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单词 非洲人
释义 〔Afrikaner〕from Āfer Āfr- [an African] 源自 Āfer Āfr- [非洲人] 〔Africanize〕"the Government's plan to Africanize the service"(BBC Summary of World Broadcasts)“政府关于移交服务业给非洲人管理的计划”(BBC国际广播摘要)〔Afrikaner〕Afrikaans [an African] 南非荷兰语 [非洲人] 〔Santeria〕An African-based religion similar to voodoo, originating in Cuba and Brazil, which combines the worship of traditional Yoruban deities with the worship of Roman Catholic saints.桑泰里厄教:非洲人信奉的类似巫毒教的宗教,起源于古巴和巴西,结合了对传统约鲁巴神的膜拜以及对罗马天主教圣徒的膜拜〔African〕A native or inhabitant of Africa.非洲人:非洲本地人或非洲居民〔African〕Of or relating to Africa or its peoples, languages, or cultures.非洲的:非洲的、非洲人的、非洲语言的或非洲文化的,与其有关的〔black〕Of, relating to, or belonging to an American ethnic group descended from African peoples having dark skin; African American; Afro-American:美国黑人的:黑色皮肤的非洲人后代成为美国少数民族的,与其相关的或属于该少数民族的;美国黑人的;美国黑人的:〔Afrikaans〕from Dutch Afrikaansch [African] 源自 荷兰语 Afrikaansch [非洲的,非洲人] 〔ouabain〕A white poisonous glycoside, C29H 44O 12·8H 2O, extracted from the seeds of the African trees Strophanthus gratus and Acokanthera ouabaio, that is used as a heart stimulant and by some African peoples as a dart poison. 乌本苷:一种有毒的白色糖苷,C29H 44O 12·8H 2O,从非洲树木 旋花羊角拗 和 尖药木 的种子提炼出,用作强心剂并被一些非洲人用来制作标枪的有毒涂抹物 〔Africanism〕A linguistic feature of an African language occurring in a non-African language.非洲人语言特征:非洲语言在非非洲语言环境中所特有的语言特征〔Child〕American abolitionist and writer of novels, children's books, and reform works, such asAppeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans (1833). 蔡尔德,吕底亚·玛丽·弗朗西斯:(1802-1880) 美国废奴主义者及作家,著有小说、儿童读物和呼吁改革的作品,如《为被称为非洲人的那一群美国人呼吁》 (1833年) 〔Africanize〕To transfer to African control:移交非洲人控制:




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