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单词 马匹
释义 〔hostler〕One who is employed to tend horses, especially at an inn.马夫:受雇照看马匹者,特别是客栈中〔caballero〕One who is skilled in riding and managing horses; a horseman.骑士:技艺娴熟驾驶马匹的人;骑士〔packhorse〕A horse used as a pack animal.驮马:用作运载动物的马匹〔post〕To bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horse's trotting gait.在马鞍上起伏振动:随着马匹快速的步伐节奏而在马鞍上上下颠簸〔sidesaddle〕A saddle designed so that the rider sits with both legs on one side of the horse.女鞍,横鞍:一种设计成可使骑马者两腿都放在马匹一侧的鞍子〔hack〕A horse used for riding or driving; a hackney.乘用马:用于乘坐或骑用的马匹;役用马〔bard〕A piece of armor used to protect or ornament a horse.铠甲:保护或装饰马匹的盔甲〔Poseidon〕The god of the waters, earthquakes, and horses, and brother of Zeus.波塞顿:掌管海洋、地震及马匹的神,是宙斯的兄弟〔hack〕To let out (a horse) for hire.出借(马匹)以供别人租用〔housing〕Often housings Trappings for a horse. 常作 housings 马巾:装饰马匹用的布巾〔horsewhip〕A whip used to control a horse.马鞭:用来控制马匹的鞭子〔remuda〕American Spanish [change of horses, remuda] 美国西班牙语 [替换的马匹,马群] 〔tandem〕A team of carriage horses harnessed in single file.排成一条单的纵行被套着的一队拉车用的马匹〔hackamore〕A rope or rawhide halter with a wide band that can be lowered over a horse's eyes, used in breaking horses to a bridle.辔头:一种绳索或生皮笼头,带有一条宽带,可以用来遮住马的眼睛,用于勒停马匹〔remount〕To supply with a fresh horse.重新给…配装马匹〔racehorse〕A horse bred and trained to race.赛马:饲养并训练用来参赛的马匹〔groom〕A man or boy employed to take care of horses.马夫:被雇来照看马匹的男人或男孩〔tongue〕The harnessing pole attached to the front axle of a horse-drawn vehicle.辕杆:马车前轴上固定着的控制马匹的长杆〔postilion〕One who rides the near horse of the leaders to guide the horses drawing a coach.左马驭者:骑在领马附近引导马匹牵引马车的人〔rein〕To control a horse, for example, with reins.驾驭:控制马匹,例如用缰绳〔tandem〕driving horses in tandem.驾驭排成纵行的马匹〔roundup〕The workers and horses employed in such herding.赶拢牲口的人或其马匹〔slow〕"the horses' laggard pace" (Rudyard Kipling).“马匹落后的步伐” (拉迪亚德·基普林)。〔travois〕from French [frame for restraining horses] 源自 法语 [控制马匹的框架] 〔lariat〕A rope for picketing grazing horses or mules.套索:用于捕捉放牧马匹的绳子〔rein〕Often reins A long, narrow leather strap attached to each end of the bit of a bridle and used by a rider or driver to control a horse or other animal. 常作 reins 缰绳:附在马勒的马嚼子两端的长而细的皮绳,骑者或者车夫用来控制马匹或其他动物〔Hyksos〕A Semitic people who invaded Egypt and ruled it during the 17th and 16th centuriesb.c. They introduced the horse and chariot into Egypt. 西克索人:于公元前 十六至十七世纪侵略并统治埃及的闪族人,他们并将马匹及战车引进埃及




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