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单词 随着
释义 〔forgetful〕As I grow older I become increasingly forgetful. Less often the word is used as the equivalent ofunmindful, which applies principally to failure to keep in mind what should be remembered, as through deliberate oversight, heedlessness, or inattentiveness: 随着年龄的增长,我变得越来越健忘了。 偶尔这些词可用来代替unmindful, 该词主要用于指有意的疏忽、心不在焉或漫不经心等,而将应该记住的事忘了: 〔man〕Traditionally,man and words derived from it have been used generically to designate any or all of the human race irrespective of sex.In Old Englishthis was the principal sense ofman, which meant "a human being" regardless of sex;the wordswer and wyf (or w÷pman and wifman ) were used to refer to "a male human being" and "a female human being" respectively. But in Middle Englishman displaced wer as the term for "a male human being,”whilewyfman (which evolved into present-day woman ) was retained for "a female human being.” The result of these changes was an assymetrical arrangement that many criticize as sexist.Many writers have revised some of their practices accordingly.But the precise implications of the usage vary according to the context and the particular use ofman or its derivatives. · Man sometimes appears to have the sense of "person" or "people" when it is used as a count noun, as inA man is known by the company he keeps and Men have long yearned to unlock the secrets of the atom, and in phrases likethe common man and the man in the street. Here the generic interpretation arises indirectly:if a man is known by the company he keeps,then so, by implication, is a woman.For this reasonthe generic interpretation of these uses ofman is not possible where the applicability of the predicate varies according to the sex of the individual. Thus it would be inappropriate to say thatMen are the only animals that can conceive at any time, since the sentence literally asserts that the ability to conceive applies to male human beings.This usage presumes that males can be taken as representatives of the species.In almost all cases,however, the wordsperson and people can be substituted for man and men, often with a gain in clarity. · By contrast,man functions more as a generic when it is used without an article in the singular to refer to the human race, as in sentences likeThe capacity for language is unique to man or in phrases like man's inhumanity to man. But this use ofman is also ambiguous, since it can refer exclusively to male members of the human race.In most contexts wordssuch ashumanity or humankind will convey the generic sense of this use of man. · On the whole,the Usage Panel accepts the generic use ofman, the women members significantly less than the men. The sentenceIf early man suffered from a lack of information, modern man is tyrannized by an excess of it was acceptable to 81 percent of the Panel (including 58 percent of the women and 92 percent of the men).The Panel also accepted compound words derived from genericman. The sentenceThe Great Wall is the only man-made structure visible from space was acceptable to 86 percent (including 76 percent of the women and 91 percent of the men).The sentence"The history of language is the history of mankind" (James Bradstreet Greenough and George Lyman Kittredge) was acceptable to 76 percent (including 63 percent of the women and 82 percent of the men). Such compounds were acceptable even when the context required that they be applied chiefly to women.Thus, 66 percent of the Panel (including 57 percent of the women and 71 percent of the men) accepts the wordmanpower in the sentence Countries that do not permit women to participate in the work force are at a disadvantage in competing with those that do avail themselves of that extra source of manpower. · A related set of problems is raised by the use ofman in forming the names of occupational and social rolessuch asbusinessman, chairman, spokesman, layman, and freshman, as well as in analogous formationssuch asunsportsmanlike and showmanship. Some condemn this use categorically;however, these words remained acceptable to a majority of the Usage Panel when they were used to refer to a role or class in the abstractbut were rejected when they were used to refer to a woman.Thus the general use ofchairman was acceptable to 67 percent of the Panel (including 52 percent of the women and 76 percent of the men) in the sentence The chairman will be appointed by the Faculty Senate. But only 48 percent (including 43 percent of the women and 50 percent of the men) accepted the use of the word inEmily Owen, chairman of the Mayor's Task Force, issued a statement assuring residents that their views would be solicited, where it is applied to a woman. · Several strategies have been suggested for replacing the categorical use of compounds formed withman. Parallel terms likebusinesswoman, spokeswoman and chairwoman are increasingly used to refer to women. Also in use are common-gender terms coined withperson, such asbusinessperson, spokesperson, and chairperson. For occupational titles ending inman, new standards of official usage have been established by the U.S. Department of Labor and other government agencies.In official contexts termssuch asfirefighter and police officer are now generally used in place of fireman and policeman. · A majority of the Panelists rejected the verbman when it was used to refer to an activity performed by women. The sentenceMembers of the League of Women Voters will be manning the registration desk was unacceptable to 56 percent of the Panel (including 61 percent of the women and 54 percent of the men). See Usage Note at -ess ,people 传统上,man 以及它的衍生字一般是用来指任何人或整个人类, 不考虑性别。在古英语中,这就是man 这个字主要的意思, 即“人” 而不分性别;单词wer 和 wyf (或 woepman 和 wifman )则分别用以指“男人”和“女人”。 但在中古英语时man 取代了 wer 这个词, 也具有“男人”的意义了;而wyfman (这个字发展演变成了今天的 woman 这个字)作为“女人”这个意思被保留了下来。 这些变化的结果是,作为性别歧视者所批评的匀称排列。为此,许多作家相应地修订了他们部分的创作活动。但是这用法的准确含义取决于它的上下文以及man 的具体用途或它的衍生字。 当man 这个字被当作一个可数名词来用时,它有时似乎具有“一个人”或“人们”的意思, 如在被他所在的那个公司熟悉了解的人 和 很久以来,人们都期盼着解开原子的秘密 , 以及如下短语中普通的人 和 街上的人 。 这里,一般的理解源于间接地推理:如果一个男人是被他所在的公司了解的话,其言下之意是,一个女人也是被他所在的公司熟悉了解的。正是这个原因,使得man 当此一般理解之义用时,其谓语随着个人性别的改变而变化是不可能的。 所以,说人是唯一能在任何时候思考的动物 是不适当的, 因为这句话字面之义是指男人的思考能力。这种用法是假定男人可以作为人类的代表。几乎毫无例外的是,词person 和 people 可以用 man 和 men 来取代,且后两字意思更清楚。 相反,当man 以单数不带冠词出现用以指人类时,它更是指一类、一属, 如在象句子只有人才有语言能力 或象短语 人类对人类的不人道 中。 但man 若以这种形式出现,其意思也会模糊不清, 因为其可只指人类中的男性成员。在大多数的行文中,例如humanity 或 humankind 这样的字也传达了 man 这种用法的一般意义。 总的说来,在用法专题使用小组成员中接受man 这种一般用法的女性比男性明显少得多。 下面这句话如果说古代人受信息不足之苦的话,那么现代人则是受信息过量之虐待了 在小组中有81的成员可接受 (其中女性成员中的接受率为58,男性中则为92)。专题小组会还接受作为一般意义的man 构成的复合词。 长城是太空中的唯一可见的人造物 这句话有86的成员接受 (其中女性成员的接受率为76,而男性中为91)。“语言史就是一部人类史” (詹姆士·布拉斯瑞特·格里诺和乔治·莱曼·基特里奇)这句话的接受率为76(基中在女性成员中有63接受,而男性中为82)。 即使是上下行文所需的字主要指的是女人,这种复合词仍然被接受。因此小组中的66(其中女性委员的57,男性的71)接受了manpower 这个词在下句的用法: 那些不允许女人加入生产力大军的国家和那些允许女人加入生产力大军的国家相比,在处理剩余劳动力这一点上明显处于竞争的劣势 。 由于man 的使用所引起的一系列相关问题产生了, 在构成职业或社会角色类别的名称,如商人、主席、发言人、外行 和 渔夫 , 以及将这个字用于类似的构词法中,如违反运动精神的 和 善于表演的才能 。 有些人谴责这种类别的用法;然而,当它们抽象地指某种角色或阶层时,这些词仍能得到用法专题使用小组大多数人的接受;但当它们用由于指女性时,这些词就被拒绝了。因此在句子主席由职工委员会指定 中 主席 的这种一般用法就得到了67小组成员的接受(其中在女性成员中为52,而男性中为76)。 但是,在句子艾米莉·欧文,市长任务小组的主席,发表了一个声明,向市长保证将考虑他们的观点 中这个字的用法,由于是指女性,只有48的成员接受(其中在女性成员中的接受率为43,而男性中为50)。 对于如何替换用man 构成的类别复合词,几种构思被提了出来。 与之相对的复合词如女商人、女发言人 和 女主席 越来越多地被用来指女性。 另外,用person 构成的中性词也创造了出来, 如商人、发言人 和 主席 。 对于用man 结尾的职业名称, 美国政府劳工部和其它政府机构已建立起了新的官方运用标准。在官方行文,现在一般用如firefighter 和 police officer 代替 fireman 和 policeman 。 大多数的小组成员反对将动词man 用于指那些女性从事的活动。 句子登记处将配备女性选民联盟的成员 在用法专题使用小组中的反对率是56(其中在女性成员中的反对率是61,而男性中为54) 参见 -ess,people〔Rome〕The capital and largest city of Italy, in the west-central part of the country on the Tiber River. Traditionally founded by Romulus and Remus, it was ruled first by Etruscans, who were overthrown c. 500b.c. The Roman Republic gradually extended its territory and expanded its influence, giving way to the Roman Empire during the reign of Augustus (27 b.c. - a.d. 14). As capital of the empire, Rome was considered the center of the known world, but the city declined when Constantine transferred his capital to Byzantium (323). Alaric I conquered the city in 410, leading to a lengthy period of devastation by barbarian tribes. In the Middle Ages the city revived as the spiritual and temporal power of the papacy increased. During the 1800's Rome was held at various times by the French until it became the capital of Italy in 1871. Vatican City remains an independent enclave within the confines of Rome. Population, 2,830,569. 罗马:意大利的首都及最大城市,在该国中西部,濒临台伯河。传统上认为罗马由罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯创建,伊特鲁里亚人最先统治罗马,并于公元前 500年被推翻。罗马共和国逐渐扩展领土和扩大势力,在奥古斯都( 公元前 27年- 公元 14年)统治时期成为罗马帝国。罗马作为帝国的首都,被认为是世界的中心,当康斯坦丁把国都迁往拜占庭后(323年),罗马衰落了。阿拉里克一世于410年征服了罗马从而使野蛮部落给罗马带来长期毁灭性的灾难。中世纪时,随着教皇宗教和世俗权力的上升,罗马又恢复了生机。19世纪期间,罗马不时受到法国人的统治,直至1871成为意大利的首都。梵蒂冈仍为罗马境内独立的外国领地。人口2,830,569 〔vary〕Foliage varies with the seasons.叶子随着四季的变化而改变〔Champaign〕A city of east-central Illinois adjoining Urbana. It was founded in 1855 with the coming of the railroad. Population, 63,502.尚佩恩:美国伊利诺斯州中东部一城市,与乌巴马毗邻处的。1855年随着铁路的修建而建立。人口63,502〔boogie〕To dance to the sound of rock music.随着摇滚音乐跳舞〔return〕"Thus with the year/Seasons return" (John Milton). “因此随着一年/季节的到来” (约翰·弥尔顿)。 〔glabrate〕Almost glabrous or becoming glabrous with age or maturity:无毛的,光秃的:随着年龄或成熟而几乎无毛的或变得光滑的:〔faubourg〕The close political ties between Scotland and France during the 15th through 17th centuries were reflected in linguistic borrowing from French to Scots,as in the case offaubourg, a synonym for suburb. In Englandfaubourg seems to have lost the competition with the more popular suburb. However, in contemporary American English the word still exists,although it is virtually confined to the city of New Orleans, where,in fact,faubourg remains in use because of the city's French background. Even there it is used not as a common noun likesuburb but in combination in the names of various quarters of the city,for example,Faubourg Sainte Marie. These city districts, like their counterparts in Paris,such asFaubourg Saint-Germain and Faubourg Saint-Antoine, originally lay outside the city limits, hence the designationfaubourg, originally from Old French fors, "outside,” and borc, "town.” As the population grew outward,these former suburbs became part of the city proper.在苏格兰语对法语语言上的借用反应了15世纪到17世纪之间苏格兰与法国紧密的政治纽带,例如faubourg, 是 suburb 的同义词。 在英国,faubourg 看起来已丧失了与更流行的 suburb 的竞争力。 然而,在当代美国英语中,这个词仍然存在,尽管实际上它限于新奥尔良城。事实上,faubourg 保持在新奥尔良的使用是因为这个城市的法语背景。 它甚至不是像suburb 那样作为一个普通名词使用, 而是与城市的不同区的名字连在一起,例如圣玛丽亚区 。 这些城区,就像它们在巴黎的对应地区,如圣格梅茵区 和 圣安东尼区 一样,一般位于城区的外围, 因此名称faubourg 源自于古法语 fors ,“外面”,和 borc, “城镇”。 随着人口的向外增长,这些前郊区成了城区的一部分〔Louisiana〕A state of the southern United States on the Gulf of Mexico. It was admitted as the 18th state in 1812. Part of the vast region claimed by La Salle for France in 1682, it was first successfully settled in 1718 with the foundation of New Orleans. Control of the area passed to the United States in 1803, and the Territory of Orleans was created in 1804 when the northern part was split off to form the District of Louisiana (later the Territory of Louisiana and the Missouri Territory). Baton Rouge is the capital and New Orleans the largest city. Population, 4,238,216.路易斯安那:美国南部墨西哥湾的一个州,1812年被承认为美国第十八个州。作为被拉萨尔1682年宣称为法国领地的广阔地域的一部分,最初是在1718年随着新奥尔良的建立而被确定的。1803年美国获得了对该地区的控制权。1804年当北部分离出去形成路易斯安那区时,奥尔良准州被创立(后来有路易斯安那准州和密苏里准州)。培顿罗治是其首府,新奥尔良是其最大的城市。人口4,238,216〔rickety〕Feeble with age; infirm.随着年龄而虚弱的;不坚强的〔resultant〕Issuing or following as a consequence or result.作为结果的:做为结果或结局随着产生或发行的〔increase〕depression that augments with each visit to the hospital. Tomultiply is to increase in number, especially by propagation or procreation: 随着每次看病而增长的压抑之情。 multiply 指在数目上的增加, 尤指繁殖或生殖: 〔pilot〕The pilot of an aircraft flying through the air has a foot on the ground not literallybut etymologically.If we poke around in the etymological soil for the roots of the wordpilot, we find that it goes back to the Indo-European rootped-, meaning "foot.” From the lengthened-grade suffixed formpēdo- came the Greek word pēdon, "blade of an oar,” and in the plural, "rudder.” In Medieval Greekthere is assumed to have existed the derivativepēdōtēs, "steersman,” which passed into Old Italian and acquired several forms,includingpedota, and pilota, the form that was borrowed into Old French aspilot. English borrowed the word from French,and aspilot it has moved from the water to the air, first being recorded in 1848 with reference to an airborne pilot—a balloonist.飞行员一脚踩地飞进天空这句话字面上虽讲不通,但在词源上却可以。如果为找到pilot 的根源而溯其词源, 我们会发现它源自印欧语系词根ped- 意为“脚”。 从加长的这个词根的后缀形式pedo- 我们得到希腊词语 pedon “桨叶”及复数形式,“舵”。 在中世纪的希腊,据称曾存在派生词pedotes “舵手”, 该词进了古意大利语并添了一些形式,包括pedota 和 pilota , 这些形式被法语借用过来,便成了pilot 。 英语又借自法语,随着pilot 从水上被移用到天上, 于1848年第一次用来指天上飞行员——热气球驾驶员〔placenta〕A membranous vascular organ that develops in female mammals during pregnancy, lining the uterine wall and partially enveloping the fetus, to which it is attached by the umbilical cord. Following birth, the placenta is expelled.胎盘:雌性哺乳动物在怀孕期间生长的薄膜血管器官,靠着子宫壁且包住由脐带束住的胎儿。随着胎儿出生,胎盘去除〔dicker〕Perhaps a desire to see history repeat itself has been at work in the case of an etymology suggested for the verbdicker, first recorded in 1802with reference to horse trading and the haggling that accompanies it.In a work published in 1848James Fenimore Cooper used the word with reference to frontier trade.This use would support a connection with the noundicker, which denotes a quantity of ten and was a common unit used in trading hides or furs. If the verbdicker originated in the fur trade, a parallel would exist with the noundicker. The noun may have come into the Germanic languages and hence to English by way of trade or tribute in furs between the Germanic peoples and the Roman Empire, with the Germanic word coming from the Latin worddecuria, "a group of ten men,” which in Late Latin was used as a measure of skins. The difficulty with this parallel isthat no existing evidence proves conclusively the derivation of the verbdicker from the noun dicker. 关于对动词dicker 提出的词源问题,也许是想看看历史重演的一种欲望在起作用, 此单词第一次记载是在1802年,同马匹交易和与之伴随的价格争论有关。在1848年出版的一本著作中,詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀根据边境贸易使用了这个词。这种使用将会支持与名词dicker 代表数量“十”并用于皮毛交易的联系。 如果动词dicker 起源于毛皮生意, 那么便会与名词dicker 一起并行存在。 该名词也许是随着来自于拉丁语decuria “十人一组”的日耳曼语单词一起(在拉丁语中它被用作皮革的计量单位),通过日耳曼人和罗马帝国之间毛皮交易或进贡的途径进入日耳曼语中,而从此以后进入英语中。 但是对于这种并行的困难是,没有现成的证据确凿地证明动词dicker 是从名词 dicker 中衍生来的 〔shrivel〕My enthusiasm shriveled as the project wore on. Inflation shriveled the buying power of the dollar.随着计划的进行我的热情消减了通货膨胀消弱了美元的购买力〔Casper〕A city of east-central Wyoming on the North Platte River northwest of Cheyenne. It was founded in 1888 with the coming of the railroad and grew rapidly after the discovery of oil nearby. Population, 46,742.卡斯帕:美国怀俄明州中东部一城市,位于夏延西北部北普拉特河沿岸。于1888年随着铁路的延伸而建立,在其附近发现石油后迅速发展起来。人口46,742〔wake〕With the governor's defeat the party awoke to the strength of the opposition to its position on abortion.随着州长的失败那个党派清醒地认识到在堕胎问题上反对意见的力量。〔with〕With the advent of the rockets, the Space Age began.随着火箭的出现,太空时代开始了〔gain〕a movement that gained strength; gained wisdom with age.增加力量的活动;随着年龄增长而增加智慧〔mesosphere〕The portion of the atmosphere from about 30 to 80 kilometers (20 to 50 miles) above the earth's surface, characterized by temperatures that decrease from 10°C to -90°C (50°F to -130°F) with increasing altitude.散逸层:离地球表面约30至80公里(20-50英里)处的空气部分,其特征是随着高度的增加,气温从10°C降到-90°C(50°F-130°F)〔industry〕A clear indication of the way in which human effort has been harnessed as a force for the commercial production of goods and services is the change in meaning of the wordindustry. Coming from the Latin wordindustria, meaning "diligent activity directed to some purpose,”and its descendant, Old Frenchindustrie, with the senses "activity,” "ability,” and "a trade or occupation,”our word (first recorded in 1475) originally meant "skill,” "a device,” and "diligence" as well as "a trade.”As more and more human effort over the course of the Industrial Revolution became involved in producing goods and services for sale,the last sense ofindustry as well as the slightly newer sense "systematic work or habitual employment" grew in importance, to a large extent taking over the word.We can even speak now of the Shakespeare industry,rather like the garment industry.The sense "diligence, assiduity,” lives on, however,perhaps even to survive industry itself.industry 有一个明显的含义,即指将人力组织转化成进行货物商业性生产和进行商业性服务的方法,而在有此含义前,这个词经历了多次变化。 这个词来源于拉丁文industria , 意思是“为某种目的而进行的勤奋的活动”;后来这个拉丁字发展成古法语单词industrie , 其意思是“活动性”、“能力”和“一种行业和职业”。英文单词(最早的记载是1475年)原意是“技巧”、“方法”、“勤奋”,也有“一种行业”之意。随着产业革命的开展,越来越多的人力被用于进行货物生产和商业服务,industry 最新的含义及其较新的意思“有组织的劳动或习惯性的雇佣”变得重要起来, 并逐渐成为这个词最主要的意思。现在,我们甚至在提到莎士比亚研究时,就象提及成衣制造业。不过,“勤劳、勤奋”这层含义仍在使用,也许只要这个单词存在,这层含义就不会消失〔Rochester〕A city of western New York east-northeast of Buffalo on the New York State Barge Canal near Lake Ontario. It was first settled c. 1812 and grew rapidly after the opening of the Erie Canal (1825). Population, 231,636.罗彻斯特:美国纽约州西部一城市,位于布法罗东北偏东且濒临安大略湖附近的纽约州驳船运河。始建于1812年,随着伊利运河的通航(1825年)而迅速发展。人口231,636〔reed〕A flexible strip of cane or metal set into the mouthpiece or air opening of certain instruments to produce tone by vibrating in response to a stream of air.簧片:一节有弹性的置于某些乐器的吹口或通气口中的竹片或金属,随着气流振动而发声〔approach〕The golf stroke following the drive from the tee with which a player tries to get the ball onto the putting green.接近球:随着高尔夫球从球座处击出后,击球者试图将球打至球洞草坪区〔tide〕To carry along with or as if with the tide.随着或像随着潮一样搬运〔marshal〕facts marshaling as research progressed.随着研究工作的不断进展而不断出现的问题〔outwear〕"He . . . may outwear those unattractive qualities of character"(Westminster Gazette)“随着一天长大,他也许会改掉那些不好的品格”(威斯敏斯特公报)〔multitrack〕students in a multitrack program with staggered vacations.随着变动的假日而有多种行动计划的学生〔preacher〕River navigation in America has its own lexicon,including words for hazards encountered in riverboat travel.Large uprooted trees that had drifted down the river and become stuck in the riverbedwere sometimes known by their peculiar and dangerous characteristics.John McPhee writes for theNew Yorker : "One kind . . . known as asawyer, sawed up and down with the vagaries of the current . . .In the Yukon River, such logs—eternally bowing—are known aspreachers. In the Mississippi . . . they were allsnags. ” 在美国内河航运业有它自己的专门词汇,包括用于表示船只在航行中所遇危险的词。一些被连根拔起的大树沿河漂流而下并且固着在河床上,它们都因奇特及危险的特性而为人所知。约翰·麦克菲曾在纽约人 中写道: “有一种…被称为 sawyer (漂流木), 随着水流的变化擦来擦去…在育空河里,这种整日里打躬的木头被叫做沉木 。 在密西西比河中…它们都被称为水中沉树 ” 〔powwow〕Because trances were so important to the Native American shaman as a means of getting in touch with spiritual forces beyond the ken of the normal person,the titlepowwaw, literally meaning "one who has visions,” was accorded him. One of the occurrences of this word in an early piece of propaganda designed to bring more settlers to New Englandrepresents fairly well the Puritan attitudes to the religion of the native inhabitants of the New World:"The office and dutie of the Powah is to be exercised principally in calling upon the Devil;and curing diseases of the sicke or wounded.”The word whose spelling was eventually settled in English aspowwow was also used as the name for ceremonies and councils, probably because of the important role played by the shaman in both.After the native peoples had been dealt withand the fear of devil worship was somewhat diminished,the newcomers decided that they could have powwows too,the first reference to one of these being recorded in the Salem, Massachusetts,Gazette of 1812: "The Warriors of the Democratic Tribe will hold a powwow at Agawam on Tuesday next.”The verbpowwow, "to confer,” was recorded even earlier, in 1780. 因为作为一种超出常人理解范围的与神灵联系的方式,催眠对于北美印第安人巫师来说是如此重要,故巫师被冠以字面意思为“有洞察力的人”的powwaw 这一名称。 这个词在早期为鼓励更多人去新英格兰定居而作的宣传中的出现,它很好地证明了清教徒们对于美洲大陆土著居民宗教的态度:“帕瓦仪式的职责与义务主要就是用来召唤魔鬼;治愈病人或伤者。”这个在英语中最后以powwow 的拼写形式固定下来的词也用作仪式及会议的名称, 这也许是因为巫师在两者中都起着重要作用。在与土著居民进行接触以后,随着对其魔鬼崇拜的恐惧逐渐消逝,那些新来者决定他们也可以举行帕瓦仪式,1812年马萨诸塞州塞勒姆的时事报 第一次提及了这种会议: “下星期二民主党派的斗士们将在阿加瓦姆召开会议”。动词意为“商讨”的powwow 则早在1780年就有记载了 〔time〕You must change with the times.你必须随着时势的转变而改变〔necrobiosis〕The natural death of cells or tissues through aging, as distinguished from necrosis or pathological death.进行性坏死:随着年龄的增长细胞或组织的正常死亡,有别于坏死或由于疾病的死亡〔post〕To bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horse's trotting gait.在马鞍上起伏振动:随着马匹快速的步伐节奏而在马鞍上上下颠簸〔decrease〕His appetite lessens as his illness progresses.随着病情的加重,他的食欲下降了。〔peoplehood〕"As symbols go, few are as national and sectarian as the menorah. It is the symbol of Jewish peoplehood"(Charles Krauthammer)“ 随着信条的转变,少数人像七分枝蜡烛台一样民族化和派系化。它是犹太民族的信条”(查尔斯·克劳萨默)〔dissolve〕To shift scenes in a motion-picture film or videotape by having one scene fade out while the next scene appears behind it and grows clearer as the first one dims.(画面) 淡入淡出:电影或录像一幅画面渐隐,而另一幅画面在其后渐显,随着第一幅渐渐变得模糊,第二幅画变是更淡入淡出为清晰,通过这种方式来改变画面〔disco〕To dance to disco music.随着迪斯科乐曲跳舞,跳迪斯科舞〔follow〕To come, move, or take place after another person or thing in order or time.随着:来,移动,在某人或某事之后按顺序或时间发生




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