mixing of men and women.座位隔间:在正式宗教聚会中竖立于座位区的隔间以防止男性女性在混坐在一起〔condom〕A flexible sheath, usually made of thin rubber or latex, designed to cover the penis during sexual intercourse for contraceptive purposes or as a means of preventing sexually transmitted diseases.避孕套:一种有弹性的套,通常用薄橡皮或橡胶制成,套在阴茎上防止怀孕或性病的传染〔antibiotic〕Destroying life or preventing the inception or continuance of life.抗生的:破坏或防止生命开始或延续的〔fairlead〕A device such as a ring or block of wood with a hole in it through which rigging is passed to hold it in place or prevent it from snagging or chafing.导索器:绳索穿过其中以固定绳索或防止绳索受到磨损的设备,如一圆环或有一洞的木块〔security〕Measures adopted by a government to prevent espionage, sabotage, or attack.保安措施:政府防止间谍、破坏或进攻而采取的措施 |
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