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单词 马克思
释义 〔magic〕"For me the names of those men breathed the magic of the past"(Max Beerbohm)“对我来说,那些人的名字带着昔日神秘的魅力”(马克思·比尔博姆)〔dialectic〕The Marxian critique of this process.马克思对这一过程的批评法〔Freiberg〕A city of east-central Germany east-northeast of Karl-Marx-Stadt. It was founded in the 12th century as a silver-mining camp. Population, 51,290.弗赖贝格:德国中东部一城市,位于卡尔·马克思城的东北偏东。在12世纪建立为一银矿区。人口51,290〔superstructure〕In Marxist theory, the ideologies or institutions of a society as distinct from the basic processes and direct social relations of material production and economics.上层建筑:马克思主义理论中,与物质生产的基本过程、直接社会关系和经济相区别的社会思想形态或制度〔Barzun〕French-born American educator, author, and historian whose works includeDarwin, Marx, Wagner (1941), The American University (1968), and The Use and Abuse of Art (1974). 巴曾,雅克·马丁:(生于 1907) 法裔美国教育家、作家和历史学家,著作有《达尔文,马克思,瓦格纳》 (1941年) 《美国的大学》 (1968年)和 《艺术的使用和误用》 (1974年) 〔Hook〕American philosopher known for his studies of Marxism, especiallyTowards an Understanding of Karl Marx: A Revolutionary Interpretation (1933). 胡克,锡德尼:(1902-1989) 美国哲学家,以其对马克思主义的研究而闻名,尤其是《对于卡尔·马克思的理解:一个革命性的阐释》 (1933年) 〔Marxism〕The political and economic ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, specifically a system of thought in which the concept of class struggle plays a primary role in analyzing Western society in general and in understanding its allegedly inevitable development from bourgeois oppression under capitalism to a socialist society and thence to Communism.马克思主义:卡尔·马克思和佛雷德里奇·恩格斯的政治、经济理论,尤指其思想体系。该思想体系中,阶级斗争观念对于西方社会的总体分析以及资本主义阶级压迫、资产阶级最终由社会主义社会所代替并最终到达共产主义的分析上起着重要的作用〔bourgeoisie〕In Marxist theory, the social group opposed to the proletariat in the class struggle.资产阶级:马克思的理论中,在阶级斗争中与无产阶级对立的社会集团〔communism〕The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.共产主义:共产主义学说的马克思--列宁主义,拥护通过无产阶级革命推翻资本主义〔Faraday〕British physicist and chemist who discovered electromagnetic induction (1831) and proposed the field theory later developed by Maxwell and Einstein.法拉第,迈克尔:(1791-1867) 英国物理学、化学家,发现电磁感应(1831年)并提出相应理论,后被马克思沃尔和爱因斯坦进一步发展〔Marx〕German philosopher, economist, and revolutionary. With the help and support of Friedrich Engels he wroteThe Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das Kapital (1867-1894). These works explain historical development in terms of the interaction of contradictory economic forces, form the basis of all communist theory, and have had a profound influence on the social sciences. 马克思,卡尔:(1818-1883) 德国哲学家、经济学家、革命者。在弗雷德里奇·恩格斯的支持和帮助下,完成著作《共产党宣言》 (1848年)和 《资本论》 (1867-1894年)。这些著作从对立的经济力量相互作用、相互影响的角度阐述了历史的进步与发展,成为社会主义的理论基础,在社会科学的许多方面产生深远的影响 〔Engels〕German socialist theorist and writer who met Karl Marx in Paris in 1844 and collaborated with him onThe Communist Manifesto (1848). 恩格斯,弗雷德里希:(1820-1895) 德国社会主义理论家及作家,1844年他在巴黎与卡尔·马克思相逢并从此与其开始合作《共产党宣言》 (1848年) 〔Marxian〕One that studies, advocates, or makes use of Karl Marx's philosophical or socioeconomic concepts as a method of analysis and interpretation, as in political economy or historical or literary criticism.马克思主义者,马克思主义追随者:研究、推广马克思主义或在政治经济学、历史或文艺批评等领域利用马克思的哲学或社会经济学概念进行分析或阐释的人〔dissociate〕"Marx never dissociated man from his social environment"(Sidney Hook)“马克思认为人与社会环境绝对无法分离开”(悉尼·胡克)〔Bakunin〕Russian anarchist and political theorist who was imprisoned and later exiled to Siberia for his revolutionary activities. He escaped to London (1861), where he opposed Karl Marx. Bakunin's theories of anarchy are considered the antithesis of Marx's communism.巴枯宁,米克海尔·亚力山德罗维奇:(1814-1876) 俄国无政府主义者和政治理论家,因其革命活动曾被关进监狱,后来被流放到西伯利亚。他于1861年逃亡伦敦,在那里他反对卡尔·马克思。巴枯宁的无政府主义理论被认为是马克思共产主义政府的对立〔Marxist〕One that believes in or follows the ideas of Marx and Engels, especially a militant Communist.马克思主义者:马克思和恩格斯主义信仰者或追随者,尤指富于战斗精神的共产党员〔Communist〕A member of a Marxist-Leninist party.共产主义者:马克思--列宁主义政党的一员〔dialectic〕Often dialectics (used with a sing. or pl. verb)The Marxian process of change through the conflict of opposing forces, whereby a given contradiction is characterized by a primary and a secondary aspect, the secondary succumbing to the primary, which is then transformed into an aspect of a new contradiction. 常作 dialectics (与单数或复数动词连用)马克思辩证法:马克思通过对立力量冲突取得变化的过程,此处给定的矛盾具有主要和次要两个方面,矛盾的次要方面展从于主要方面,然后,主要方面转变入新矛盾的一个方面〔bourgeois〕In Marxist theory, a member of the property-owning class; a capitalist.资产阶级:在马克思的理论中,所有者阶层的一员;资本家〔Stalinism〕The bureaucratic, authoritarian exercise of state power and mechanistic application of Marxist-Leninist principles associated with Stalin.斯大林主义:与斯大林有关的官僚、国家权威和对马克思-列宁主义理论的机械运用〔loopy〕"the loopy energy of Harpo Marx"(Michael Wood)“汉普·马克思超常的精力”(迈克尔·伍德)




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