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单词 阴谋家
释义 〔sly〕Crafty plotters make the best intelligence agents.狡猾的阴谋家可以成为最好的间谍。〔Oates〕English conspirator. His story of a Jesuit plot to assassinate Charles II (1678) resulted in the execution of many innocent Catholics.欧茨,提图斯:(1649-1705) 英国阴谋家。1678年他捏造耶稣会会员阴谋暗杀查理二世,使许多无辜天主教徒被处死刑〔conspiratorial〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of conspirators or a conspiracy:阴谋家的:阴谋家或阴谋的、与之有关的或以此为特征的:〔frustrate〕The conspirators will be foiled in their intrigue.阴谋家的阴谋将被挫败。〔Fawkes〕English conspirator executed for his role in the Gunpowder Plot, an attempt to kill James I and blow up Parliament on November 5, 1605, to avenge the persecution of Roman Catholics in England.福克斯,盖伊:(1570-1606) 英国阴谋家,因参与黑色火药阴谋而被处死,此阴谋计划在1605年11月5日刺杀詹姆斯一世并使议会崩溃,以报复英国罗马天主教的迫害〔Catiline〕Roman politician and conspirator who led an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic while Cicero was a consul.凯蒂林:罗马政治家和阴谋家,在西塞罗执政时期领导了颠覆罗马共和国的反叛运动,最后以失败告终〔conspiracist〕One holding a conspiracy theory.阴谋家:坚持阴谋理论的人




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