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单词 飞过
释义 〔over〕a sign over the door; a hawk gliding over the hills.门上方的标记;飞过山头的鹰〔overfly〕To fly beyond or past; overshoot:飞越:飞到…之外或飞过;超越目标:〔blooper〕A weakly hit ball that carries just beyond the infield.轻击棒球以使其飞过内野〔wing〕To pass over or through with or as if with wings.飞过:用或似乎用翅膀飞过或飞越〔petrel〕Perhaps alteration perhaps influenced by Saint Peter walking on the water, from the fact that the bird flies so close to the water as to appear to be walking on the water 可能为 可能受圣 Peter从水面走过的影响,源自鸟如此接近水面地飞过,好象在水面上走一样 〔buzz〕The plane buzzed the control tower.飞机低低地飞过控制塔〔peregrinate〕To travel through or over; traverse.经过或飞过;经过〔incalculable〕"The motions of her mind were as incalculable as the flit of a bird"(Edith Wharton)“她心思的流转就象鸟儿飞过一样无法捉摸”(伊迪丝·华顿)〔overshoot〕To fly beyond or past; overrun:飞越机场,滑出跑道:飞到…之外或飞过;超越:〔flyby〕A flight passing close to a specified target or position, especially a maneuver in which a spacecraft or satellite passes sufficiently close to a body to make detailed observations without orbiting or landing.飞越:一架飞机靠近或飞越某指定地点或目标,尤指为获得对某一天体的详细观察而在不进入轨道或着陆的情况下操纵飞行器或卫星以足够近的距离飞过〔Byrd〕American naval officer and explorer. After being the first to fly over the North Pole (with Floyd Bennett in 1926), he turned his attention to Antarctica, leading five expeditions between 1929 and 1956 and establishing a base for scientific discovery at Little America.伯德,理查德·伊夫林:(1888-1957) 美国海军军官和探险家,继第一个飞过北极点之后(1926年与弗洛伊德·贝内特一道),他把注意力转向了南极大陆,在1929年和1956年间,率领了五支探险队考察南极大陆,在小亚美利加建立了一个科学考察基地




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