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单词 阿基米德
释义 〔Archimedes〕Greek mathematician, engineer, and physicist. Among the most important intellectual figures of antiquity, he discovered formulas for the area and volume of various geometric figures, applied geometry to hydrostatics and mechanics, devised numerous ingenious mechanisms, such as the Archimedean screw, and discovered the principle of buoyancy.阿基米德:希腊数学家、工程师及物理学家。作为古代最重要的智慧人物之一,他发现了不同几何形体的面积和体积公式,将几何学应用于流体静力学和机械学,设计了许多灵巧装置,如阿基米德螺旋泵,并发现了浮力定理〔eureka〕Greek heurēka [I have found (it) (supposedly exclaimed by Archimedes upon discovering how to measure the volume of an irregular solid and thereby determine the purity of a gold object)] [first person perfect of] heuriskein [to find] 希腊语 heurēka [“我找到了!”,“我搞清楚了!”(源自希腊数学家和发明家阿基米德发现测量不规则固体体积的方法,并以此发现测定金子纯度的方法时的惊呼)] heuriskein的第一人称完成时 [找到]




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