单词 | 革命 |
释义 | 〔Vargas〕Brazilian politician who led a successful revolution (1930) and was president (1930-1945 and 1951-1954) until resigning from office under pressure from the military.瓦加斯,格图利奥·多内勒斯:(1883-1954) 巴西政治家,他成功地领导了1930年的革命,并担任总统(1930-1945和1951-1954年)直至在军方的压力下从政府辞职〔plant〕"The right of revolution is planted in the heart of man"(Clarence Darrow)“革命的权力深植人心”(克拉伦斯·达罗)〔Otis〕American Revolutionary politician and publicist whose speeches and pamphlets influenced American sentiment against the British.奥蒂斯,詹姆斯:(1725-1783) 美国独立革命时期的政治家、政论家,他的演讲和宣传小册子激起美国人民的反英情绪〔Conway〕Irish-born American Revolutionary general known for his role in the Conway Cabal, a conspiracy to remove George Washington from command of the Continental Army.康威,托马斯:(1735?-1800) 爱尔兰裔的美国独立革命将领,因参与策划剥夺乔治·华盛顿对大陆军统帅权的康威阴谋而著名〔Alexandra〕Last czarina of Russia (1894-1917). The wife of Nicholas II, she was influenced by Rasputin and meddled in politics. After the Bolshevik revolution, she and her family were imprisoned and executed.亚历山德拉:俄罗斯末代沙皇之妻(1894-1917年)。作为尼古拉二世的妻子,她受到了拉斯普廷的影响并参与了政治活动。布尔什维克革命后与其家人一同被捕入狱,后被处死〔DAR〕Daughters of the American Revolution.美国革命女儿会〔keynote〕"The keynote of the revolution settlement was personal freedom under the law"(G.M. Trevelyan)“革命稳固的根本在于法律控制下的个人自由”(G.M.特里维廉)〔revolutionize〕To subject to a political or social revolution.经受政治或社会革命〔czar〕Also tsar or tzar [zär, tsär] A male monarch or emperor, especially one of the emperors who ruled Russia until the revolution of 1917. 也作 tsar 或 tzar [zär, tsär] 沙皇:男性君主或者皇帝,特别是1917年革命以前统治俄国的皇帝〔Cornwallis〕British military and political leader who commanded forces in North Carolina during the American Revolution. His surrender at Yorktown in 1781 marked the final British defeat.康华里,查尔斯:(1738-1805) 美国革命中指挥北卡罗来纳州士兵的英国军事和政治领导。1781年在约克郡投降标志着英国的最终失败〔yeast〕political agitators who are the yeast of revolution.See Synonyms at catalyst 激起革命的政治鼓动者 参见 catalyst〔revisionism〕A recurrent tendency within the Communist movement to revise Marxist theory in such a way as to provide justification for a retreat from the revolutionary to the reformist position.修正主义:在共产主义运动中重复出现的倾向,目的在以这样一种方式修正马克思主义,即为从革命状况向改良状况回退提供理由〔Massachusetts〕A state of the northeast United States. It was admitted as one of the original Thirteen Colonies in 1788. The first settlement was made by the Pilgrims of theMayflower in 1620. Governed by the Massachusetts Bay Company from 1629 until 1684, the colony was a leader in the move for independence from Great Britain and the site of the first battles of the Revolutionary War in 1775. Boston is the capital and the largest city. Population, 6,029,051. 马萨诸塞:美国东北部的州。1788年被承认为最早的十三个殖民地之一。五月花 号上的清教徒于1620年最早定居此地。1629年到1684年,该殖民地由马萨诸塞湾公司统治,并率领了殖民地从大不列颠独立的运动,马萨诸塞也是1775年进行的美国独立革命早期几次战役的发生地。波士顿为州府和最大城市。人口6,029,051 〔hang〕"They are people who hung fire even through the bloody days of the Hungarian Revolution"(Mark Muro)“他们是一些就算在匈牙利革命的日子里也举棋不定的人”(马克·穆罗)〔Franklin〕American public official, writer, scientist, and printer. After the success of hisPoor Richard's Almanac (1732-1757), he entered politics and played a major part in the American Revolution. Franklin negotiated French support for the colonists, signed the Treaty of Paris (1783), and helped draft the Constitution (1787-1789). His numerous scientific and practical innovations include the lightning rod, bifocal spectacles, and a stove. 富兰克林,本杰明:(1706-1790) 美国政府官员、作家、科学家和印刷业者。当他的作品《穷理查的历书》 成功之后(1732-1757年),他进入了政界并在美国革命中起了重要作用。富兰克林通过谈判说服法国支持殖民地、签署了巴黎和约(1783年)并帮助起草了宪法(1787-1789年)。他的众多的科学发明包括避雷针、双焦点的眼镜和暖炉 〔revolutionary〕Bringing about or supporting a political or social revolution:革命性剧变的:带来或支持政治或社会革命的:〔Romanov〕Russian ruling dynasty (1613-1917) that began with the accession of Czar Michael (1596-1645; ruled 1613-1645) and ended with the abdication of Nicholas II during the Russian Revolution.罗曼诺夫王朝:俄国的一个始于米哈伊尔沙皇(1596-1645;1613-1645在位)即位并终结于俄国革命时期尼古拉二世退位的统治王朝(1613-1917年)〔Fabian〕Of, relating to, or being a member of the Fabian Society, which was committed to gradual rather than revolutionary means for spreading socialist principles.费边社的:属于或关于费边社成员的,主张以渐近方式而不是革命方式来传播社会主义原则〔Sverdlovsk〕A city of eastern European U.S.S.R. in the eastern foothills of the Ural Mountains. Nicholas II and his family may have been executed here (1918) after the Russian Revolution. Population, 1,300,000.斯维尔德洛夫斯克:苏联欧洲部分东部一城市,位于乌拉尔山脉东部山麓。俄国革命后尼古拉二世及其全家可能在此被处决(1918年)。人口1,300,000〔lapse〕a lapse of several years between the two revolutions.两次革命间几年时间的间隔〔Paine〕British-born American writer and Revolutionary leader who wrote the pamphletCommon Sense (1776) arguing for American independence from Britain. In England he published The Rights of Man (1791-1792), a defense of the French Revolution. 佩因,托马斯:(1737-1809) 美国裔的英国作家和革命领导人,他写了小册子《常识》 (1776年),为美国从英国手中争得独立而辩论。在英国他出版了 《人的权利》 (1791-1792年),对法国革命的捍卫 〔Copley〕American Loyalist painter who did portraits of John Hancock and Paul Revere before departing for England when the American Revolution seemed imminent.科普利,约翰·辛格尔顿:(1738-1815) 美国画家,亲英而反对美国独立,在美国独立革命逼近时离开美国前往英国,在此之前曾为约翰·汉考克及保罗·里维尔画过肖像〔Beard〕American historian and feminist. She shared her husband Charles's economic view of history and collaborated with him onThe Rise of American Civilization (first volume 1927), in which they characterized the Civil War as the "second American Revolution,” perpetrated by Northern capitalists over Southern plantation owners for economic gain. 比尔德,玛丽·里特尔:(1876-1958) 美国历史学家和女权运动者。她赞同其丈夫查尔斯的有关历史的经济观点,于1927年两人合作出版了《美国文明的兴起》 的第一卷。在该书中她将美国内战比作北方资本家因经济目的施加于南方农园庄主的“第二次美国革命” 〔Sorel〕French political philosopher whose works advanced the revolutionary syndicalist movement. His most important book isReflections on Violence (1908). 索列尔·乔治斯,乔治斯:(1847-1922) 法国政治哲学家。其作品促进了革命的工团主义运动。他最重要的书为《暴力论》 (1908年) 〔Carranza〕Mexican revolutionary politician who was the first president (1915-1920) of the new Mexican Republic after the overthrow of dictator Porfirio Díaz (1911).卡兰萨,维纳斯蒂安纳:(1859-1920) 墨西哥革命政治家,在独裁者波菲里奥·狄亚兹(1911年)被推翻后任新墨西哥共和国的第一任总统(1915-1920年)〔indurate〕"It is the curse of revolutionary calamities to indurate the heart"(Helen Maria Williams)“是由革命的灾难使人们变得麻木不仁”(海伦·玛丽亚·威廉斯)〔lose〕I've lost three umbrellas this year. Britain lost its American colonies in a revolution.今年我丢了三把伞。在革命中,英国丧失了它在北美的殖民地〔Mason〕American Revolutionary politician from Virginia. A member of the Constitutional Convention (1787), he voiced criticism that resulted in the drafting of the Bill of Rights. His grandsonJames Murray Mason (1798-1871) was a Confederate diplomat to Great Britain and France. 梅森,乔治:(1725-1792) 来自弗吉尼亚州的美国革命政治家。作为立宪会议(1787年)的成员,他提出的批评使权利法案得以起草。他的孙子詹姆斯·莫瑞·梅森 (1798-1871年)是邦联派往大不列颠和法国的外交官 〔assignat〕Any of the notes issued as paper currency in France (1789-1796) by the revolutionary government and secured by confiscated lands.指券:(1789-1796年)流通于法国的一种由革命政府发行的纸货币,并以此作为没收土地的担保证券〔Byrd〕American planter and colonial official whose diaries (written in shorthand) provide a rare and humorous account of daily life in pre-Revolutionary Virginia.伯德,威廉:(1674-1744) 美国农场主和殖民地军官,其日记(速记体)提供了关于革命前夕弗吉尼亚州日常生活稀有而幽默的记录〔revolutionary〕Often Revolutionary Of, relating to, or being a revolution: 常作 Revolutionary 革命的:属于、有关或处于革命的:〔Clinton〕American military leader who fought in the French and Indian War (1755-1763) and served as a brigadier general during the American Revolution.克林顿,詹姆斯:(1733-1812) 美国军事领导人,曾参加过法国和印度战争(1755-1763年),在美国革命时期曾任陆军准将〔Rienzi〕Italian revolutionary leader who installed himself as dictator of Rome (1347) but was quickly ousted at the bidding of the pope. In his second attempt to rule (1354), he was killed by a mob.里恩基,科拉·迪:(1313?-1354) 意大利革命领导人,他曾于1347年任罗马独裁者,但在教皇的要求下很快被推翻。在第二次企图统治中(1354年),被暴民杀死〔Menshevik〕A member of the liberal minority faction of the Social Democratic Party that struggled against the Bolsheviks before and during the Russian Revolution.孟什维克主义者:俄国革命以前和期间反对布尔什维克主义的社会民主党中自由主义少数派的成员〔Herkimer〕American Revolutionary general who led reinforcements toward the beseiged Fort Stanwix, New York (1777), but was ambushed and mortally wounded in the ensuing fight.赫基默,尼古拉:(1728-1777) 美国革命将领,他领导了对被围困的纽约斯坦维克斯要塞(1777年)的增援行动,但在随后的战斗中遭伏击,身受重伤而死〔Portsmouth〕A city of southeast Virginia opposite Norfolk. It has been a major naval base since pre-Revolutionary times. Population, 103,907.朴次茅斯:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部一城市,与诺福克相望,自从美国革命开始时就是主要的海军基地。人口103,907〔Castro〕Cuban revolutionary leader who overthrew the corrupt regime of the dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959 and established a socialist state. He has supported other liberation struggles in Latin America and Africa and maintained close ties with the Soviet Union.卡斯特罗,菲德尔:(生于 1927) 古巴革命领导者,在1959年推翻了独裁者弗尔根西欧·巴蒂斯塔的腐败统治并建立了社会主义国家。他曾支持拉丁美洲和非洲一些其他解放运动,并和苏联保持着密切的联系〔irreversible〕an irreversible momentum toward open revolution.朝向公开革命不可逆转的势头〔Lenin〕Russian founder of the Bolsheviks, leader of the Russian Revolution (1917), and first head of the U.S.S.R. (1917-1924). As a communist theoretician Lenin held that workers could not develop a revolutionary consciousness without the guidance of a vanguard party and that imperialism was a particular stage of capitalist development.列宁,弗拉基米尔·伊里奇:(1870-1924) 苏联布尔什维克的缔造者,俄国十月革命(1917年)的领导者,是前苏联的第一任领导人(1917-1924年)。作为一名共产主义的理论家,列宁认为:没有先驱政党的指导,工人就不能发展革命意识;帝国主义是资本主义发展过程中的一个特殊阶段〔Desmoulins〕French journalist and revolutionary who along with Danton urged moderation during the Reign of Terror. She was arrested and guillotined after a mock trial.德穆兰,(卢茜娅·辛普利斯)卡米丽(贝诺特):(1760-1794) 法国记者,革命份子。她在暴政统治时期,与丹东一起强烈主张温和统治。她被逮捕后,经过一个虚假可笑的审判就被推上了断头台 |
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