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单词 降低
释义 〔hurt〕The bad publicity has hurt the candidate's chances for victory.See Synonyms at injure 坏名声降低了这位侯选人的胜算 参见 injure〔destroy〕dē- [de-] dē- [前缀,表“降低”] 〔degradation〕The state of being degraded; degeneration.降低,堕落:被降低的状态;衰退〔aerobraking〕The use of atmospheric drag rather than onboard thrusters to reduce the velocity of a satellite or spacecraft.大气层减速,大气阻力:利用大气层阻力而不是船载推进器来降低卫星或宇宙飞船的速度〔support〕Scientists advocate a reduction in saturated fats in the human diet. Tochampion is to fight for one that is under attack or lacks the strength or ability to act in its own behalf: 科学家们提倡人类饮食应降低饱含脂肪的食物的摄入量。 Champion 指捍卫一个受到攻击或缺乏力量或能力来保卫自己的人: 〔deacidify〕To remove the acid from or reduce the acid content of.使去酸,使脱酸:把酸移走或降低酸的含量〔subdue〕To make less intense or prominent; tone down:抑制,克制:使变得缓和;降低〔degrade〕refused to abase herself by asking for an invitation.因请求得到他人的邀请被拒绝而使自己的威望降低〔haze〕Atmospheric moisture, dust, smoke, and vapor that diminishes visibility.雾气:造成能见度降低的大气潮气、尘埃、烟雾以及水汽〔degraded〕Having been reduced in quality or value.退步的:质量或价值方面降低了的〔subpotency〕Reduction in potency, as of a drug.低效:(如药物)效力降低〔detract〕To undergo reduction in value, importance, or quality; become reduced, as in effect. Often used withfrom : 贬低,减损:降低价值,重要性或质量;降低效果。经常与from 连用: 〔depreciate〕To lessen the price or value of.降低降低价格或价值〔depress〕To lessen the activity or force of; weaken:削弱:降低积极性或力量;使虚弱:〔plummet〕To decline suddenly and steeply:骤降,爆跌:突然和大幅度地降低〔depressant〕An agent, especially a drug, that decreases the rate of vital physiological activities.抑制剂:一种降低重要生理活动速度的物质(尤指药品)〔buyback〕The repurchase of stock by the company that issued it, as to reduce holdings of a single investor or increase the value of shares by reducing their number.股票回购:公司重新购买已发行股票,以降低单一投资者所持有的股票,或通过减少股票数量令股票增值〔degrade〕"It puts him where he can make the advances without demeaning himself" (William Dean Howells).“这使他处于一种可以进取而不用降低自己身份的位置” (威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯)。〔strike〕To lower (a flag or sail) in salute or surrender.降下:降低(旗帜或帆)以示敬礼或投降〔hypotensive〕Causing a reduction in blood pressure:降血压的:导致血压降低〔bouillabaisse〕abaisso [imperative of] abeissa [to lower] from Vulgar Latin *abbassiāre Latin ad- [ad-] Medieval Latin bassus [low] abaisso abeissa的祈使语气动词 [降低] 源自 俗拉丁语 *abbassiāre 拉丁语 ad- [添加] 中世纪拉丁语 bassus [低的] 〔place〕To lower the dignity of (someone); humble.降低某人的尊严;贬抑〔depress〕The drought depressed the water level in the reservoirs.干旱使水库的水面降低〔tolbutamide〕A white powder, C12H 18N 2O 3S, that lowers the level of sugar in the blood and is used in the treatment of diabetes. 甲磺氮草脲:一种白色粉状物,符号C12H 18N 2O 3S,能够降低血液中的含糖量,用来治疗糖尿病 〔debase〕To lower in character, quality, or value; degrade.See Synonyms at adulterate See Synonyms at corrupt See Synonyms at degrade 降低…的特性、品质或价值;降低 参见 adulterate 参见 corrupt 参见 degrade〔let〕To cause to come down gradually; lower:放下,降下:使其逐渐下来;降低〔humiliate〕To lower the pride, dignity, or self-respect of.See Synonyms at degrade 使屈辱,使丢脸:降低(别人的)自豪、尊严或自尊 参见 degrade〔sell〕To get rid of by selling, often at reduced prices.甩卖:卖掉,出售通常是降低出售〔humble〕To give a lower condition or station to; abase.See Synonyms at degrade 压低,降低:为(别人)提供较低等的条件或状况;使降低地位或身份 参见 degrade〔lower〕The temperature has lowered gradually this month.这个月气温渐渐降低〔bawl〕or from Old Norse baula [to low] [of imitative origin] 或源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 baula [放低,降低] [源于拟声词] 〔demulcent〕dē- [de-] dē- [前缀,表示“减少,降低”] 〔abate〕To fall off in degree or intensity; subside.减弱,缓和,消退:降低程度或强度;消退〔precool〕To reduce the temperature of (produce or meat, for example) by artificial means before packaging or shipping.预先冷冻:在包装或装运之前用人工方法降低(如,产品或肉)的温度〔diminution〕The act or process of diminishing; a lessening or reduction.缩减:缩减的动作或过程;减少或降低〔defile〕de- [de-] de- [表示“降低”] 〔derogate〕dē- [de-] dē- [前缀,表“降低”] 〔antifreeze〕A substance, often a liquid such as ethylene glycol or alcohol, mixed with another liquid to lower its freezing point.防冻剂,防冻液,抗凝剂:一种物质,通常是液体,如乙二醇或酒精,和另一种液体混合来降低冰点〔desensitize〕To make (a photographic film or substance) less sensitive to light.减低感光性:降低(照相底片)对光的敏感性〔degrade〕To lower in moral or intellectual character; debase.降低…品格:降低…的道德水准,或降低…的身份;有损…的人格




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