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单词 首脑
释义 〔boss〕A professional politician who controls a party or a political machine.首脑,党魁:控制政党或政治机器的职业政治家〔governor〕The American Revolution did away with much that was British,but it neglected to discard an important British political term.The wordgovernor certainly seems to denote a very American office, and England has no corresponding official with that title for its counties.Nonetheless,governor has had a long history in English with reference to political rulers. In Middle Englishgovernour, the ancestor of governor, meant both "a sovereign ruler" and "a subordinate or substitute ruler.”In the later sense it was a natural term to use for heads of the British colonies in North America as well as elsewhere.During our colonial periodroyal governors were often unpopular,yet the word was not dropped after the Revolutionary Warand in fact was chosen to designate the executive head of a state when the United States of America was created.美国独立战争扫除了英国的许多东西,但却忽略了摒弃一个重要的英国政治术语。governor 这个单词肯定被看作是一个美国官方职务, 因为英国没有这样的官方职务。然而governor 作政权统治者含义在英国有很长的历史。 在中世纪的英语里,governour 是 governor 的前身, 意思是“主权统治者”和“下一级统治者或代理统治者。”用后一个意思来指英国在北美的殖民地或其他地方的首脑是很贴切的。在美国殖民地时期,皇家总督不大为人所知,然而这个词在独立战争以后并没被废除,实际上它被用来指美国建国以后各州的州长了〔master〕Used as a title for a man who serves as the head or presiding officer of certain societies, clubs, orders, or institutions.总经理:用于某一社团、俱乐部、组织或机构的首脑或首席主管的头衔〔protector〕The head of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1653 to 1659.护国公:从1653年到1659年统治英格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰组成的英联邦的首脑〔head〕A person who leads, rules, or is in charge; a leader, chief, or director:首脑,领导,负责人:领导、统治或管理的人;领袖、头领或指导者:〔Laval〕French politician who twice served as prime minister (1931-1932 and 1935-1936) and became head of the Vichy government (1942) after the surrender of France. He was executed for treason for his collaboration with the Nazis.拉瓦尔,皮尔:(1883-1945) 法国政治家,两次出任法国总理(1931-1932年和1935-1936年),并在法国投降后成为维希政府的首脑(1942年)。他因与纳粹合作被以叛国罪处死〔symposiarch〕The master or director of a symposium, especially one in ancient Greece.讨论会(座谈会或专题报告会)的首脑或主席,尤指古希腊时的〔frontline〕"leaders of the six black ‘front-line states’ bordering South Africa"(Boston Globe)“与南非相邻的六个黑人‘前线国家’的首脑们”(波士顿环球)〔governor〕The manager or administrative head of an organization, a business, or an institution.管理者:一个组织,企业,公司或学院的首脑〔aggregate〕"An empire is the aggregate of many states under one common head"(Edmund Burke)“帝国是具有共同首脑的多个国家的总和”(埃德蒙·伯克)〔lady〕A woman who is the head of a household.女主人:被认为是家庭首脑的女性〔stateswoman〕"In foreign policy,[she] relishes her role as a senior stateswoman of the West" (Boston Globe)“在对外政策上,[她] 热衷于作为西方政治的首脑地位” (波士顿环球)〔Rastafarianism〕Amharic ras [head, prince] 阿姆哈克语 ras [首脑,王子] 〔lean〕"Company leaders know their industries must be lean to survive"(Christian Science Monitor)“公司首脑们知道他们必须节俭才能维持事业”(基督教科学箴言报)〔magistral〕from Latin magister magistr- [former chief officer of a college or band of priests] * see meg- 源自 拉丁语 magister magistr- [以前的大学的首脑或者大主教] * 参见 meg- 〔cosmic〕"a coming together of heads of government to take up the cosmic business of nations"(Meg Greenfield)“各国首脑集会以处理各国的各方面事务”(梅格·格林菲尔德)〔patriarchy〕A social system in which the father is the head of the family and descent is traced through the father's side of the family.父权制社会制度:一种社会制度,父亲是家族的首脑,后代按父方家族的血统追溯〔Laemmle〕German-born American film producer. He was a founder (1912) and later the head (1920-1936) of the Universal Pictures Corporation.莱姆勒,卡尔:(1867-1939) 德国裔美国制片人。他是国际电影公司的创始人(1912年),后来成为公司的首脑(1936年)〔vicegerent〕A person appointed by a ruler or head of state to act as an administrative deputy.摄政者,代理人:由国家统治者或者首脑指派的行政代理人〔hetman〕Old High German houbit [head] * see kaput- 古高地德语 houbit [首脑] * 参见 kaput- 〔episcopacy〕A system of church government in which bishops are the chief clerics.主教制:以主教为首脑的教会管理体制




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