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单词 饥饿
释义 〔hungry〕Characterized by or expressing hunger or craving:渴望的:以饥饿或渴望为特征的或表现饥饿或渴望的:〔assuage〕To satisfy or appease (hunger or thirst, for example).使满足,使缓解:使满足或缓解(如饥饿或口渴)〔inanition〕from Old French inanicion [exhaustion from hunger] 源自 古法语 inanicion [饥饿引起的疲惫] 〔walk〕The specter of famine walks through the land.饥饿的幽灵在这片土地上游荡〔hunger〕To cause to experience hunger; make hungry.使饥饿:使经受饥饿;使饥饿〔hungry〕from hungor [hunger] 源自 hungor [饥饿] 〔haggard〕These adjectives mean showing the physical effects of anxiety, disease, hunger, or fatigue.这些形容词都是表现了焦虑、疾病、饥饿或疲惫对身体造成的影响。〔attack〕an attack of hunger; an attack of melancholy.饥饿感觉的侵袭;感到忧郁〔patience〕"No fear can stand up to hunger, no patience can wear it out" (Joseph Conrad).“没有恐惧能比饥饿更可怕,任何耐力也难以克服饥饿” (约瑟夫·康拉德)。〔Jamestown〕A former village of southeast Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in America. It was founded in May 1607 and named for the reigning monarch, James I. The "Starving Time" of 1609 to 1610 nearly wiped out the colony, and only the timely arrival of Baron De La Warr with supplies convinced the survivors to remain. Jamestown became the capital of Virginia after 1619 but was almost entirely destroyed during Bacon's Rebellion (1676) and further declined after the removal of the capital to Williamsburg (1698-1700).詹姆斯敦:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部的原村落,第一个英国人在美国的固定居住点。建立于1607年5月,被指定为属詹姆士一世的君主统治。1609年到1610年的“饥饿时代”几乎将这个殖民地抹去,但巴龙·德·拉·沃带着补给的及时到来给幸存者带来了信心。1619年后詹姆士镇成为了弗吉尼亚州的首府,但是在1676年的巴尔干叛乱中它几乎被毁,随后在首府迁往威廉斯堡后日渐衰落〔famine〕Severe hunger; starvation.极度饥饿饥饿〔famish〕Latin famēs [hunger] 拉丁语 famēs [饥饿] 〔hunger〕The discomfort, weakness, or pain caused by a prolonged lack of food.饥饿:由于长时间未进食造成的不适、虚弱或疼痛〔famine〕from faim [hunger] 源自 faim [饥饿] 〔empty〕"More fierce and more inexorable far/Than empty tigers or the roaring sea"(Shakespeare)“比饥饿的老虎或狂啸的大海更猛烈更无情”(莎士比亚)〔starvation〕The act or process of starving.饥饿:挨饿的行为或过程〔emaciate〕To make or become extremely thin, especially as a result of starvation.使消瘦:使或变得极瘦,尤指饥饿所致〔famish〕To undergo starvation and die.饿死:遭受饥饿并死亡〔macerate〕To cause to become lean, usually by starvation; emaciate.使消瘦:通常通过饥饿使变瘦;使消瘦〔personification〕A figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form, as inHunger sat shivering on the road or Flowers danced about the lawn. Also called prosopopeia 拟人,人格化:给无生命的东西或者抽象的东西赋予人的个性或绘以人的形象,如在句子饥饿站在路上颤抖 或 花儿在草地上翩翩起舞 也作 prosopopeia〔insistent〕insistent hunger.需要注意的饥饿〔esurient〕Hungry; greedy.饥饿的;贪婪的〔stoic〕"stoic resignation in the face of hunger"(John F. Kennedy)“对饥饿的坦然接受态度”(约翰F.肯尼迪)〔hungry〕Experiencing a desire or need for food.饥饿的:感到食欲或进食的要求的〔Hamsun〕Norwegian writer whose novels includeHunger (1890) and The Growth of the Soil (1917). He won the 1920 Nobel Prize for literature. 汉姆生,努:(1859-1952) 挪威作家,作品包括《饥饿》 (1890年)和 《大地的成长》 (1917年)。他获得1920年诺贝尔文学奖 〔gnaw〕Hunger gnawed at the prisoners.饥饿折磨着犯人们〔starve〕To force to a specified state by starving.饿死:用饥饿的手段强迫达到某一特定状态〔sense〕a sense of fatigue and hunger.疲劳和饥饿的感觉〔hunger〕To have a need or desire for food.饥饿:有食欲或有进食的要求〔underside〕"hunger, isolation, filth, the underside of[a] hellish regime" (National Review)“饥饿,隔离,道德败坏, 魔鬼制度的阴暗面” (国内评论)〔empty〕Needing nourishment; hungry:饥饿的:需要营养的;饥饿的:




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