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释义 〔Taney〕American jurist who served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1836-1864). In the Dred Scott decision (1857) he ruled that slaves and their descendants had no rights as citizens.陶尼,罗杰·布鲁克:(1777-1864) 美国法学家,曾担任美国最高法院的首席大法官(1836-1864年)。在对德雷德·斯科特一案(1857年)的判决中他裁定奴隶和他们的后代不得享有公民权〔foreperson〕The chair and spokesperson for a jury:首席陪审员:陪审团主席和发言人:〔Hyde〕English politician who was chief adviser to Charles I during the English Civil War and served as Lord Chancellor from 1660 to 1667.海德,爱德华:(1609-1674) 英国政治家,英国内战期间任查尔斯一世的首席参政,1660-1667年任大法官〔front〕"Goodman . . . became the first major white bandleader to front an integrated group"(Bill Barol)“古德曼…成为领导混合人种乐团的首席白人乐队指挥”(比尔·巴罗尔)〔prothonotary〕The principal clerk in certain courts of law.首席书记官:某些法院中的最高书记官〔Hauk〕American soprano. Greatly successful in Europe, she sang the title role in the American and British premieres ofCarmen (1878). 豪克,敏涅:(1851?-1929) 美国女高音歌唱家,在欧洲取得巨大成功,歌剧《卡门》 (1878年)在美国和英国首次公演时由她担任首席女高音 〔Busch〕German-born Swiss violinist and conductor best known for his work as leader of the Busch Quartet, an internationally acclaimed chamber group formed in 1919.布什,阿道夫·乔治·韦伯:德裔瑞士小提琴演奏家和作曲家,因其担任布什四重奏乐团首席小提琴手时的作品闻名,该乐团是成立于1919年的具国际声望的室内乐团〔master〕Used as a title for a man who serves as the head or presiding officer of certain societies, clubs, orders, or institutions.总经理:用于某一社团、俱乐部、组织或机构的首脑或首席主管的头衔〔Ellsworth〕American jurist and politician. A U.S. senator from Connecticut (1789-1796), he worked on the legislation that created the federal court system (1789) and later served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1796-1800).埃尔思沃思,奥利弗:(1745-1807) 美国法官和政治家。作为一名来自康涅狄格州的参议员(1789-1796年),他致力于立法工作,创立了联邦法院系统(1789年),后来成为美国最高法院首席大法官(1796-1800年)〔Muhlenberg〕German-born American religious leader of all Lutheran groups in the colonies. His sonJohn Peter Gabriel (1746-1807) was a Revolutionary soldier and a U.S. representative from Pennsylvania (1789-1791, 1793-1795, and 1799-1801). Another son, Frederick Augustus (1750-1801), was a delegate to the Continental Congress (1779-1780) and a U.S. representative (1789-1797) who served as the first speaker of the house. 穆伦贝尔格,亨利·梅尔希奥:(1711-1787) 德裔美籍宗教领袖,美国殖民地信义会的领导者,他的儿子约翰·彼德·加布里埃尔 (1746-1807年)是位美国革命军士兵,曾作为来自宾夕法尼亚州的美国国会议员(1789-1791,1793-1795和1799-1801年)。另一个儿子, 弗雷德里克·奥古斯都 (1750-1801年),是大陆会议代表(1779-1780年)和美国众议院首席议长(1789-1797年) 〔concertmistress〕A woman who is the first violinist and assistant conductor in a symphony orchestra.女首席小提琴手:在交响乐队中的女首席小提琴手兼助理指挥〔solicitor〕The chief law officer of a city, town, or government department.法官:城市、城镇或政府部门的首席法律官员〔Pears〕British tenor noted for his reedy tone and vocal agility and as chief interpreter of the vocal works of composer Benjamin Britten.皮尔斯,彼得·奈维尔劳德爵士:英国男高音,因其高而尖的嗓音和灵活的发声,并充当作曲家本杰明·布里顿的声乐作品的首席诠释者而著称,〔Lebrun〕French painter, designer, and courtier. As head of the French Royal Academy and principal painter to the king, he had a major influence on the development of the Louis Quatorze style.勒布朗,查尔斯:(1619-1690) 法国画家、设计师和路易十四的朝臣。他是法国皇家学院的院长,国王的首席画师,对路易十四风格的发展产生重大影响〔foreman〕A man who chairs and speaks for a jury.首席陪审员:陪审团主席和发言人〔foreperson〕"A jury gives no reasons for its decision; it reaches a collective result, announced by the foreperson"(Hiller B. Zobel)“陪审团对其决定不说明任何理由;它做出集体的决定并由首席陪审员宣布”(希勒B.佐贝尔)〔chairman〕The presiding officer of an assembly, a meeting, a committee, or a board.主席:议会、会议、委员会或董事会的首席官员〔Schwarzkopf〕German soprano. The foremost female interpreter of lieder of her time, she is also known for her performances in the operas of Strauss and Mozart.史瓦兹柯夫,唐·依莉萨白:德国女高音。她是她那个时代抒情曲首席女解析者,同时也因其在斯特劳斯和莫扎特歌剧中的表演而闻名〔forewoman〕A woman who chairs and speaks for a jury. Also called forelady 女首席陪审员:陪审团的女主席和发言人 也作 forelady〔upsize〕"the chief executives  saw the combined value of their share options upsize by $36.6 million on the day [the] layoffs were announced"(The Economist)“首席营运官在宣布裁员的当天发现认购权的联合价值上升三千六百六十万美元”(经济学家)〔leader〕The principal performer in an orchestral section or a group.首席演奏员:在交响乐团某一乐器组或乐团中的主要演奏者〔Burger〕American jurist who served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1969-1986).伯格,沃伦·厄尔:(生于 1907) 美国最高法院首席大法官(1969-1986年)〔Stockholm〕The capital and largest city of Sweden, in the eastern part of the country on the Baltic Sea. Founded in the mid-13th century, it grew as a trade center allied with the Hanseatic League. Stockholm was the leading city of the kingdom of Sweden after 1523 but did not become the official capital until 1634. The Nobel Institute is here. Population, 653,455.斯德哥尔摩:瑞典首都及最大城市,位于该国东部,邻波罗的海,建于13世纪中期,后发展成与汉撒同盟结盟的贸易中心斯德哥尔摩于1523年后成为瑞典王国的首席城市,但直到1634年才成为正式的首都诺贝尔学院座落于此。人口653,455〔Hughes〕American jurist and politician who was appointed an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1910) but resigned to make an unsuccessful bid for the presidency (1916). He served as secretary of state (1921-1925) and later as the chief justice of the Supreme Court (1930-1941).休斯,查尔斯·埃文斯:(1862-1948) 美国法理学家和政治学家,1910年被任命为美国最高法院陪审法官,1916年辞职参加总统选举失败。1921年至1925年任国务卿,1930年至1941年任最高法院首席大法官〔Taft〕The 27th President of the United States (1909-1913), whose term was marked by antitrust activity and passage of the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act (1909). He later served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1921-1930).塔夫脱,威廉·霍华德:(1857-1930) 美国第二十七届总统(1909年—1913年),在其任期内展开了反信贷的活动并通过了佩恩-阿尔德里奇关税法案(1909年)。后来他担任了美国最高法院的首席大法官(1921-1930年)




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