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单词 阻止
释义 〔Grasse〕French naval officer who during the American Revolution commanded the French fleet in Chesapeake Bay, thereby preventing British naval forces from aiding Cornwallis at Yorktown (1781).格拉斯,弗朗索瓦·约瑟夫·保罗·德:(1722?-1788) 法国海军军官,在美国内战期间指挥在切萨皮克湾的法国舰队, 阻止了英国海军对在约克敦的康华里的支援(1781年)〔retardant〕Acting or tending to retard. Often used in combination:起阻滞作用的,阻止性的:阻止的行为的或倾向于阻止的。常用于复合词:〔check〕The condition of being stopped or held back; restraint:抑制:被中断或阻止的状态;克制:〔nonskid〕Designed to prevent or inhibit skidding:防滑的:为阻止或抑制打滑而设计的:〔Coughlin〕Canadian-born American priest and political activist who gained a wide audience through radio broadcasts of his sermons. He was silenced by his superiors in 1942 after his broadcasts became increasingly profascist.考哥林,查尔斯·爱德华:(1891-1979) 加拿大裔的美国教士和政治活动家,在布道广播中赢得许多观众。1924年因其布道变得越来越亲法西斯被修道院院长阻止〔throw〕To hinder the progress of; check:阻止…的前进;扼制:〔Crittenden〕American politician who proposed the Crittenden Compromise (1860), an unsuccessful last-minute effort to forestall the Civil War.克里坦登,约翰·约旦:(1787-1863) 美国政治家,提出了克里坦登协议(1860年),该协议是阻止美国内战爆发所作的最后努力〔pocket〕To prevent (a bill) from becoming law by failing to sign until the adjournment of the legislature.否决(议案):通过直到立法机关休会前还未签署,来阻止(一项议案)成为法律〔bay〕The position of having been checked or held at a distance:使陷入困境:在远处处于被控制或被阻拦的境地,阻止不使前进:〔stave〕To keep or hold off; repel:阻止:不使接近; 赶走:〔defoam〕To prevent the formation of foam on.阻止…上形成泡沫〔barrier〕from *barra [bar] 源自 *barra [禁止,阻止] 〔restrain〕To hold back or keep in check; control:抑制:阻止或抑制;控制:〔hinder〕What is to hinder you from trying? Tohamper is to hinder by or as if by fastening or entangling: 是什么阻止你尝试? Hamper 的意思是通过系紧或缠住而妨碍: 〔interference〕The inhibition or prevention of clear reception of broadcast signals.干扰:阻止清晰地接收无线电信号〔ineffectual〕an ineffectual effort to block the legislation.企图阻止立法机关行为的无效努力〔impeach〕Middle English empechen [to impede, accuse] 中古英语 empechen [阻止,指责] 〔backpressure〕Residual pressure opposing the free flow of a gas or liquid, as in a pipe or an exhaust system.余压:阻止气体或液体自由流动的剩余压力,如在管道或废气排放系统中〔echard〕From Greek ekhein [to hold back] * see segh- 源自 希腊语 ekhein [阻止] * 参见 segh- 〔cork〕To restrain or check; hold back:抑制:限制或遏制;阻止〔damp〕To restrain or check; discourage.抑制,阻止;扫兴〔baffle〕To impede the force or movement of.阻碍:阻止…的作用或运动〔wall〕A structure of stonework, cement, or other material built to retain a flow of water.堤:为阻止水流而以石头、水泥或其他建筑材料建造的建筑物〔baffle〕To frustrate or check (a person) as by confusing or perplexing; stymie.使困惑,使为难:用混淆或困惑的方法迷惑或阻止(某人);使处于困境〔debar〕barer [to bar] from barre [bar] * see bar 1barer [闩上,阻止] 源自 barre [杆,棒] * 参见 bar1〔stop〕To prevent the flow or passage of:阻止…的流动或输送:〔roadblock〕A barricade or an obstruction across a road set up to prevent the escape or passage, as of a fugitive or enemy troops.路障:如阻止叛逃者或敌军通行的关卡等横跨公路设置以阻止逃跑或通行的障碍物〔prohibit〕To prevent; preclude:妨碍:阻止;避免:〔unrestrained〕Not controlled or held in check; immoderate:过度的:未被控制的或阻止的;过度的:〔discouragement〕Something that discourages; a deterrent.使人泄气的事物;阻止〔example〕A punishment given as a warning or deterrent.警戒,警告:作为警告或阻止而做出的惩罚〔abstention〕past participle of Latin abstinēre [to hold back] * see abstain 拉丁语 abstinēre的过去分词 [阻止] * 参见 abstain〔astringent〕A substance or preparation, such as alum, that draws together or constricts body tissues and is effective in stopping the flow of blood or other secretions.止血剂:一种物质或药剂,如明矾,可以聚敛或收缩机体组织,从而有效地阻止血液或身体其它分泌物流出体外〔nip〕a conspiracy that was nipped in the bud by the police.See Synonyms at blast 被警察阻止在萌芽状态中的阴谋 参见 blast〔corepressor〕A substance that combines with and activates a genetic repressor, thus preventing gene transcription and inhibiting protein synthesis.辅阻遏物:一种与遗传阻遏物质结合并使其活跃的物质,以此来抑制遗传因子转录和阻止蛋白质的合成〔exclude〕To prevent from being included, considered, or accepted; reject:排除:阻止其被包括、考虑或接受;拒绝:〔firebreak〕A strip of cleared or plowed land used to stop the spread of a fire. Also called fireguard 防火障:为阻止火势蔓延而清除出或挖出的地带 也作 fireguard〔arrest〕a brake that automatically arrests motion; arrested the growth of the tumor. 自动使运动停止的闸;阻止肿瘤的生长〔tourniquet〕A device, typically a tightly encircling bandage, used to check bleeding by temporarily stopping the flow of blood through a large artery in a limb.止血带、压脉器:一种装置,特指一紧紧环绕的绷带,通过暂时阻止血液从四肢的较大动脉中流过而止血〔ribavirin〕A synthetic, antiviral ribonucleoside, C8H 12N 4O 5, that inhibits the replication of DNA and RNA. 病毒唑:一种合成抗病毒核糖核苷,C8H 12N 4O 5阻止DNA及RNA的复制




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