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单词 驯化
释义 〔goat〕Any of various hollow-horned, bearded ruminant mammals of the genusCapra, originally of mountainous regions of the Old World, especially any of the domesticated forms of C. hircus, raised for wool, milk, and meat. 山羊:一种空心角的,长须反刍的。山羊 属哺乳动物,起源于东半球山地地区,尤指一种驯化的 公山羊 品种,饲养用来采皮,挤奶和产肉 〔bronc〕A bronco.野马,半驯化的马,小马〔zootechny〕The domestication, breeding, and improvement of animals; the technology of animal husbandry.畜牧学:动物的驯化、饲养和改良;动物饲养的技术〔naturalize〕To adapt or acclimate (a plant or an animal) to a new environment; introduce and establish as if native.使(动、植物)顺化:使(植物或支物)适应或驯化在一个新的环境;当作土生的介绍和安置〔wild〕Occurring, growing, or living in a natural state; not domesticated, cultivated, or tamed:野生的,未驯化的,未经栽培的:生长在或生活在自然状态下的;未被驯化的、没有耕种的或未驯养的:〔domesticate〕To train or adapt (an animal or a plant) to live in a human environment and be of use to human beings.驯养:驯化动植物从而使其在人类环境中生存并造福于人〔domesticity〕The quality or condition of being domestic.驯化的性质或情况〔bronco〕A wild or semiwild horse or pony of western North America.美洲野马:北美洲西部野生或半驯化的马或小马〔gape〕gapes (used with a sing. verb)Veterinary Medicine A disease of birds, especially young domesticated chickens and turkeys, caused by gapeworms and resulting in obstructed breathing. gapes (与单数动词连用)【兽医学】 张口病:鸟类尤其是驯化的小鸡、火鸡的一种疾病,因张口病线虫引起并导致呼吸困难〔sire〕Abbr. s.The male parent of an animal, especially a domesticated mammal such as a horse.缩写 s.雄性种畜:动物亲代中雄性的一方,尤指被驯化的哺乳动物,例如马〔tame〕Brought from wildness into a domesticated or tractable state.驯化的:从野生状态被带入一种养驯的或温顺状态的〔tame〕To make tractable; domesticate.使…温顺;驯化〔mallard〕A wild duck(Anas platyrhynchos) of which the male has a green head and neck. Most domestic ducks descend from the mallard. 绿头鸭:一种野鸭(绿头鸭) ,其雄鸟具有绿色的头和颈。大部分驯化了的家鸭都是绿头鸭的后裔 〔indomitable〕Latin domitāre [to tame] [frequentative of] domāre [to subdue] * see demə- 拉丁语 domitāre [驯化] domāre的重复动词 [屈服] * 参见 demə-




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