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释义 〔abstracted〕 Distraught emphasizes mental agitation that makes concentration difficult or impossible: Distraught 强调因精神焦虑而难于或不可能集中注意力: 〔rough〕Difficult to travel over or through:崎岖的:难于行走或穿越的:〔restoration〕damage too great for restoration.破坏得太严重难于恢复〔stubborn〕Difficult to treat or deal with; resistant to treatment or effort:棘手的:难对付的;难于治好或克服的:〔bitter〕Difficult or distasteful to accept, admit, or bear:难堪的,难受的:难于接受,承认或忍受的:〔insufferable〕Difficult or impossible to endure; intolerable.难于或不能忍受;不能忍受的〔inscrutable〕Difficult to fathom or understand; impenetrable.See Synonyms at mysterious 不可思议的:难于测量或理解的;费解的 参见 mysterious〔insoluble〕Difficult or impossible to solve or explain; insolvable:不能解决的:难于或不能解决或解释的;不可解决的:〔ungainly〕Difficult to move or use; unwieldy.难搬动的,难用的:难于活动或使用的;笨拙的〔plus〕Their strength plus their spirit makes them formidable. Intelligence plus wit makes for an interesting person.他们的力量再加上勇气使得他们难于战胜。智慧加上机智就会造就一个有趣的人〔obfuscate〕To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand:使混乱,使糊涂迷惑:使过于混乱或模糊,使得难于感觉或理解:〔untoward〕Hard to guide or control; unruly.失控的:难以引导或控制的;难于管教的〔obstinate〕Difficult to alleviate or cure:难医治的:难于减轻或治愈的:〔elusive〕"an invisible cabal of conspirators, each more elusive than the archterrorist[himself] ” (David Kline)“一个看不见的小阴谋集团,每一个都比恐怖主义集团[本身] 更难于被发现” (戴维·克兰)〔hard〕 Arduous refers to what involves burdensome labor or sustained physical or spiritual effort: Arduous 指需要付出难于忍受的劳动或持续的肉体上或精神上的努力的: 〔unmeaning〕gave a vapid and unmeaning response to a difficult query.对一个难于回答的提问作出了一个干瘪而无甚意义的反应〔elusive〕Difficult to define or describe:难于定义或描述的:〔elusive〕"Failures are more finely etched in our minds than triumphs, and success is an elusive, if not mythic, goal in our demanding society"(Hugh Drummond)“失败比胜利更容易刻在我们脑中,成功在我们这个需求的社会是一个难于描述的,如果不是神秘的话,目的在我们的社会需求中”(休·德拉蒙德)




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