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单词 阵地
释义 〔bridgehead〕A fortified position from which troops defend the end of a bridge nearest the enemy.桥头堡,桥头阵地:军队守卫离敌人最近的桥头的筑垒阵地〔sap〕A covered trench or tunnel dug to a point within an enemy position.地道:挖掘到军队阵地以内的覆盖着的坑道或地道〔advance〕advance on the enemy's position.向敌人的阵地进击〔ground〕The soldiers held their ground against the enemy. Character witnesses helped the defendant stand her ground in the trial.战士们打退敌军牢牢守住阵地;保证人帮助被告在法庭上站稳了脚根〔redoubt〕A reinforcing earthwork or breastwork within a permanent rampart.防守阵地,防护性障碍物:在永久性堡垒中加强土木工事或胸墙〔ground〕An area or a position that is contested in or as if in battle:阵地:在战争或类似战争的局面中争夺的地区或阵地〔firepower〕The capacity, as of a weapon, weapons system, military unit, or position, for delivering fire.火量:一件武器、兵器系统、军事单位或阵地等发射火力的容量〔overrun〕To seize the positions of and defeat conclusively:侵占,打垮:抢夺…的阵地并决定性地击败:〔position〕The troops took up positions along the main road.部队在主要沿线布置阵地〔fire〕subjected enemy positions to heavy mortar fire; struck by rifle fire.受重型迫击炮火力威胁的敌军阵地;受步枪火力的袭击〔offensive〕The offensive troops gained ground quickly.这支进攻的军队很快地赢得了阵地〔McAuliffe〕American soldier noted for his staunch defense of American positions at Bastogne, Belgium, during the Battle of the Bulge (1944-1945).麦考利夫,安东尼·克雷芒:(1898-1975) 美国士兵,因其在布尔吉战役(1944-1945年)中在比利时的巴斯托涅坚强捍卫美国阵地而著称〔maneuver〕To shift ground; change tactics:转换阵地;改变战术:〔salient〕The area of a military defense, such as a battle line, that projects closest to the enemy.突出阵地:军事阵地的一部分地区,如战线中突近敌人的部分〔defilade〕A fortified position offering protection from enfilading and other fire.遮蔽物,堡垒:加固的阵地,提供保护使不受纵射和其它的炮火〔Stone〕American journalist who championed liberal causes inI.F. Stone's Weekly (1953-1971). 斯通,伊(西多)·费(恩斯坦):(1907-1989) 美国记者,他以《I·F·斯通周刊》 为阵地支持自由事业(1953-1971年) 〔untenable〕an untenable position.一个难于防守的阵地〔front〕The area of contact between opposing combat forces; a battlefront.阵地:敌对双方交锋的地区;战争前沿




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