单词 | 雕像 |
释义 | 〔effigy〕A crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group.雕像:代表可憎的人或一群人的粗糙的图象或木偶〔Oppenheim〕Swiss artist whoseObject (Breakfast in Fur) (1936) has become emblematic of surrealist sculpture. 奥本海姆,梅雷特:(生于 1913) 瑞士艺术家。他的《静物》(弗隆早餐) (1936年)已经成为超现实主义雕像的象征 〔Milos〕An island of southeast Greece in the Cyclades Islands of the Aegean Sea. It was a flourishing trade and obsidian-mining center in ancient times but lost importance when bronze replaced obsidian as a material for tools and weapons. The famous statueVenus de Milo was discovered here in 1820. 米洛斯岛:希腊东南部一岛屿,位于爱琴海的基克拉迪群岛。古时为一繁荣的贸易中心及黑曜岩采掘中心,但自青铜代替黑曜岩成为制造工具和武器的材料之后,该城逐渐没落。著名的《米洛斯岛的维纳斯》 雕像于1820年发现于此 〔statuary〕from statua [statue] * see statue 源自 statua [雕像] * 参见 statue〔ithyphallic〕Having the penis erect. Used of graphic and sculptural representations.阴茎勃起的:有勃起的阴茎的。用于绘画或者雕像的象征〔Cnidus〕An ancient Greek city of Asia Minor in present-day southwest Asiatic Turkey. It was noted for its wealth and its magnificent buildings and statuary.克尼杜斯:古希腊小亚细亚城市,位于今土耳其亚洲部分的西南,以其富有和宏伟建筑与雕像而著称〔bust〕A sculpture representing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest.半身像:刻画一个人的头部、肩膀和胸部的雕像〔statuary〕Of, relating to, or suitable for a statue.雕像的、雕像及与之有关的、适于雕像的〔pasquinade〕after Pasquino , nickname given to a statue in Rome, Italy, on which lampoons were posted 源自 Pasquino ,意大利罗马一雕像的绰号,在其上贴有讽刺文 〔Phidias〕Athenian sculptor who supervised work on the Parthenon. His statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.菲迪亚斯:雅典雕塑家,曾监管巴台农神殿的工作,他在奥林匹亚的宙斯雕像是世界七大奇观之一〔patch〕They patched together the broken statues with glue and plaster. The delegates will be forced to patch up their differences.他们用胶和膏料把打碎的雕像拼凑起来。代表团将被迫就他们的分歧达成妥协〔scarab〕A representation of this beetle, such as a ceramic or stone sculpture or a cut gem, used in ancient Egypt as a talisman and a symbol of the soul. Also called In this sense, also called scarabaeus 圣甲虫雕像,甲虫宝石:这种甲虫的图像,如陶刻、石刻或经雕琢的宝石,古代埃及人用以作为护符或灵魂的象征 也作 在此意义上也可称作 scarabaeus〔mutilate〕mutilate a statue.See Synonyms at batter 1破坏一个雕像 参见 batter1〔tabernacle〕A niche for a statue or relic.神龛:放雕像或圣骨的壁龛〔niche〕A recess in a wall, as for holding a statue or an urn.壁龛:墙壁上凹进去的空间,用来悬挂雕像或装饰品〔entablement〕A platform above the base and the dado of a pedestal.像台:在座基上承放雕像的平台〔statuesque〕Suggestive of a statue, as in proportion, grace, or dignity; stately.雕像般的:类似雕像的,如在比例、姿态或风度上等;雄伟的〔Epidaurus〕An ancient city of Greece on the northeast coast of the Peloponnesus. Its temple of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, was renowned for its magnificent sculpture.埃普道鲁斯:位于伯罗奔尼撒东北部的希腊古城。 其希腊医药神阿斯克勒庇俄斯的神庙以其宏伟的雕像而闻名〔Parian〕Of or being a type of white, semitranslucent marble quarried at Páros and highly valued in ancient times for making sculptures.属于或是在帕罗斯岛采掘的一种在古时候制作雕像有很高价值的白色半透明大理石的〔date〕This statue dates from 500b.c. 这座雕像可以追溯到公元前 500年 〔Barnard〕American sculptor whose early works, such asStruggle of Two Natures in Man (1894), were influenced by Rodin. A colossal statue of Abraham Lincoln (1917) is perhaps his best-known work. 巴纳德,乔治·格雷:(1863-1938) 美国雕塑家,其早期作品受到罗丁的影响,如《人类两种本性的斗争》 (1894年)。亚伯拉罕·林肯的巨大雕像(1917年)可能是其最著名的作品 〔infer〕"Socrates argued that a statue inferred the existence of a sculptor"(Academy)“苏格拉底辩称,一尊雕像意味着某个雕刻家的存在”(学会)〔represent〕a statue representing a king;描绘国王的雕像;〔restoration〕Restoration of the sculpture was expensive.恢复那座雕像花了很多钱〔Greenough〕American sculptor whose principal work is the neoclassical statue of George Washington at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.格里诺,霍拉肖:(1805-1852) 美国雕刻家,其最重要的作品为存放在华盛顿特区史密森学会,有新古典主义风格的乔治·华盛顿的雕像〔tidemark〕"Just along the highway into town is the last tidemark of the Nazi advance, a brutal tangle of brown sculpture"(Regina Nadelson)“沿着这条进城的高速公路有纳粹前进的最后标记,那是一堆粗糙的雕像”(里贾纳·纳德尔森)〔housing〕A niche for a statue.壁龛:放置雕像的壁龛〔zocalo〕from Spanish [socle] 源自 西班牙语 [雕像座石] 〔Takasaki〕A city of central Honshu, Japan, northwest of Tokyo. A silk-manufacturing center, the city is best known for its statue of Kannon, goddess of mercy. Population, 231,764.高崎:日本本州岛中部一城市,位于东京西北部。它是一个丝绸制造业中心,而以仁爱女神-观音的雕像最为出名。人口231,764〔Bartholdi〕French sculptor best known for his monumental figure ofLiberty Enlightening the World, the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, presented to the United States by France and dedicated in 1886. 巴托尔迪,弗雷德里克·奥古斯特:(1834-1904) 法国雕刻家,由于他的纪念性雕像而闻名《自由照亮世界》 约纽港自由女神,由法国运往美国,于1886年落成 〔heroic〕heroic sculpture.大于实物的雕像〔Altdorf〕A town of central Switzerland near the southeast tip of the Lake of Lucerne. A statue commemorates the legendary exploits of William Tell, marking the spot where he supposedly shot an apple off his son's head. Population, 8,200.奥特多夫:瑞士中部的一镇,在卢塞恩湖东南端附近。这里有座纪念著名功勋人物威廉·泰尔的雕像,标记出据说他曾用箭射下他儿子头上的苹果的地点,人口8,200〔Rushmore〕A mountain, 1,708 m (5,600 ft) high, in the Black Hills of western South Dakota. Its monument with massive carved likenesses of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt was carved under the direction of Gutzon Borglum.拉什莫尔山:美国南达科他州西部布莱克山脉的一座海拔1,708米(5,600英尺)的山。在格曾·博格勒拇指导下,山石上雕有华盛顿、杰弗逊、林肯和西奥多·罗斯福的巨大雕像〔herself〕She bought herself a new car. She sculpted a likeness of herself.她为自己买了一辆新车。她雕刻了一座她自己的雕像〔seminude〕posed seminude for a painter; seminude statues.半裸地给画家摆姿势;半裸的雕像〔work〕worked the metal into a sculpture.把金属锻成一个雕像〔coliseum〕from colossus [huge statue] * see colossus 源自 colossus [巨型雕像] * 参见 colossus〔likeness〕A pictorial, graphic, or sculptured representation of something; an image.相片,肖像:模仿某物的绘画、图片或雕像;肖像〔statuary〕From Latin statuārius [of a statue] 源自 拉丁语 statuārius [雕像的] 〔gargantua〕A person of great size or stature and of voracious physical or intellectual appetites.庞然大物:体型大,有巨大的食欲的一个人或雕像 |
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