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单词 随便
释义 〔promiscuous〕Casual; random.随意的;随便〔freedom〕Frankness or boldness; lack of modesty or reserve:不含蓄,随便:坦率或鲁莽;缺乏谦虚和含蓄:〔anyhow〕clothes stuffed anyhow into the suitcase.衣服随便塞进手提箱里〔sloppy〕Marked by a lack of care or precision; slipshod:马虎的,随便的:以缺少注意或正确性为特征的;随便的:〔mess〕To associate casually or playfully:随便交往或厮混:〔easy〕Relaxed in attitude; easygoing:随便的,松散的:态度轻轻松松,随和的:〔familiar〕 Familiar implies an easy, often informal association based on frequent contact or shared interests: Familiar 指随便,尤指因长期相识而不拘礼节或共享乐趣: 〔yield〕"The captain at last relented, and told him that he might make himself at home" (Herman Melville). “最后,船长缓和下来,告诉他随便些” (荷曼·麦尔维尔)。〔informal〕an informal gathering of friends; a relaxed, informal manner.朋友们的非正式聚会;一种放松的、随便的方式〔pi〕An amount of type that has been jumbled or thrown together at random.混杂活字,错乱的铅字:错乱在一起或随便扔在一起的铅字〔familiar〕Students should not try to be familiar in their behavior toward an instructor.学生在老师面前不应举止随便〔help〕Help yourself to the cookies.请随便吃点点心吧〔tweedy〕"He's rumpled and tweedy . . . and you get the feeling that if he were preparing to drink a martini, he might casually stir it with his finger"(Phil McCombs)“他衣着凌乱、随便…你会有这种感觉,如果他打算唱一杯马蒂尼的话他会用手指搅拌它”(菲尔·麦克库姆斯)〔chance〕Caused by or ascribable to chance; unexpected, random, or casual:恰巧的,偶然的:由机缘引起的或归因于机缘的;没有预想到的,随意的,随便的:〔chasten〕chasten a careless writing style.使随便草率的文风变得简洁朴实〔fool〕To engage in idle or casual activity; putter:干一些无聊或随便的事;懒散地工作:〔sloppy〕sloppy use of language.随便的语言用法〔scramble〕To mix or throw together haphazardly.随便的促在一起:偶然地混合或丢在一起〔lark〕A carefree or spirited adventure.嬉戏:指随便或活跃的冒险〔folksy〕Characterized by informality and affability:亲切的:以随便与和蔼可亲为特点的:〔toff〕"champagne, once a raffish drink suitable for toffs and weddings"(Ian Jack)“香槟,曾是一种适于花花公子和婚礼的随便饮料”(伊安·杰克)〔busy〕"the innovative specialty store and oasis of elegant gadgets to the sedulous and casual collector alike" (Time). “新颖的特产商店和精制小玩意的存放处对勤勉且随便的收藏者来说是一样” (时报)〔anarchic〕an anarchic state of affairs in the office; an anarchic mobile sculpture.办公室事物乱七八糟的情形;可随便移动的雕塑〔informal〕Not formal or ceremonious; casual:非正式的:不正式的,不正规的;随便的:〔sloppy〕"slipshod talk" (George Eliot).“随便的谈话” (乔治·艾略特)〔glib〕Performed with a natural, offhand ease:随便的,流利的:自然的,轻松的,即席的:〔pick〕To acquire casually or by accident:不经意得到:随便或偶然地获得:〔sloppy〕"the new owners' camp . . . a slipshod and slovenly affair, tent half stretched, dishes unwashed" (Jack London); “新主人的营地…随便而邋遢,帐篷半开着,盘子没有洗” (杰克·伦敦)。 〔passing〕Cursory or superficial; casual:匆匆的,不经心的:粗略的或表面的;随便的:〔unceremonious〕Not ceremonious; informal:不拘礼仪的;随便的:〔pack〕To send unceremoniously:打发走:随便发送:〔negligent〕Characterized by careless ease or informality; casual.漫不经心的:以漫不经心或随便态度为特点的;漠不关心的〔groove〕just sitting around, grooving on the music.也就随便坐坐,在音乐中享受一下〔easygoing〕Relaxed or informal in attitude or standards:随便的:态度或标准放宽的或不正规的:〔either〕The one or the other:任一,两方,随便哪一个:两者中的一个或另一个:〔incidental〕Of a minor, casual, or subordinate nature:非主要的,偶发的:有非主要的、随便的或附属性质的:〔noise〕Babel stresses confusion of vocal sounds arising from simultaneous utterance and random mixture of languages: Babel 强调同时发出的声音和随便的语言混合的混乱: 〔tattle〕To chatter aimlessly; prate.胡扯:没有明确目的地闲聊;随便谈谈〔either〕Wear either coat.穿随便哪件衣服都行〔whichever〕Read whichever books you please. It's a long trip whichever road you take.See Usage Note at whatever 随便你读哪些书。不管你走哪条路它都是个长途旅行 参见 whatever




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