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单词 预计
释义 〔expectancy〕a life expectancy of 70 years. Also called In this sense, also called expectation 预计70岁的寿命 也作 在此意义上也可称作 expectation〔project〕To calculate, estimate, or predict (something in the future), based on present data or trends:预计:基于当前的资料或趋势(对未来的某事)的计算、估计或预测:〔ETD〕Estimated time of departure.估计离开时间:估计出发的时间(预计离开的时间)〔overstay〕To stay beyond the set limits or expected duration of; outstay:呆得超过…的时间(或)限度:呆得超过…的预定限度或预计的时期;逗留超过…的时间:〔timetable〕A schedule listing the times at which certain events, such as arrivals and departures at a transportation station, are expected to take place.时刻表:一张列出某些事情的预计时间表,比如交通站中交通工具到达和离开〔overrun〕The amount by which actual costs exceed estimates.超出费用:实际费用超过预计费用量〔singular〕Deviating from the usual or expected; odd.See Synonyms at strange 奇怪的:与通常的或所预计的不同的;奇特的 参见 strange〔overrun〕The exceeding of estimated costs for product development and manufacture covered by contract.预计价值的超额:用于改进和生产产品的花费超过合同里提到的预计费用〔budget〕An itemized summary of estimated or intended expenditures for a given period along with proposals for financing them:预算报告:在给定时间内对预估或预计的花费逐条列出的摘要,并为这些花费提供财政支持的建议:〔euro〕The basic unit of currency among participating European Union countries. Introduced in 1999 as an alternate denomination for noncash transactions, the euro is scheduled to replace the existing national units in these countries by 2002.欧元:在欧洲联盟国家间所使用的基本货币单位,创始于公元1999年而当时做为非现金交易的替代性货币,欧元预计于公元2002年之前取代欧洲联盟国家现有的货币单位〔project〕projecting next year's expenses and income.预计明年的费用和收入〔magic〕Possessing distinctive qualities that produce unaccountable or baffling effects.有魔力的:拥有特殊的能产生令人无法预计或使人迷惑效果的能力的〔intending〕Purposing to become or be; prospective:预计的;未来的:〔well〕well over the estimate.大大地超过预计




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