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单词 预防
释义 〔biological〕A preparation, such as a drug, a vaccine, or an antitoxin, that is synthesized from living organisms or their products and used medically as a diagnostic, preventive, or therapeutic agent.生物制剂:一种制剂,如药品、疫苗或抗毒素物质由生物或生物产物合成,医学上作诊断、预防或治疗性的药剂〔tamperproof〕Designed to prevent tampering or provide evidence of tampering:防包装拆封的,防胡乱拨弄的,防止不正确操作的:设计用来预防胡乱操作、窜改或提供不当操作、窜改的证据的:〔preventive〕Intended or used to prevent or hinder; acting as an obstacle:预防的:打算或用来预防或阻止的;作为障碍的:〔prophylaxis〕Prevention of or protective treatment for disease.预防:对疾病的防止或保护性处理〔vaccination〕Inoculation with a vaccine in order to protect against a particular disease.种痘,接种:为预防某种病的种痘〔tamoxifen〕A nonsteroidal estrogen antagonist used in the treatment of advanced breast cancer in women whose tumors are estrogen-dependent and also used prophylactically by some women at risk for breast cancer.三苯氧胺:无类固醇的雌甾激素抑制剂,用于治疗与雌激素有关的女性晚期乳癌,也可以做为乳癌高风险妇女的预防用药〔dentistry〕The science concerned with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases of the teeth, gums, and related structures of the mouth and including the repair or replacement of defective teeth.牙医学:与诊断、预防和治疗牙齿、牙龈及相关的口腔结构,包括修补或替换坏牙有关的科学〔orthopsychiatry〕The psychiatric study, treatment, and prevention of emotional and behavioral problems, especially of those that arise during early development.行为精神病学:对精神和行为问题(尤其是处于发展早期时)的精神病学上的研究、治疗和预防〔vaccine〕A vaccine prepared from the cowpox virus and inoculated against smallpox.牛痘苗:从牛痘毒素提取的用来预防天花的疫苗〔podiatry〕The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the human foot. Also called chiropody 足病学:研究人类足部疾病的诊断、治疗和预防的医学的分支 也作 chiropody〔Jenner〕British physician and vaccination pioneer. He found that smallpox could be prevented by inoculation with the substance from cowpox lesions.詹纳,爱德华:(1749-1823) 英国内科医生和牛痘接种法创始人。他发现天花可以通过接种牛痘来预防〔antitumor〕Counteracting or preventing the formation of malignant tumors; anticancer.抗肿瘤的,抗癌的:抵制或预防恶性肿瘤形成的;抗癌的〔avert〕averted an accident by turning sharply.See Synonyms at prevent 迅速转身以预防事故的发生 参见 prevent〔prevent〕To keep from happening:预防:使防止发生:〔gerodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and problems specific to the aged.老年牙医学:牙科学分支,专门研究老年人牙病和问题的诊断、预防和治疗〔avert〕To ward off (something about to happen); prevent:预防:防止(某件将到发生的事);阻止:〔progesterone〕A drug prepared from natural or synthetic progesterone, used to prevent miscarriage and to treat menstrual disorders.孕酮:由天然或人工黄体荷尔蒙制备的药物,用来预防流产以及治疗月经紊乱〔poliomyelitis〕A highly infectious viral disease that chiefly affects children and, in its acute forms, causes inflammation of motor neurons of the spinal cord and brainstem, leading to paralysis, muscular atrophy, and often deformity. Through vaccination, the disease is preventable. Also called infantile paralysis 脊髓灰质炎;小儿麻痹症:一种极具感染性的病毒性疾病,主要影响儿童,而且严重时,可导致脊髓和脑干的运动神经无发炎,从而引起瘫痪、肌肉萎缩、常常还可造成畸形。通过接种疫苗,这种疾病是可以预防的 也作 infantile paralysis〔succinylsulfathiazole〕An antibacterial drug, C13H 13N 3O 5S 2, derived from sulfonamide and used in the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal infections. 琥珀酰磺胺噻唑:一种抗菌药品,C13H 13N 3O 5S 2,由磺胺中提取,用于肠胃感染的预防和治疗 〔oncology〕The branch of medicine that deals with tumors, including study of their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.肿瘤学:研究肿瘤的医学分支,他的研究包括其发展、诊断、治疗和预防〔mefloquine〕A drug, C17H 17ClF 6N 2O, used mainly for the treatment and prevention of chloroquine-resistant malaria. 甲基氟氯喹:主要用于治疗及预防抗氯喹性疟疾的药剂,C17H 17ClF 6N 2O 〔craft〕Craft has been used as a verb since the Old English period and was used in Middle English to refer specifically to the artful construction of a text or discourse.In recent years,crafted, the past participle of craft, has enjoyed a vogue as a participle referring to well-wrought writing. This may be a sign that the Jamesian conception of the literary muse has begun to yield to a Trollopian conception of literature as a kind of intellectual handicraft;or it may indicate little more than the desperation with which book reviewers seize on any novel adjective.In any event, the usage is more acceptable when applied to literary works than to other sorts of writing,and more acceptable as a participle than as a verb.It was acceptable to 73 percent of the Usage Panel in the phrasebeautifully crafted prose. By contrast, only 35 percent of the Panel accepted the sentenceThe planners crafted their proposal so as to anticipate the objections of local businesses. Craft 这一词语在古英语时期就被用作动词, 在中古英语中它被用来指某一课文或论述的精巧句法结构。近几年来,crafted 即 craft 这一词的过去分词被广泛用于描述写作佳品。 这可能是詹姆士文学灵感观念开始让位于作为一种智力创作技巧的特罗洛普文学观念的一个信号;或者它也有可能暗示了书评作者们对采用小说修饰语的进一步失望。不管怎样,把它用于指文学作品比用于指其它类型的写作更易被人接受,而用作分词比用作动词更易被人接受。用法专题使用小组中73%的成员认同它在精美构思的散文 这一短语中的用法。 与此相反,只有35%的成员认同它在策划者们制订计划以预防地方商业的阻挠 这一句子中的用法 〔antidiarrheal〕A substance used to prevent or treat diarrhea.抗腹泻药剂:用于预防或治疗腹泻的物质〔prevention〕The act of preventing or impeding.防止,预防:防止或阻碍的行为〔antimalarial〕Preventing or relieving the symptoms of malaria.防治疟疾的:预防或减轻疟疾病症的〔caregiver〕An individual, such as a physician, nurse, or social worker, who assists in the identification, prevention, or treatment of an illness or disability.护理者:帮助鉴定、预防或治疗疾病缺陷的人,如医生、护士或社会工作者〔antibiotic〕A substance, such as penicillin or streptomycin, produced by or derived from certain fungi, bacteria, and other organisms, that can destroy or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. Antibiotics are widely used in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.抗菌素,抗生素:由真菌,细菌和其它微生物产生或从中得到的一种物质,如青霉素或链霉素,可以破坏或抑制其它微生物的生长。抗菌素广泛用于传染病的预防和治疗〔prevent〕We installed an alarm system to forestall break-ins. 我们安装了一套警报系统来预防小偷的闯入 〔coverage〕The amount of funds reserved to meet liabilities.储备金额:为预防不测而存留的资金数额〔war〕the war against acid rain.预防酸雨的斗争〔Hunt〕American physician and reformer who emphasized prevention and education for the maintenance of health.亨特,哈里奥特·凯奇雅:(1805-1875) 美国医生和改革者,强调通过预防和教育来保证健康〔ecology〕The study of the detrimental effects of modern civilization on the environment, with a view toward prevention or reversal through conservation. Also called human ecology 环境保护学:以现代文明对环境产生的有害影响为研究对象的学科,目的是通过保护达到预防或控制的效果 也作 human ecology〔bravado〕strove to prevent our courage from turning into bravado.努力预防我们的勇气变成一种虚张声势〔bariatrics〕The branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity.肥胖症学:研究肥胖的原因、预防和治疗的医学的分支〔precautionary〕taking precautionary measures; gave precautionary advice.采取预防措施;给予预防的建议〔preclude〕To make impossible, as by action taken in advance; prevent.See Synonyms at prevent 预防:预先采取行动以取消可能性;阻止 参见 prevent〔lockdown〕A device that secures a piece of equipment, especially a computer, so that it cannot be moved or stolen.防盗装置:预防设备被移动或偷窃的安全装置,尤指用于计算机〔caution〕A cautious action; a precaution:预防,防止:小心谨慎的行为;预防〔clonidine〕A synthetic drug, C9H 9Cl 2N 3, used in the treatment of hypertension and for the prevention of migraine headaches. 氯压定,可乐宁,可乐亭:一种合成药物,C9H 9Cl 2N 3,用于治疗高血压和预防偏头痛病 〔prophylactic〕A contraceptive device, especially a condom.避孕工具:预防怀孕的器具,尤指避孕套




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