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单词 马其顿
释义 〔Chaeronea〕An ancient city of eastern Greece. Philip of Macedon defeated a confederation of Greek states here in 338b.c. 克罗尼亚:希腊东部一古城。公元前 338年马其顿的菲利浦在此击败希腊邦联军 〔Philippic〕Any of the orations of Demosthenes against Philip of Macedon in the fourth centuryb.c. 抨击腓利王演说:公元前 4世纪,德摩斯梯尼反对马其顿国王腓利二世的演说之一 〔Macedon〕An ancient kingdom of northern Greece originally occupying territory north of Thessaly and northwest of the Aegean Sea. It was the center of a powerful empire under Philip II and his son Alexander the Great and contributed significantly to the spread of Hellenistic civilization. It became the first Roman province in 146b.c. 马其顿:原为居住地的希腊北部古王国,位于塞萨利以北和爱琴海西北。马其顿在腓力二世及其子亚历山大大帝统治时期是强大帝国的中心,对希腊文明的传播贡献巨大。公元前 146年成为罗马第一个省 〔Cynoscephalae〕Two hills of southeast Thessaly in northeast Greece. The Theban general Pelopidas was killed in battle here (364b.c. ). Later (197) the Roman general Flaminius decisively defeated Philip V of Macedon at Cynoscephalae. 库诺斯克法莱:色萨利东南的两座山,位于希腊东北部。塞尔维亚将军佩罗皮达斯在此地战死( 公元前 364年)。后来(197年)在库诺斯克法莱,罗马将军弗拉米尼决定性地战胜了马其顿国王菲利浦五世 〔denar〕A basic unit of currency in Macedonia.戴纳:马其顿基本货币单位〔Phocis〕A historical region of central Greece north of the Gulf of Corinth. In early times (before 590b.c. ) it controlled the oracle at Delphi. The region was ultimately conquered by Philip II of Macedon. 福基斯:希腊中部一历史地区,位于科林斯湾以北。古时候(公元前 590年以前)它控制着德尔斐神殿。最终这个地区被马其顿王国的腓力二世征服 〔Macedonian〕The language of ancient Macedonia, of uncertain affiliation within Indo-European.古代马其顿语言,与印欧语系语言从属关系不明的〔Macedonian〕Of or relating to ancient or modern Macedonia or its peoples, languages, or cultures.马其顿:关于古代或现代马其顿或其民族、语言或文化的〔Plovdiv〕A city of south-central Bulgaria on the Maritsa River southeast of Sofia. Originally built by Thracians, it fell to Macedonia in 341b.c. and to Rome in 46. The city changed hands frequently in the Middle Ages and was controlled by Russia from 1877 to 1885. Population, 378,000. 普罗夫迪夫:保加利亚中南部一城市,位于马里查河河畔、索非亚东南。它最初由色雷斯人建立,公元前 341年落入马其顿之手,46年又被罗马吞并。在中世纪该城的统治权频繁变换;从1877年到1885年它一直被俄国控制。人口378,000 〔Flaminius〕Roman politician and general who defeated the Macedonian forces at Cynoscephalae (197).弗莱明尼斯,提图斯·昆克提斯:(227?-174) 罗马政治家和将军,在锡诺斯克法莱山(公元前197年)击败马其顿军队〔Lamia〕A city of east-central Greece northwest of Athens. Founded c. fifth centuryb.c. , it was the site of the Lamian War (323-322 b.c. ) between the confederated Greeks and the Macedonian general Antipater, who was besieged in the city for several months before his ultimate victory. Population, 41,667. 拉米亚:希腊中东部的一座城市,位于雅典的西北部。该市大约于公元前 5世纪建立,希腊联邦与马其顿将军安提帕特之间的拉米亚战争( 公元前 323年-322年)就爆发于此地,安提帕特将军在该市被困几个月后最后取得胜利。人口41,667 〔Olynthus〕An ancient city of northeast Greece on the coast of Macedonia. As head of the Chalcidian League after the late fifth centuryb.c. , it opposed the threats of Athens and Sparta but was captured briefly by Athens and subjugated by Sparta in 379. Philip of Macedon destroyed the city in 348. 奥林索斯:希腊东北部,马其顿区一海滨古城。作为公元前 5世纪晚期哈尔基斯城邦联盟的首领,它曾极力与雅典和斯巴达相抗争,但在被雅典占领了一小段时间而后又于379年被斯巴达征服。马其顿国王腓力于348年摧毁了该城 〔deni〕A unit of currency in Macedonia.代尼:马其顿货币单位〔Macedonian〕The Slavic language of modern Macedonia, closely related to Bulgarian.斯拉夫语:现代马其顿的斯拉夫语,与保加利亚语有密切联系〔Potidaea〕An ancient city of northeast Greece in Macedonia. Founded as a Corinthian colony in 609b.c. , it revolted against Athens in 432 but was reconquered in 429 after a two-year siege. Philip of Macedon destroyed the city in 356. 波提狄亚:希腊东北部马其顿区的古城。该城于公元前 609年作为科林斯的殖民地建立起来,公元前432年,该城发生了反抗雅典人的起义,但经过两年围攻于公元前429年又一次被征服。马其顿的菲利浦于公元前356年毁了这城市 〔Ptolemy〕An Egyptian dynasty of Macedonian kings (323-30b.c. ). The Ptolemies included Ptolemy I (367?-283?), a general in Alexander the Great's army who succeeded him as ruler of Egypt (323-285), and Ptolemy XV (47-30), who ruled as coregent (44-30) with his mother, Cleopatra. 托勒密王朝:由马其顿国王统治的埃及王朝(公元前 323-30年),托勒密国王包括 托勒密一世 (公元前367?-283?年),他是亚历山大大帝军队中的一位将军,并继他之后成为埃及的统治者(公元前323-285年),最后一位国王是 托勒密 十五世(公元前47-30年),他和他的母亲克利奥帕特拉共同执政(公元前44-30年) 〔Lysimachus〕Macedonian general under Alexander the Great. He ruled Macedonia from 287 to 286.利西麦克斯:亚历山大大帝帐下一名马其顿将军,在287到286年期间统治马其顿〔Mysia〕An ancient region of northwest Asia Minor. It passed successively to Lydia, Persia, Macedon, Syria, Pergamum, and Rome.密细亚:小亚细亚西北的一个古代地区,它相继受吕底亚、波斯、马其顿、叙利亚、佩加马和罗马管辖〔Pella〕An ancient city of Greek Macedonia. It was the capital of Macedonia from the fourth century to 168b.c. , when the territory was conquered by the Romans. 培拉:古希腊马其顿一古城,它从4世纪至公元前 168年被罗马人征服为止一直是马其顿王国的首都 〔phalanx〕A formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears, developed by Philip II of Macedon and used by Alexander the Great.步兵方阵:举着搭接着的盾牌和长矛的步兵队伍,由马其顿的菲利普二世发明,被亚历山大大帝使用〔Antipater〕Macedonian general and regent (334-323) who governed the empire during Alexander III's military campaigns. He served again as regent in 321 to 319.安提帕特:马其顿王国的将军和摄政者(公元前334-323年),在亚历山大三世军事战争期间统治帝国。公元前321至319年间再次摄政〔Philippi〕An ancient town of north-central Macedonia, Greece, near the Aegean Sea. It was the site of Antony and Octavian's decisive defeat of Brutus and Cassius in 42b.c. 菲利皮:希腊马其顿中北部一古镇,濒临爱琴海。公元前 42年,安东尼和渥大维在此决定性地打败了布鲁图和凯撒 〔Parthia〕An ancient country of southwest Asia corresponding to modern northeast Iran. It was included in the Assyrian and Persian empires, the Macedonian empire of Alexander the Great, and the Syrian empire. A Parthian kingdom lasted from c. 250b.c. to a.d. 226, reaching the height of its influence and land holdings at the beginning of the first century b.c. Its people, of Scythian stock, were noted as horsemen and archers. 帕提亚:亚洲西南部的一个古国,位于现在的伊朗东北部。它曾被亚述帝国和波斯帝国,亚历山大大帝的马其顿帝国及叙利亚帝国统治。存在于公元前 250年到 公元 226年间的帕提亚王国在 公元前 1世纪初时影响和版图都达到其顶峰。其居民为锡西厄族人,以骑手和射手而著称 〔Pieria〕A region of ancient Macedonia. It included Mount Olympus and Mount Pierus, seat of the worship of Orpheus and the Muses.比埃里亚:古代马其顿一地区,它包括奥林匹亚山和皮尔鲁斯山,俄耳甫斯和缪斯的朝圣地〔Demosthenes〕Greek orator whose reputation is based mainly on hisPhilippics, a series of orations exhorting the citizens of Athens to rise up against Philip II of Macedon. 狄摩西尼:希腊演说家,他的成名主要基于勉励雅典市民起来反抗马其顿国王腓力二世的一系列演讲《强烈抨击》 〔Stagira〕An ancient city of Macedonia in northeast Greece, the birthplace of Aristotle.斯塔吉拉:马其顿的一座古城,位于希腊东北部,是亚里士多德的出生地




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